
Sindy and Andrew

Sindy and Andrew were barely holding on. Their enemy was much stronger than expected. They now understood what Instructor Brady meant when he warned them about being overconfident. They were outclassed in many different ways.

"Aagh!!" Screamed Andrew in pain. He had taken a solid kick to the gut that tossed him into the side of a nearby house.

"Andrew, are you okay?!" Asked Sindy worriedly.

"I'm fine. I managed to block his kick at the very last second. It's just the knockback that hurt."

Their enemy grinned like a maniac with a red metal scythe leaning comfortably against his shoulder. He was of a medium complexion with dark brown eyes, shaggy black hair, and a nasty scar present across his right cheek. He also wore a tattered brown cloak that made him look even crazier.

"Are you kids done already? That's a shame because I'm just getting started!" He laughed in a high-pitched voice.

"Who the hell are you anyway?" Asked Sindy sternly.