
The Moments I Owe You

They dated each others back in middle school and met after three years of separation "Liu! " It was her, Yi Liu "It's me, Ryu... Yu Ryu. " "Ryu." Murmuring the name for while," Sorry, I think I don't know you. " What made her said that? " Were you in a relationship with Liu during middle school". "Yea". "The thing is that she has forgotten about you, she had an accident". "What! Accident". Yes! A tragic accident changed everything. What would Yu Ryu do about his first love? Will Yi Liu remember back the past? "LIU, WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER, PROMISE ! " Status - Ongoing Author - Senjiro

Senjiro10 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

The Meeting

At the cafe, Yu Ryu and Yu Zin entered.

Zin,"Man, it's hot outside." He glanced and suddenly he saw a girl sitting alone sipping the drink.

"Hey, Minyu what are doing here!? Shouldn't be in country Y", went towards her.

Upon hearing her name being called out, she turned to see

Nodding , Minyu " I came back yesterday"

Zin " Bro Yu, this is Xu Minyu, my elder cousin from my mom's side",sitting down

Minyu looked up

" You must be Yu Ryu, his handsome paternal cousin, I heard a lot about you. You really good looking though. "

Yu Ryu smiled at the compliment.

Zin "Anyways, why are you here alone? Waiting for someone? " said sitting down

Xu Minyu nodded

"Right but it's been about an hour and yet she hasn't come or read the text. I was thinking of going home but good thing that you came. Can we go the mall? I have some things to buy."

"I came to follow bro Yu to the art shop. So, I can help you after that. You can follow, if he is okay. " looked at Ryu.

Yu Ryu nodded.

After some time, they continued on their way.

Yu Zin and Xu Minyu were having their brother- sister talks. While, Yu Ryu followed them silently.

Xu Minyu, "I haven't told you that I won't go back. I going to study here. "

"Are you sure about that?" Laughed'" You can't even speak well , talking about natively. " Yu Zin laughed.

"Xu Minyu!" Ryu suddenly called out.

"Yes", turned back.

Yu Ryu hesitated.

"Do you know someone by the name... "

Before Ryu could finish what he was about to ask. Minyu sight was interrupted by the alley at the side.

She angrily raised her voice and moved forward, " There you are! Why didn't you come or answered the phone? '

"Shh... You will scare it".

A girl answered. She was patting a street cat.

"Come? Didn't you tell me at 5pm? It's just 3 now", taking out her phone

"Oh! It is on silent mode", apologizingly.

That time, the voice of the girl was somewhat familiar to Ryu. He remembered someone who was his life at one time. Without hesitating without knowledge of himself, he suddenly called,

"Liu! "

On hearing her name, she turned back.

"Did someone call me? "

Yu Ryu found it was her. The same voice, the similar face, aura but something was not right. It was right. It has been 3 years, things have change but this change was not the same as the other changes was.

Xu Minyu, "Do you know each other? "

Liu, " Excuse me. Who are you? Do I know you? "

The words ' Who are you? ' shocked him.

"It's me, Ryu... Yu Ryu".


She spaced out. She felt that she had heard the name. Murmuring the name for while, she tried to rememberred it.

" Sorry, I think I don't know you. "

That even stunned him more. Gaining his posture back,

"Is that so? Looks like I mistook for someone else". He shook it off.

