
The Monster Among Men

Follow the story of Jason Gilah, an anomaly, a being that tilt the balance of the universe itself due to his immense power, as he faced The Outsiders, The Rulers, and eventually the entire world.

Mr_Hollow · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 6: The Real Hunt Begins

"Three, no, four, no, six! There are six of them, and all of them are chasing me. I have to somehow find a way to erase my trace, otherwise I won't make it." Amisha told herself, as she was running for her life, carrying the boy who was none other the monster himself, trying to reach the only one who could possibly get her out of this situation.

At this point, she had left the Gobo Mountain, and currently running through cities at the speed of around 65km/hour. Everything was fine, until

"Huh? Oh God, there are more of them!" as she sensed about 30 more people were chasing her as well.

Some of them were really strong and could actually outrun her, realizing that she couldn't escape them, the next best thing to do was to hide. She observed her surrounding to try to find places to blend in. However, at that specific date, there aren't many normal people walking around the streets for obvious reason.

There were a lot of hunters that were circling the area to find the potential monster, hunters that she kept trying to avoid, but right now, it isn't going to work, as she has to hide rather than outrunning the pursuers. And then she saw a subway entrance right up a head, she slowed down just at the right speed and immediately entered the subway station. In there she saw an old beggar and she approached her.

"Excuse me, hey ehm... I was wondering, can I trade my clothes for yours?"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the chase.

"Really, the entire SHR is currently hunting the monster as well?" Percy asked as the three of them as well as the rest of the response team were joining the chase.

"Yeah, apparently when Jacob told the higher ups about the incident, the information blew up, right now hunters around the area are being notified about it," Frank answered.

"Who the hell are we chasing anyway, who in their damn mind even thought of saving the monster, when literally everyone is hunting it?" Ray yelled.

"Well, you will be surprise. There are rumors of an underground organization that actually believe that the monster is a divine god." Percy said.

Ray laughed, "Pfttt Ahahahhahah, now that is just ridiculous, welp rumours is just rumours after all."

Frank was silent, he looked scared for some reason. Percy noticed it and asked, "What is the matter?"

"If those rumors are true, the information we just gave out might actually attract them to our target."

Both Percy and Ray were shocked.

"Holy shit, you are hecking right!"

As they were about to continue their conversation, the chase stopped at a subway station. One of the hunters approached the three of them.

"Mr. Frank Reece, the trace lead us to her," as he points to an old woman who was just sitting on the ground with a rather nice cloths.

"Ehm... Are you sure kid? I don't think an old woman like that could actually run at a speed of over 60km/hour." said Ray.

Percy seemed to agree with Ray, "Yeah, I don't sense any power surging from her, her strength is below average, even for normal human standard."

Frank walked closer to the woman and poked her back. The woman turned around to see who poked her.

"Madam, I have to ask you a question, has someone recently came here, a boy or a girl that looks rather suspicious?"

"Ooh, well.. ehm I wouldn't call her suspicious or anything, but there is a girl just right about now who offered me her clothes, she was such a lovely girl. Perhaps she is who you are referring to?" the woman replied.

"Oh.. ehm.. maybe. Was she alone? Could it be possible that she was with a baby?"

The woman nod her head"Oh yes, she did bring a baby with her."

"Where is she now?"

"I am not sure, we exchanged cloths in the restroom, She left the restroom before me, once I went out, she was already gone."

"I see, thank you."

Frank walked away from her and began thinking, hard as the entire operation was at stake.

"A baby huh, chances are the baby is the monster, but why is she protecting it? No, that is not important, right now my job is to find her, but this whole time we were tracking her powers instead of herself. When she used whatever her power is, she emitted a wave of energy that will leave a residue in everything she touched, the ground, the air, including her clothes. That is why we managed to track her this entire time. But if she decided to turn off her power and get rid of everything she touched, then there is nothing to trace her by... Shit!"

Frank began to panic and frustrate until it clicked, there is one thing she touched that she didn't get rid of, which was none other than the monster itself."

As the chapter ends.