


Nathan screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice was filled with despair from his physical and emotional trauma. He felt lost and helpless. Sindy and Andrew could easily be killed, and the entire village was in danger. He constantly failed to protect those around him, and it was driving him mad.

Nathan clenched his teeth. He no longer felt in control of himself. He felt saddened and angry. His emotions were slowly driving him crazy. Adrenaline seeped through his veins and began numbing his pain. If he couldn't rewind time, then he at least wanted to make the Beast King pay.

Despite his broken leg, Nathan forced himself to stand. Blood pitter-pattered to the ground from the crown of his head. He was in terrible condition, but his rage waxed hot.

Slowly, he began limping toward the Shadow Beast while the Beast King grinned with delight. Nathan ignored his pain and rushed forward. He was determined to wipe the grin off the Beast King's face.