
The Midnight Stir

Trigger warning : This novel is a dark romance with a dark plot , graphic violent and sexual situations . Please do not read the story if you will not like the plot or have negative comments over the language or content ; kindly so . -- She thought the roses were a gift , a sign of love from a secret admirer . But the roses were a warning , a sign that he is coming . And when she met him at midnight , she knew that her life would never be the same . As the nightmares continued , she began to wonder if she is better off with the roses than without them . The story revolves around a young woman who comes from a prestigious family but wants to make her own mark in the world. Milica has big dreams and is determined to achieve them on her own, without relying on her father’s wealth and influence. She works hard and has graduated with degrees and bachelor’s, but her life takes a dark turn when she starts having nightmares about a man with a haunting and intimidating face that resembled one of the devil's . At first, she thinks it’s just a nightmare, but when she starts receiving red roses on her eighteenth birthday, she realizes that something sinister is going on. As the years go by, the mysterious gifter continues to send her roses, and she starts to feel like she’s being followed. Her anxieties and panic increase when her room is filled with roses on her nineteenth birthday at midnight when everyone has just left her birthday celebration . She tells her father, and they hire security to protect her. But the nightmare never ends, and she becomes increasingly desperate to find out who is behind the gifts. On the night of her celebration of graduating , she meets the man who has been haunting her dreams and sending her roses. He is totally different than the man from her nightmares . But is it truly him or is she just guessing by how her heart raced and how the hair on her neck stood when he locked gaze with her more than necessarily ? But what happens when he pursues her and demands she marries him ? Claiming that is the only way she would be safe and protected , within his space . Is he the danger ? And why would she want to marry the man who makes her tremble with a single gaze and make the hairs at the back of her neck stand in attention ? Why would she approach danger ? Or is he truly the danger she should be running away from ? -- A/N : The book cover is originally mine and this is my first book , so please support me and leave your comments , and please keep in mind that English isn't my native language but I'll be sure to give you guys the best content .

Dark_Dime · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

The memories

Mila sat for a few minutes after the woman left , going through her thoughts and trying to calm her heart pace before she stood up and headed to the door . She questioned the guard if he saw anyone leave her room . For a second , the guard's face masked itself in panic before he pushed open the door and entered the room .

Mila shook her head lightly , explaining that she just felt like someone was in her room . She did not want to say how a woman with long black hair that almost reaches her knee , dressed in full black clothes and has long black nails and emerald green eyes has entered her room and claimed that the roses protect her and that she is not the mysterious gifter but she will soon meet the mysterious gifter and he is a man and she must not chase him away once he arrives because he keeps her safe and without him , she dies . It was all strange and out of the ordinary . By saying that , she would be taken to the psychiatric hospital and that will please her father's side of the family more , since they have all claimed she is delusional and mentally unstable .

The nightmares are something haunting and gruesome . They are images that imprint theirself in one's mind forever .

The mysterious red roses with thorns have started to appear on her eighteenth birthday , she is now about to turn twenty one years old , yet the roses still manage to haunt and drag out chill boning emotions out of her . The shadows are what she grew up with . She couldn't point out exactly how old she was when she first saw a huge shadow with a hunched bag , razor teeths and sometimes a fury body . If she could guess , she hadn't yet reached the age of seven .

Whenever she would visit her father's family for the holidays or whenever her mother would drop her off there ; the shadows would appear and the only person who ever knows about the shadows and would always be there to cover her small body from the shadows she only sees was her mother . So when the shadows would appear when she is at her grandparents farm , no one would know what to do and she is the only person who would ever see the shadows . She will cry , scramble to the corner , hug her tiny self while she trembled and screamed for help or for the shadows to stay away from her .

Like she had said , no one saw the shadows other than her . When she had first screamed and cried at one of the shadows in her grandparents home, Lailah , the daughter of her aunt had cried too and dashed out of the room to inform the other family members . The memories were still clear in the back of her head . Her father's family had entered the room and questioned why she is crying . The shadow had stood by the darkest corner of the room , glowering down at her and the family members . Her aunt who had always never loved her and her mother had said how crazy she is , just like her mother and now that their past is haunting them back . Which past ?

Mila was taken from hospital to hospitals , therapist to therapists , counselors to counselors and to every psychologists that her father could ever find . Her mother wasn't very supportive to the idea of Mila going to see other people and telling them of their 'family problems' . Mila had grown up to think her mother just doesn't want their family business out the in public and her mother had confirmed it by saying people will use it against her father and his businesses . Which is a stupid reason now that she has grown up . Like how the hell?

But it was too late for her mother to stop the matters from spreading because her father's sister , her aunt had gone to the media and had even gone to interviews to talk more about Mila's health . The media had addressed Mila as a mentally unstable child that sees what others don't see . Many words were addressed to her that have hurt her and done many more things .

The history is a full journal and many more journals filling a whole library of a double story building . She just sympathies the person who would sit down with her and ask to know more about her life . To how she was famous at the young age other than being famous for being Maxwell's Woods daughter than being a lunatic of a child ; to how she was betrayed by her father's family of the side ; to end up growing without knowing your mother's family of the side because the woman never mentions her family; to being home schooled ; to meeting Victoria and Sophia unexpectedly and then braving up and pleading to her parents that they release her to go to school like a normal teenager ; to drinking ; to partying ; to hiding from the paparazzi and avoiding the blacklash of the public for being unnormal ; to think of suicide but never committing it because she thought she had something worth living for ; to getting her first kiss and then getting betrayed by her first ever boyfriend that promised her the world ; to being pranked by "friends" by going to a frat party alone where they said they would all meet and end up being alone and almost getting raped and having a huge fight with parents and deciding to leave the house in the middle of the night and ending up at your friend's house and seeing that friend having an out-of-the-world sex with your ex boyfriend that you all considered a monster after his betrayal to you . The story goes on , but Mila has learner to forgive but never forget . By the way Victoria was the one fucking with her first ex boyfriend.

You have a kind heart Milica , a kind heart that will get you hurt or either killed . Her grandmother from her father's side had said to her . The only person from that family who had stayed when she had mental breakdowns and treated her like a normal kid and not like some lunatic kid who her aunt has resembled to be a female version of Gage Creed from the movie 'pet sematary' .

Mila is twenty one years old . Well , not yet , but tonight she will turn twenty one . She has changed and she is very protective of her own heart and herself . She has made herself come first .

The guard had turned her head to look at her . Her words of how she felt like someone was in her room creeping in his mind . The guard shrugged it off before he went ahead to tell her of her mother and sister's health . Thankfully , they are fine and her mother has demanded they return back home right away . Charlotte Woods would'nt miss the massive birthday party that she had planned for Mila Woods twentieth birthday .

Mila nodded her head at the guard's statement . "The doctor will be with you soon , to check on your neck ." The guard informed Mila and managed to pass by her and head towards the door .

Mila said nothing and waited for the doctor to come and examine her neck . Even though she feels no pain , even after twirling and craning her neck , no pain . But she still wants the doctor to come and make her feel at ease . She has trust issues . Even to her own self .