
The Monarch and The Fox King

Disclaimer I do not own the cover image. The cover image was found on Google images. Amalia stood before the altar; her head held high as the priest asked the groom if he took Amalia to be his beloved wife to love and respect. Michael did not have a chance to answer the priest as Valentina rushed forward and screamed, that man is already my husband. Taking revenge for her disgrace, Amelia was given a second chance at life and even at love.

EvaPeony · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


The night's slaughter was still brought before the King. The people claimed a demonic beast was running wild as four families had been found drained of all their blood. Song looked at report after report, and all followed the same details a wraith-like being seeped into people's homes while they slept and stole their souls.

It was amusing what mortals would claim just to calm their own nerves. At this point, Song was aware of what Xiao had done, but even so, he needed to pretend like he cared. After all, this mountain and all that surrounded it belonged to him.

Xiao sat beside Song as he listened to the morning reports. How tedious she preferred their first night together. Xiao had gotten tasty food and cute little trinkets, but the palace was too drab. Song had insisted on keeping Xiao within arm's reach out of fear she would take off again and cause more havoc.

It seemed Dara had not learned her season the night before. She instigated many court members to not so subtly suggest Xiao was the cause of the chaos.

Rather than responding, Song looked at them as if he had no care in the world, which was somehow worse than facing his wrath.

Xiao took delight in picturing all the ways she would torment Dara.

"Pardon my King," a fawn spirit stepped forward, "but if we do not take care of this matter quickly, the people may request the Celestial Immortals for help."

Like those bozos would help anyone, Xiao thought to herself just as an idea formed, "why not have Lady Dara handle this?"

The court members siding with Dara looked a tad bit baffled. Why would the King's current women suggest something that could bring Lady Dara great honor? Unless Lady Xiao wasn't as Lady Dara had described. How crude of Lady Dara to try and tarnish Lady Xiao's reputation; for whatever reason, the court members felt ashamed.

Lady Xiao was such a delicate-looking lady. How could they have believed she had a wicked heart as Lady Dara had proclaimed. If only the court members knew Xiao could not only hear their every thought but could also manipulate it to her favor.

Dara had no choice but to accept Xiao's suggestion as it was evident, that she had lost this round.

"If Dara cannot find a solution by the end of the week, she will be sent away," Song proclaimed as a form of dismissal.

Taking Xiao by the hand, they vanished from the throne room, appearing before the old peach tree.

Caihong had flown down the mountain, and thus they were alone.

"What exactly did you do last night?" Song asked.

Xiao took a seat atop one of the protruding roots crossing her legs. She leaned forward, elbows on her knees, and blatantly lied, "I'm not quite sure; my mind is somewhat fussy." It was too soon to tell Song what had happened, but so long as he thought her feeble, it could work in her favor.

For Xiao to lure the Enlightened Immortals of Celestial Mountain, she needed to be able to work within the shadows. Meaning the events of the previous night could not under any circumstance be repeated. It also meant that they couldn't go home until Xiao could come face to face with Song's father.

As she drank his blood, Xiao realized that before going home, Song needed to have the cultivation his father had stolen from his mother. The Fox Queen had lived far longer than any being in this realm, but unfortunately, she was betrayed by her own heart.

When the Fox Queen fell in love with Song's father, she didn't realize their relationship would condemn all of her kin. To become an Enlightened Immortal, Haoyu deceived the Fox Queen and, with the help of his disciples, destroyed the entire fox clan leaving nothing but ash in their wake.

Thanks to the actions of Haoyu and his disciples' many members of the Fox King's court had either lost someone during that dreadful night or had their cultivation stolen. There wasn't a single member of the Fox King's court who didn't wish to see the end of the Celestial Immortals as they now called themselves.

Xiao had said it before, and she would say it again; she was not a merciful being. Thus, she would ensure the fall of the so-called Celestial Immortals, and then she would return home to deal with yet another tyrant.

Song could read just about everyone's thoughts except for Tae, and now it seemed his Xiao would be added to that list. He felt there was something Xiao wasn't telling him, but it wasn't like he could pry it out of her.

To lighten the mood, Song asked, "Where did Caihong go?"

Xiao tapped her fingers against her chin as if she didn't know she'd sent the little bird to create chaos for Dara.

As innocently as before, Xiao said, "I don't know."

Song was about to ask something else when Caihong fluttered in, barely holding on. This time the revelation that went through the mountain and even the continent came from Xiao.

"Who dared harm you?" the fury in Xiao's eyes made even Song take a step back. Tae appeared as if summoned by the wind and disappeared just as quickly when Song gave orders to find out who had attacked Caihong.

Xiao did not care for Song's promises; all she wanted was to restore the little bird to her original condition. Locking herself in her room, Xiao proceeded to heal the little bird. Caihong was the only one who truly knew her heart, the only real family she had left. Xiao would be damned if she lost her.

The night fell as quickly as the new day began, and Caihong still would not wake. The longer the little bird slept, the more vital energy she lost. Placing a protective barrier around Caihong, Xiao set out to find the source.

Xiao was not surprised when she followed the magic imprint left on Caihong and found Tae hiding Dara. From the moment they arrived, Xiao had taken in her surroundings and made sure to find the wolf's weakness. Of course, if Tae was looking for the culprit, the real villain would never be found, and her little bird would die.

"You will wake her and restore all that you've taken." With a flick of her hand, Xiao sent a magical needle toward Dara. Tae ended up taking the needle straight into his heart; he fell to the ground and started to scream in agonizing pain. "I do not care that Song favors you, "Xiao moved as swiftly as if she were on her wings, "you do not harm my people and live to not regret it.

Xiao produced another energy needle and throve it into Dara's abdomen, "now wake Caihong and return her stolen energy."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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