
The Monarch and The Fox King

Disclaimer I do not own the cover image. The cover image was found on Google images. Amalia stood before the altar; her head held high as the priest asked the groom if he took Amalia to be his beloved wife to love and respect. Michael did not have a chance to answer the priest as Valentina rushed forward and screamed, that man is already my husband. Taking revenge for her disgrace, Amelia was given a second chance at life and even at love.

EvaPeony · Fantasia
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22 Chs

The Gods of Old & New

The world fell into chaos to the extent that not even the mighty Celestial Immortals could do anything to stop it. Xiao had not only awakened beings long forgotten but also opened up every gateway at her disposal, bringing forth beings of myth and legend, creatures of the purest darkness.

It turned out Xiao's uncle had also found his way into their current world and had deemed himself the High Immortal. Who needed to go home when one's enemy was already here? Xiao thought as she raised mountains and triggered volcanic eruptions.

This world they now called home needed to be reshaped to one suitable for their kind.

"Little Sister should reconsider," Sakura placed a slender hand on Xiao's shoulder, cherry blossom petals dancing in the air.

After having regained her powers to their fullest extent, Xiao helped the cherry blossom spirit take on human form, granting her all the cultivation of a thousand years to make up for all she had gifted her in her dormancy.

Now the two sisters stood at opposing, ends Xiao wanted to burn the world down while Sakura wanted to nurture it. Sakura believed the creatures in their new world were innocent and shouldn't suffer due to the sins of their forefathers.

While Xiao insisted the sins of our ancestors followed us until the end of time, and thus if she could not take revenge on those who wronged her in each lifetime, she would destroy their descendants.

Xiao had restored the Snake King's memories as promised, only now that she was once again a Deity, she did more than repair the memories of their current world. She awakened one of the cruelest of Kings in their history.

Blood coated the Golden Kingdom as Tarkhan reclaimed his lands and throne, destroying all traces of the Cobra King.

While the Scorpion Queen sided with Sakura's faction in an attempt to create a stable world, and thus the war between the gods of old and new began.

Ria and Coatl were whisked away by the Mother Goddess to a place none would ever dare venture. The Mother Goddess had salvaged the children's souls from the underworld depths. She wanted to give the children and their parents a second chance, but that was impossible.

Song and Xiao rained chaos everywhere they went creating a place only the dead could live in. Long forgotten was the child they had left in Silver Night Palace.

Caihong remained as loyal as ever even if her Mistress's method scared her. It was futile, no matter how much Zarin attempted to convince Caihong to leave Xiao's side. Thus, Zarin did what dragonflies do best and adapted to their circumstances, siding with the Queen of Eternal Rebirth.

The war between the Celestial Immortals and the Deities of Old raged for eight hundred years until the long-forgotten children returned and ended the war with the blessing of the Mother Goddess.

Coatl could not bring himself to extinguish his mother; therefore, with the help of Ria, he sealed her away in an eight-story pagoda with the ninth floor hidden from all, thus making it Xiao's actual prison.

Song attempted to slip away only to be trapped deep within the depths of the abyss, a place forgotten by the world. The Silver Fox was sealed away with the blood of Xiao in an attempt to keep him from ever being released, but little did the world know this was a play long in the making.

The Monarch and the Fox King would not be vanquished so easily; they would sleep and buy their time for their role in the world was far too grand for anyone to understand.

As Xiao was sealed in the pagoda, she bowed to return when the world was at its ripest. Sakura fearing her sister would find a way to escape, gave up her cultivation to add a final seal on the pagoda. So long as her roots encircled the building, no one could get in or out, placating the hearts of mortals and immortals worldwide.

Tae had slipped away through the chaos and vowed to set his Master free; thus, the Silver Night Sect was born, and the Era of Rebirth began.

For the next ten thousand years, the world was at peace, but all that would soon change for balance was always required, and the gods of old could only be kept down for so long.

On the eighth night of the eight-month, a child with Divine Eyes was born, and the earth quavered, causing one of Song's seals to break. That child would be the catalyst to awakening the long-forgotten gods.

Of course, there was still someone who remembered, and thus under cover of the night, the old Wolf whisked the child away. He would ensure the child grew to obey him so that she may set his Master free. If only the old Wolf knew who the Divine child was.

The seal on the pagoda had faded long ago, allowing Xiao's soul to escape and be reborn as the Divine child.

Caihong and Zarin had been rescued by Tae on the night their Masters had fallen and thus now lived deep within the Silver Fortress, a place old those gone mad ever tried to cross.

The old Wolf handed the child for the lovers to raise in secret as the world could not know he was the one who took her out of the Imperial Palace.

The child born of a foreign mother was supposed to bring fortune to their Kingdom but instead great sadness befell their people.

The Queen, whose face their people had never seen, died of heartache at the loss of her only child, and the King banned all magic within his lands, which meant countless cultivators were pushed out to find a home elsewhere or be persecuted.

Not even the royal mages could escape the King's rampage, for he believed magic was to blame for his daughter's disappearance and his Queen's death. With that, the Age of Doubt was born, or as the commoners called it, the Era of Madness.

How's everyone doing? It's been a while. Can anyone guess what comes next? ^.*

EvaPeonycreators' thoughts