
A Plan

There was tension in the air as the six assassins sat at the back of the combat jet, discussing their findings. They only had a few more minutes before they had to meet up with Jorge and the other Art Users. So far, most of their findings only led to small theories and undecisive conclusions. It was a little frustrating.

"So it really was a Spawn Point that caused all of this..." Said Sindy grimly.

"We don't know for sure if that's true as yet. That's just what the Art Users told Chief Sawyer," replied Leo.

Instructor Brady puffed his cigar with suspicion. His worried gaze could almost be seen through his sunglasses.

"Instructor, is something bothering you?" Asked Nathan.

"It's just that these claims all feel fabricated to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Wherever there's a Spawn Point, there's also a high concentration of Demon Beasts. But according to what this Jorge guy told Amanda, the attacks are highest at nighttime. That makes no sense."

"I agree," supported Leo. "Spawn Points behave completely randomly. They don't normally have a set time when they create Demon Beasts. It's very strange that they're only creating Demon Beasts at night. To make the entire ordeal even stranger, Spawn Points are very aggressive. They summon entire hoards of Demon Beasts that keep spawning in waves. It's impossible to clear them out and keep their numbers under control, even if you had a large army of thousands fighting them."

A deafening silence spread through the aircraft as the assassins pondered. It was becoming a lot more worrying that the mission would be a lot more difficult than they had originally anticipated.

"What do we do then, Instructor?" Queried Amanda.

"I say we go back to the village and kick those Art Users' asses! Something about those guys just doesn't feel right!" Proposed Andrew.

"Remember, we can't make any rash moves here. We need more details before we—"

"I agree with you, Andrew! You could be my son!" Shouted Instructor Brady in agreement.

"What?! But Instructor—"

"Here's the plan, so listen up! I don't feel like staying here much longer, so we're getting to the bottom of this before tomorrow morning! We'll be splitting up into two teams. The first team will include me, Leo, and Andrew. We'll be going with a few of the Art Users deeper into the forest to investigate the Spawn Point. The second team will include Amanda, Nathan, and Mindy—"

"It's Sindy!!"

"Yeah, Mindy, whatever! Amanda, your team will be responsible for keeping the villagers safe. Do not leave the village unless told otherwise. If I need anything, I'll radio in and let you know how to proceed. Any questions?"

"I feel like we're moving a little fast here, but your instructions were simple enough," sighed Amanda.

"Alright! Let's finish this mission then!"

A few minutes later, they arrived in the middle of Lamara Village as planned. The sun was just about to set, and the stars had begun to reveal themselves. There, Jorge and a small group of five other Art Users had been waiting for them. Also standing close by were Chief Sawyer, Blake, and Mika.

"Where's the rest of your group, Jorge? I'm certain there are more of you," questioned Amanda.

"Well, we have to leave some of them behind to stop the Demon Beasts from advancing on the village," he answered. "So which one of you is the real leader of this group of heroes?"

"That would be me. You can just call me Brady. I'll be keeping your company tonight."

"Heh— Fair enough. Should we get going then?"

"Wait!" Suddenly interrupted Blake. "I want to help you guys fight the Demon Beasts! Take me with you!"

Chief Sawyer quickly pulled him back in denial. Mika also remained quiet with a timid expression.

"Blake, I told you already. Leave this to the professionals. I'm not going to send you out into danger, knowing very well you could die!"

"This isn't fair! If you don't allow me to fight and get stronger then how am I supposed to protect the village when I'm older?! How am I supposed to become a hero?!"


"Damn it all! Mika, help me out here! Persuade dad to let us join them!"

To Blake's disbelief, Mika refused. She timidly stepped back, shaking her head. Due to this, Blake clenched his teeth and ran off to the other side of the village in frustration.

"I apologize for my son's outburst. He's been like this ever since his mother died," apologized Chief Sawyer.

"I know what you mean. But it's always best to put your family's safety first, even if it causes a disagreement. I would know that..." Calmly stated Instructor Brady. "In any case, it doesn't change what the rest of us have to do. Andrew and Leo, you're with me and the Art Users. The rest of you should remain here to protect the village in case any Demon Beasts get past us. Protect the villagers with your lives."

Everyone agreed before they started moving into their assigned positions. However, right before the others left, Nathan and Sindy stopped Andrew.

"Andrew, be careful out there. This is the first time we've done anything like this, so stay close to the Instructor and listen to what he tells you," said Nathan.

"Exactly. As troublesome as you are, we wouldn't want to lose you. Be safe out there," supported Sindy.

Andrew grinned, "Don't worry about me! I'll be back before you know it. Just ensure that you two keep the villagers safe."

Instructor Brady then called out to Andrew, signaling him to hurry up. With one final nod, Andrew ran toward them, leaving Nathan and Sindy behind.

"Okay, that just leaves the rest of us," began Amanda. "Chief Sawyer and Mika, I'd appreciate it if you and the other villagers could go indoors for now, where it's safe. Don't leave unless told otherwise."

"Thank you. I'll see to it that everyone gets indoors before the attacks start. I just have one request if you'll hear me out."

"Go on."

"Please protect Blake and prevent him from running off. He's a good kid with a troubled heart. He and Mika haven't been coping well since their mother died. But Blake is especially rebellious because of it. Promise me you'll protect him."

The assassins quickly reassured Chief Sawyer that everything would be okay. They were intent on protecting every villager.

"You have our word," promised Nathan.

With that, Chief Sawyer left the assassins to do their job, feeling reassured by their words.

"Now that's dealt with, let's discuss the next step," continued Amanda. "We'll stick together and deal with any Demon Beasts that attack. There are bound to be a few that get into the village. However, once it gets a little darker, the attacks will increase. We'll need to split up to cover more ground once that happens."

"Understood," acknowledged both Sindy and Nathan.

"For now, we can take it a little easy since we have some time. Is there anything you two would like to ask me?"

"Well, there is one thing, but it's kinda unrelated..." Mentioned Sindy.

"Don't hold back. We're all friends here."

"I noticed that you and Leo are quite close. You're always together, and it seems like you two are usually dispatched on missions as a duo."

Amanda's cheeks burned red from Sindy's observation. She had a subtle look that made her seem quite vulnerable.

"Leo and I go way back. We both grew up in an orphanage without knowing anything about our families. We were told that our families were killed by Demon Beasts before we even had the chance to know them. But having Leo by my side always seemed to fill that void in my heart. We even enlisted for AA together."

"So none of you knew who your parents were?" Asked Nathan dimly.

"We didn't, and I believe that's what made us understand each other. But I wouldn't change how things are now even if I could go back in time. There are a lot of other people like us that grew up without a family. So I consider myself lucky that I had someone like Leo by my side to make life feel worthwhile."

Nathan and Sindy almost felt sorry hearing Amanda's story. However, the sweet smile she wore said it all. She was okay with how her life had turned out so far. She was happy with just having Leo by her side.

"Hey, Amanda, do you have feelings for Leo?" Asked Sindy.

"Uhh!! Ha... That's a pretty forward question... I probably do, but I'd never tell him that..."


"Because I'm a coward. I tried to tell him a few times, and it always went over his head. But I'm partially to blame since all I do is give him hints without words. It only makes sense that he isn't sure how I feel about him."

Sindy glanced over at Nathan with a subtle look before answering.

"I can relate to that..."

"Uh, sorry to interrupt, but I think I heard some kind of growl coming from the other side of the village," interrupted Nathan.

Amanda and Sindy quickly got themselves on guard. They knew that it could easily be a Demon Beast.

"It seems that the first Demon Beast has shown up. Come on, you two! I'll walk you through how to deal with these abominations!"