
The Monrach of Creation

jjkjjjjjjjjjjjjjj · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

The System

.... Along time ago when monsters were only fairytale the great witch of nirvana cursed the world in her anger causing fairy tails to come alive in the form of rifts after 10 days the rift would finish forming causing what's known as a leak . Before man kind had awakened super natural abilities this led to a great number of casualties so Gaia intervened and gave one third of the population abilities these abilities ranked from o ,f ,e ,d ,c, bb ,b ,a ,aa ,aaa, s ,ss, sss ,and what's now referred to as U . A singular u rank being is said to have the power to kill even the strongest gods however currently the highest rank anyone has ever achieved was SS and here at the hunters academy we are only able to raise you up to C rank . bell rings* "Alright guys that's enough class for today make sure you study for exams next month , class dismissed."Hey Min woo you gonna get drinks with us later? It would be greatly appreciated with ur poisen resistance sub skill we can drink to our hearts content." "No sorry big guy but I'm busy studying for exams next week I'll catch yall later though" I walked down the sidewalk alone going to buy some instant noodles when I suddenly felt dizzy and fell to my knees . "Pzzt HELLO WELCOME TO THE MONRACH SYSTEM , HERE WE TEACH YOU HOW TO BE A GOD LEVEL BEING , FIRST THOUGH LETS BEGIN WITH THE TUTORIAL SAY START TO BEGIN."Did someone drug me?!what's happening I'm so confused God level being ? Ok I just need to calm down uhh let's see do I press start or what hmm it seems my hand goes right through the screen hmm start! "STARTING TUTORIAL, YOU HAVE THREE DAYS TO PREPATE THEN YOU WILL BE TRANSPORTED TO XENOCHAMBA OTHERWISE KNOWN AS TRAING GROUND 1A" I....what's going on. Alright kwt me summarize whats going on so basically I got 3 days to prepare to go to some training ground, but train for what I'm not even a awakened I haven't heard of any system appearing for other awakened before either . Well i better get in shape and prepare for anything in the mean time i need money to buy food I dont know how long ill be stuck there so ill bring 3 months worth of rations. Chapter 1 End. Chapter 1 End.