
The Midnight Stir

Trigger warning : This novel is a dark romance with a dark plot , graphic violent and sexual situations . Please do not read the story if you will not like the plot or have negative comments over the language or content ; kindly so . -- She thought the roses were a gift , a sign of love from a secret admirer . But the roses were a warning , a sign that he is coming . And when she met him at midnight , she knew that her life would never be the same . As the nightmares continued , she began to wonder if she is better off with the roses than without them . The story revolves around a young woman who comes from a prestigious family but wants to make her own mark in the world. Milica has big dreams and is determined to achieve them on her own, without relying on her father’s wealth and influence. She works hard and has graduated with degrees and bachelor’s, but her life takes a dark turn when she starts having nightmares about a man with a haunting and intimidating face that resembled one of the devil's . At first, she thinks it’s just a nightmare, but when she starts receiving red roses on her eighteenth birthday, she realizes that something sinister is going on. As the years go by, the mysterious gifter continues to send her roses, and she starts to feel like she’s being followed. Her anxieties and panic increase when her room is filled with roses on her nineteenth birthday at midnight when everyone has just left her birthday celebration . She tells her father, and they hire security to protect her. But the nightmare never ends, and she becomes increasingly desperate to find out who is behind the gifts. On the night of her celebration of graduating , she meets the man who has been haunting her dreams and sending her roses. He is totally different than the man from her nightmares . But is it truly him or is she just guessing by how her heart raced and how the hair on her neck stood when he locked gaze with her more than necessarily ? But what happens when he pursues her and demands she marries him ? Claiming that is the only way she would be safe and protected , within his space . Is he the danger ? And why would she want to marry the man who makes her tremble with a single gaze and make the hairs at the back of her neck stand in attention ? Why would she approach danger ? Or is he truly the danger she should be running away from ? -- A/N : The book cover is originally mine and this is my first book , so please support me and leave your comments , and please keep in mind that English isn't my native language but I'll be sure to give you guys the best content .

Dark_Dime · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Little Princess

Mila stopped walking , for no prior reason until he was near her . She did not make any effort to run because her stationed guards are always around her . But she had a question ; is that the only reason why she isn't running away from him ? Or is she just trying to prove something to herself ?

When he was less than ten feets from her , his silver eyes looked at the guards behind her while she glanced at the one man behind him . Before she could go on to her third exhale that she was counting , his silver eyes darted to her.

"A walk ?"

It was more of a question this time , rather than last time where it was a demand but she answered anyways . Her lips stretched lightly before she nodded her head and took a step towards him .

They left the house , walking in silence . Their yard has no gardens , most especially because her mother says she is allergic to flowers . But there are trees , and now they are approaching one which has a small stone bench just near it so you could watch the tree softly dance to the wind outside .

They stood by the tree and they looked up , their guards just near but not too near to eavesdrop on their conversation .

He turned away from the tree and turned to look at her . She did the same and watched as his medium heart lips part and his voice filled her ears ," Why stay and listen to conversations about militaries , little princess ? When we both know well that you were not interested." He states.

Little princess . Mila felt her lips stretch once again at the nickname . It's both charming and flattery but she felt like she has heard the nickname once or twice from somewhere. But she isn't sure where . "How would you know I was not interested ?" Mila questioned , her eyes staring at the unreadable face and the still silver eyes that seemed to have never blinked at her .

"Because I know . There's not much of an explanation for my knowledge that can put you at ease . I just know ." He responded , his tone calm and self assured.

The emotions and the pride in his voice was something she darted to the back of her mind but rather listened to the deepness of his voice . He is too charming and his voice is something alluring yet alarming .

Mila swallowed. She remembers Morgan's words . Is this him ? Is he the one that I shouldn't let out of my sight? Mila questioned herself and said to the man ," You sound like you know alot ." She could only say through her racing heart . She has questions but she doesn't know how to say them out loud . What if she sounds offensive and at the end of the day , the man is just the renowned Mr Andromeda they say he is .

Mila looks up at the sky , and there , the red moon was glowering down at her . The sky doesn't have stars ; as usual on the day .

" And , little princess," she averted her gaze from the moon to him ," I did not bring you out here to gaze at the moon ." He says , his expression very serious and his gaze intense .

She swallowed and placed the idea of questioning him if he is him at the back of her head and she listened to him . For what is better .

She finally nodded her head and he spoke after the forty seven seconds that she counted . "Your father wasted my time , I sent him multiple letters to you . I guess he took advantage of my kindness and never delivered the letters to you ." The man spoke .

"What letters?" Mila questioned , clutching the sides of her dress . Why did she wish the man doesn't say he has been sending red roses with thorns on them for her ? Including that box filled with ... filled with those dirty things ? Why does she expect something better ?

His gaze roamed around her face , taking his time to study the mask that she wore before he finally spoke , a total opposite answer to what she wanted to hear , " You were supposed to be in that mansion right now and celebrating your birthday there . I was only following the tradition that I grew up in : get permission from the father , bring gifts to the family and of course make my proposal clear . You see now why I say your father took that as an advantage , little princess ? Now what do we make out of that ?"

His words sent a chill down her spine but still made her body alarmed . His tone hadn't changed to something intimidating but he still spoke the way he used to . The word little princess did not sound innocent at all inbetween his sentences.

"What proposal ?" Mila questioned , looking up at him but he was looking elsewhere.

Her eyes turn to her left to see his guard . The guard was holding out an envelope for her.

"A marriage proposal." The man responded to her question .

Her hands froze , but she had already held the envelope and the guard had let go of it , so it fell . She quickly bent down to pick it up instinctively and while bent down over , she felt the feathery touch of fingers on her neck .

Mila's breathes quicken when she felt him take off the necklace . She stood straight and looked at him ," You shouldn't touch what is mine ." She said , glaring hard at him . Only God and the person who gifted it to her know how much the necklace means to her and keeps her all kept together .

He remained expressionless and when she looked at his fingers and saw how he held the necklace as if it is dirt , her blood boiled .

"Sign it , by tomorrow , someone will be here to pick the papers . And word of advice , don't wear anything other men gift you when you are bounded to someone else ." The man spoke and his words branded themselves with her .

She watched him hand the necklace to his guard . " Sleep tight ." He said and walked away.

She registered her mind to finally speak . She clenched the envelope , crampling the envelope and papers for all she cared about before her mouth parted to fire her insults to the man when he turned to her and said ," And little princess , it's for the better . The sooner you are with me , the sooner they do not get to you and stop being rebellious and stupid at the same time , keep the roses ."