
new styles.

kenichi and Miu continued their practice with Miu learning a new technique called panzer künst.

Miu attacked kenichi with a swift flying Roundhouse kick which kenichi dodged Miu did a mid air twist and landed on the ground dodging kenichi's spinning hook kick and preforming a swift sweeper kick but kenichi having been trained in jujutsu Preformed a roll and came up with a rising uppercut, Miu span outside off it delivering a back spin fist, kenichi ducked under it and sent her back with a move called fending off Monkees the circle block and double palm push sent Miu backwards but Miu performed a hand spring and came at kenichi with a Cannon spike.

kenichi side stepped it as Miu landed and kenichi grabbed her by the hem of her gi and Preformed a Sommer Sault throw.

Miu landed using her finger to push herself up before coming at kenichi with a rolling Axe kick.

kenichi clenched his fist and delivered a light Shöryūken.

the sparring over they called it a wrap.

renka came over and asked kenichi to spar.

kenichi assumed his Fighting stance when renka performed a fast barrage of thrust kicks " take this lightning kick." she shouted.

kenichi quickly put up his Seikuken.

Renka then flipped upside down and Preformed a spinning split kick.

" Spinning Bird Kick!" shouted renka.

"who taught you this?" asked kenichi.

" my uncle Hakubi taught me this style now for the finisher Kikūken!" she shouted.

Kenichi countered the spiralling chi ball palm strike with his Isshin seiken zuki. he was holding back out of fear of hurting her but he remembered to honor his sparring partner.

kenichi was finished sparring when takéda called him over.

" hey shirahama-kun check out my knewest move master Shiba taught me." he said.

takéda shifted his weight from one side to the other in a weave that was like a figure eight before throwing a series of hooks and smashes in an almost limitless combo.

" it's called a Dempsey Roll but I like to call it the Rolling Thunder Punch." he said.

kenichi wondered how renka managed to learn the moves of Chun LI that was a mystery as he himself taught Miu panzer künst and a Dempsey Roll was actually a real boxing punch since it was created and named by Real life Boxing legend Jack Dempsey.

while kenichi was pondering these things the elder came up to him and said Ken-Chan We want Sakaki to Take you on a business trip.

kenichi smircked he wanted to test his knew sword Style so he went and grabbed his gunblades and went to the garage downtown to fetch his custom built motorcycle he built himself the machine was based off the motor bike from Akira he built it even giving it a newly designed Turbo Booster Engine or TBE.

when kenichi pulled up on it everyone was surprised.

"well he's ready we'll leave tomorrow." said Sakaki.

kenichi had enough time to teach takéda how to channel Ki Into His fist he wanted to help takéda becom even stronger so he taught him how to apply ki into his fist and to deliver a special uppercut based off his Dragon uppercut called The Rocket Upper.

with this takéda would eventually learn How to replicate Dudley's fighting techniques.

so kenichi decided to keep up his training to create Pure Pink Muscle Tissue.

for the record Cammie's style was based off of panzer künst from alita battle angel. so I decided to call it that and as for takéda since Dudley's fighting style is based off of hajimé no ippo characters I've decided to give him a mix of the Demosey roll the Flicker jab the counter punch and some other fun moves cioa

ian_brookscreators' thoughts