

This man was different from the men Una often see in the village. Handsome, no, more like refined. He was wearing a colorful purple robe and didn't look haggard even in this weather. His skin was fairer even compared to the opposite sex and the few drops of sweat he had was making his face shinier and glowing.

Even his slightly long hair was combed and tied behind him with only a few strands framing his face. Compared to Una who already looked haggard since this morning followed by that run in the forest, he especially looked refreshing.

Still staring at the stranger, Una was guarded but she didn't know how to get Ling from the man.

While also looking at her, the man laughed, "You don't have to be so horrified. Osa doesn't eat babies, he had better taste than that."

Una didn't speak so the man continued while still smiling, "I mean no harm. I and my companions were also a part of your clan. You're from the Mal'it Clan, am I right?" Una nodded slowly.

"Good, maybe you can help me." The man was still talking but stood up from his crouching position, making Una take back a step, remaining vigilant.

The man paused to smile when he noticed the slight movement, "I asked Osa to find the village since it looks like we were a little lost.It's my first time here and they had me be the scout." The man shook his head, expressing what he thought of this decision.

He opened his mouth to speak again but his smile disappeared when he looked intently at her, "You have scratches on you. Did Osa led you through a thorny bush?"

However, when he looked more closely, he was even more surprised. He never thought that someone in this small village will have this much power.

Seeing that the girl was still not speaking, the man laughed, "Never mind about your scratches. It looks like they're healing rapidly. But I was telling the truth. Why don't I pass this cute boy to you then you can go to your village to ask some adult to talk to me while I stay here?"

It seemed like we forgot about Ling. Ling didn't like being ignored and it was already the second time today. Now, he even felt like this guy was bullying his sister.

Having a different mood from before in his little adventure, Ling was pouting when the man passed him to Una.

With only a few steps away from each other, Una and the man both extended their hands to pass the baby. Suddenly, they noticed something leaking from the bundle. The man sniffed and frowned, "It looks like this kid just peed on me."


The whole village was bustling because of the visitors that day. They only noticed that there was a carriage being pulled by big and muscular horses, followed by several men posing as guards. The destination of this entourage was the house of one of their elders, Shaman Matnaad.

"I heard it was Una, the chief's daughter who immediately welcomed them."

"Yeah, these people were from one of the cities in the central island. A part of our clan?"

"What are they doing here?"

That was most of the gossipers' questions. The chatter continued which eventually made the news spread to all the houses. It was not like the Mal'it Clan was a large clan.

The people inside the carriage also heard the talk outside and the previously described refined man smiled and whispered to himself, "So her name was Una, the chief's daughter."

To refute what most probably thought, the gossip did not come from Una. After talking to the stranger and taking Ling home first, she went to the council hall at the center of the hilltop.

There was always an elder available for conversation inside or you can ask some apprentices for help. When Una entered the hall, she saw some apprentices walking while carrying some papers or on a desk, writing some important looking things. While she was still determining where to start looking, an elder came out of one of the inner rooms and noticed her.

The elder had a really dignified air with his straight, long white hair and beard. His walk and posture was also determined.

When he noticed the girl, he smiled and walked to where the bewildered Una was standing. She saw that the 'mist' was non-existent around the elder but felt that there was a heavy aura coming from him so she was not able to speak immediately.

However, before Una could get back her bearings, the old man reached her and spoke, "Do we have a visitor? Some of the 'mist' around the village were stirring."

Her eyes widening, Una nodded, amazed.

The old man smiled slightly because of her reaction and continued, "You can go back home now. Wait for your father and tell him to look for me once he's back."

Una nodded again, bowed and left the building. Meanwhile, the old man called for one of the walking apprentices and ordered him to do some things to welcome the visitors. This assistant was the source of the current rumors.

Back to the events after that, in the house of Shaman Matnaad, the visitors have arrived.


That young man who bullied Una, at least according to Ling, was the first to enter the house with his arms extended, intent on giving the old shaman a hug. The old man beared the intrusion and patted the young man's back.

"You've really grown and gotten a lot stronger. The last time I saw you was when you were ten and training to harness your power."

"Yes, grandpa, that was a long time ago. So I'm here to take you back with me."

"What take me back? State the real reason you're here."

"Elder, we just came for a visit. Young Master, here, was on an outside training and decided to visit you." The visitors that were riding in the carriage were also already inside the house while the guards would be waiting outside.

"Oh, never mind that," the young man waved his hand at that explanation, "Then can I take one of the villagers here to be an apprentice in the city? You know there were more opportunities there."

Slightly frowning, the old man inquired, "Who are you referring to? Do you think the children here will be strong enough for the chaos in the city?"

Smiling, the young man replied, "I heard she was the chief's daughter. She has too much power for a small village like this. It's a waste to have her stay here and be a hunter's wife, producing children until she's saggy."

Through all this chattering, they weren't able to hear someone else entering the room aside from the sudden change in the flow of the 'mist'. The one they were partly talking about, the village chief, entered the room.

Since everybody else inside did not know this man, it was the shaman who remarked his appearance.

"Ah, Bobo, this young man here is my grandson, Alon."

Pleased because of that introduction, Alon turned to the new person in the room. He had a bigger but politer smile on his face, "Good day, chief. I'm here visiting my grandfather and I would also like to ask for your daughter to come with me once I go back to the city."