
Ballad I: Recapture And Departure

Inspired By JJBA: Golden Wind (Manga)


RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum. All art/vids/music shown are property of their respective artists/companies. "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" is part of Hiroki Araki. PLEASE support JJBA's official Release. You will not regret it.

Just a quick little AN from yours's truly: Risotto Nero has been my favorite antagonist of the series aside from Kira Yoshikage.I've wanted to write this story since I first started writing on Wattpad, It's gone through a lot of "idea" changes, and some elements have changed drastically. I hope you all enjoy!This is my first time using this platform, I'm sorry if it's blatantly obvious I'm a huge noob here.I'm still learning, give me SOME credit \(;u;)/!!!!!!I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY AND ALL SPELLING/GRAMMAR ERRORS IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!

[Risotto Nero POV]

(Shortly After Risotto's Defeat)


Risotto Nero...I, Risotto was born in Sicily, 1974. I had relatively calm and simple life. Unfortunately, it all changed with the death of my dear cousin. When I was at age 14, he had been killed by a drunk driver. Though the man responsible had been locked away, I felt justice had not been dealt.

Several years had passed. Through that entire time, I had been planning to exact the proper revenge against the man. I, now 18 years of age, had killed the scum hat was my cousin's killer shortly after he had been released from prison. This time, justice was done. The man's fate had come full circle. He was already complete.

If I was honest with myself, this event was most definitely the singular cause for my downfall into the despair that was darkness.

Over the following years, I had caught the attention of a rising gang. The gang's name was "Passione". When I was 21, I had become a full fledged member of the mafia, "Passione" and with it, had awakened my very own soul's raw and ferocious power. Apparently, it was called a "Stand". My "Stand" was fittingly named, [Metallica].

The stand in question, was a colony based ability. By using magnetism, I could pull any iron and shape it to my will. And as many know, Iron is quite abundant. Whether it was in the air, sand, water, food, vehicles, buildings or even in a person's own body, if it was present, I had absolute dominion over it.

I could turn a man's own blood into razor blades. I could turn the iron in the air or ground into knives. I could even coat myself in iron to form camouflage for myself. It was not an ability that could serve a singular purpose. No, it was a stand ability with nigh infinite possibilities. Over the years, I had perfected my stand. Eventually, I settled on the name [Metallica].

Over the next following years, I had formed my own team. We were never the most cheery folk, but we still saw each other as family. We still trusted only each other.

We were called "La Squadra Esecuzi". It was the only family I had, additionally, it was the only family my fellow members had as well. Our job was nasty, there's no doubt about it. A simple and nearly unstoppable execution team for the Boss of the gang himself.

Though I cared deeply for each member, I forbid myself from explicitly showing it. I feared that rival branches of "Passione" would use my feelings as leverage against me or my fellow members.

Risotto Nero, The Jester who nearly toppled the Crimson King in his own court. Risotto Nero, The feared and illusive leader of "La Squadra Esecuzioni", "The Execution Squad".

We were never respected, only feared or looked down on. We were never given our debts due, merely kept on a leash with the minimal rewards to keep us loyal. We were never allowed to soar higher in "Passione", the mafia that ran most of Italy, nor were we allowed to sink.

While every other branch of "Passione" were permitted to claim territory, riches, respect, and even entire paradises pf their wildest dreams and desires, we were not granted any of it.

Our humiliating and meager pay came directly from the Boss himself, though we were not even permitted to know who the boss even was. We were his own right hand, and yet never even got the decency to know who he was. Simply put...we were a walking contradiction. And so was the boss.

We sought to get revenge, to get what was owed to us, only to have two of our beloved members killed as a sickening message. I, as the leader of "La Squadra", felt their deaths most of all. It was my fault they had been killed to keep us in our place. It had been my order to attempt to discover the boss's identity. By extension, it had been my own responsibility for their eventual deaths.

Thus, we gave up rebelling against the head of the organization and fell back to the obedient dogs we had become. Until that is, we finally discovered he had a daughter.

My team searched far and wide for the girl, going as far as we had too.

Eventually, we found that Bruno Bucciarati's own team had been tasked with escorting her to the boss. Along the way, we attempted to intercept the team...only to fail time after time again.

My grief at losing my dear members was immeasurable. But I kept it locked away. My anger at the boss only grew. Yet I concealed it. My regret at practically ordering my own men to die, was unbearable. Still, I kept myself composed. I was their leader...I had no time to weep while the monster still drew air from his infernal lungs.

Finally, we tracked the boss down to Sardinia where a strange and peculiar man had garnered my attention. I had thought the man was the boss's subordinate, only to discover it had been the boss himself. Right there, was the man responsible for my fallen comrades. In front of my very eyes, was the demon that caused the loss of the team I had built.

I had finally gotten the opportunity to enact my revenge. I had finally been gifted the chance at avenging "La Squadra Esecuzi". Still though, I attempted to keep myself composed and collected. But it was too much for me to keep in check.

The pride I felt when outmaneuvering him, the anger I felt at remembering the deaths of all my brothers in arms, the joy I felt seeing the boss bleed and wither before my eyes, it was pure ecstasy! I could not contain myself. The bliss was immeasurable.

It was the greatest high, no drug could have ever hope to come close!

In my very palms, was the monster responsible for all of this agony and heartache! I could have killed him instantly, yet I wanted to drag this out. I wanted to relish this moment. Despite this, I never let up on my assault. For every time he tried to ward off my next move, I had already begun my next attack. For every time he predicted my next course of action, I had already enacted a just and absolute countermeasure.

With nearly all the iron absent from his body, and all the wounds he had received, he had no chance at escape. I had won. "La Squadra Esecuzi", was nearly avenged. His body...looked so beautiful like it was. His blood turning yellow due to the lack of iron and oxygen, it was truly...a monument of art. My greatest piece of work yet. At that moment, it was my proudest masterpiece.

The boss, twisting and contouring in agony...he had his spiteful karma paid back in full. His fate, his justice, was complete. He was already complete.

I had prepared my final attack to end this ordeal, just a second away. Just one moment from completing the wicked man. As I attacked, I allowed all my emotion to flood out in a wave of joy and satisfaction. I could have cried from the absolute glee I felt. Unfortunately, this had been my downfall.

I allowed my emotions to get in the way of the looming threat. By Narancia's own stand, [Aerosmith, I was gunned down.

I couldn't believe it...I had seemingly lost. Still though, I attempted to finish the boss off, I still had enough determination to end the bastard. If I died, I would die happy with knowing he got his justice. Then, I was halted once more by [Aerosmith's] volley of bullets.

Eventually, my body gave out under me. I had lost too much blood and my body was now far too weak to stand in defiance.

I laid there, bleeding away in defeat. Still though, I had planned to drag the boss to hell with me...There was no escape for the bastard. My team would be avenged, and justice would be served, even if I had to die with the man responsible for all of "La Squadra's" suffering.

However, I was gunned down one last time by [Aerosmith]. The boss, walked free. Despite the injuries I generously riddled him with, he lived to see another day...And my dearest "La Squadra Esecuzi", was left desecrated. I...No...WE had failed after all.

The next portion of what happened, was unclear. I had felt my life flash before my eyes. From the event of what caused my life of bloodshed, to the first days of being a gangster, I saw it all unfold once more. The memories of recruiting and bonding with my fallen comrades...brought a agonizing smile to my face in nostalgia. I had died, and so had my will to "lock it in my heart". I wept, in anger and sorrow. I had been the final chance...The last line of offense...and I had failed.

Perhaps I was doomed from the start to fail. Or maybe, the boss had forsaken fate itself. Either way, for all the blood that I had spilled, my own karma came back. My actions had been accounted for. Fate had enacted it's own justice upon me. My life of taking other's, had caught up with me. Justice had been served to me. I, Risotto Nero, was already complete.

Slowly, darkness took me. I accepted whatever demise I had awaiting me. I expected the deepest reaches of hell to lie, in wait of my mediocre arrival. And yet...No suffering came to pass. It was quite the shock, to say the least.

Instead, I found myself on my back in a bed of flowers. It felt as if I had been sleeping and had just woken up. Looking at my body, I found that my previous wounds...were nonexistent. My Jester's outfit, had been lovingly repaired. Additionally...I also felt rejuvenated. I felt...younger. Much younger. How curious indeed. Once I had gathered my composure, I rose to my feet.

I had no familiarity with this terrain, and I had clearly not been in Italy. So perhaps, another stand user was responsible for my relocation? Either way, staying put would not answer the various questions I obviously had.

Eventually, I found myself wandering the countryside. I had no destination in mind. It was clear I had died...but was this truly the afterlife? I highly doubted it...It seemed far too real to be a realm of the deceased. Additionally, I doubted one could feel hungry after dying. With that being said, I was damned hungry and could definitely go for some spaghetti.

Then my thoughts drifted back to where I was exactly...had this been another nation? Was a stand user responsible for my relocation? Just how did I get here? Most importantly however, how would I get back to Italy?

Eventually, I had found civilization. By all accounts, this place became more and more foreign to me as the time marched on. Firstly, their tongue was strange. It seemed familiar but also vastly different from my own language. Secondly, the technology of the nation seemed modern...but also more advanced then what I had been accustomed too. Thirdly, the people were obviously human and yet some had...animalistic features.

At first, I deduced it might have been their stand ability. That theory was quickly debunked seeing as everyone else seemed to notice the animalistic features. Just...where was I? This place was clearly not Italy. Was this Japan? Was this America? I did not know...I had never been to either country. Still, I doubted the average civilian there had cat or dog ears...or tails...right?

Wavering off any doubts, I began my venture to familiarize myself with the language.

If I wanted to get to the bottom of what transpired and get back to Italy with haste, I would need to communicate efficiently with the peoples here. And so I went, street to street in search of any who were familiar with Italian...to find, almost no one could understand me. Almost no one.

Shortly after my arrival in this town, I had felt a presence. Using my stand, I discreetly formed a small piece of finely polished metal. Using the nearby puddles I passed every so often, I was able to "look" behind me via the near mirror-like strip of iron in combination with the puddles of water. It seemed to me, that I had been followed by an individual. At this time, I had noticed the sun was starting to set. Strange...I thought it had been just around noon when I had faced "The Boss".

To confirm my suspicions, I rounded an alleyway. True, it was not the smartest idea for a person to make...but it was out of sight from civilians in case it was what I believed it to be. Additionally, it was also to confirm I was being followed. Rounding another corner, I lied in wait for my stalker. Once they were mere steps from my position, I leapt from my cover, taking them by surprise. Initially, they attempted to resist, but I found that once I placed my quickly drawn knife to their throat, they were rather submissive.

Scanning over the person of interest, I saw they had some rather messy white hair. It seems like they had neglected to brush it regularly or as if they had just broken from a scuffle. Additionally, they had sharp and elegant features to their face, a sheer contrast to their clothing. The garments which were nothing but "commonly" looking.

Finally, I also noticed a pair of glasses on their face. Obviously, this person was not wealthy, but not entirely poor either. They attempted to calm me in whatever language he spoke, and though I knew it to be futile at this point, I gave my response in my beautiful tongue of Italian.

"Your language escapes me, citizen."

Unsurprisingly, the man furrowed his brows at me. He then tilted his head in curiosity, as if he recognized and registered what I had said. Seeing no reason to carry this on any longer, I let go of his shoulder, allowing his body to touch the alley floor once more.

I also sheathed my beloved knife. The knife, was just a simple switchblade with a gold and black hilt. The man however? Well, He was...uninteresting to say the least. Surprisingly however, he responded...in near perfect Italian. And just like that, my interest in the man grew once more.

???: "I said, 'I'm sorry to bother you'."

Now, I was interested in this man. Finally, someone who could speak and understand my native tongue, Italian. Admittedly, I found myself relieved. It was quite surprising in truth, that a man such as myself would be satisfied by such a trivial feeling. Relief...I had not known this sensation for quite some time. It had almost been forgotten by me.

"Oh? Had you not spoken Italian, I would have told you to shove it. Tell me, where did you learn? School maybe? Or did another teach you?"

The man gathered himself. Quickly, he brushed the dirt off his clothes. After fixing a few wrinkles in his attire, he locked eyes with my own. For just a second, I swear I saw a look of familiarity in his eyes. Normally, my eyes would terrify a man. Red irises and black sclera's tended to be quite rare.

???: "Italian, huh? And learn? Well...I suppose you could say that...What was your name again?"

"It's proper etiquette to introduce yourself before asking another's name."

Ozpin: "Of course...Ahem, I am Ozm-...No...I...I am Ozpin. Who might you be?"

"Ozpin hmm? I am Risotto." Just like the Wizard of Oz, huh?

Ozpin: "I see...Is that a last name or first?" He inquired.

"I could ask you the same, 'Ozpin'. Enough of this wasteful babbling, your expression earlier told me you wanted to ask a demanding task of me. Speak it." I demanded.

Ozpin: "My expression? You could tell from just my face?"

Of course I could. I was Risotto Nero, the top assassin from Passione. Reading a person's face was an expected skill of any decent hitman. As it turns out, being a stand user only increased the need to be a master of the ability anyways. Taking in my own stand ability into account, I could even read a person's oxygen level to check for discrepancies. Reading a man's emotions, was beyond trivial for one such as myself.

"Ask it, Ozpin. I'd advise you not to drive my patience." I said, shrugging off his question.

Ozpin: "Very well...Mr.Risotto are you in need of a job? I would greatly appreciate your help in escorting me safely to my destination. I'm quite desperate at the moment and can not think to turn to another."

"You would ask a foreigner who speaks not a lick of the native language? You are an utter fool. Escorting is not generally in my line of work. You'll need to ask another, unless you can make it worthwhile."

Ozpin: "I am anything but a fool. I can read other's fairly well too, you know. I can and will reward you handsomely. All I ask, is to be dropped off at Beacon Academy, unscathed. I have rather... critical business there, you see."

My eyebrow perked up in curiosity. I doubted the man was anything but a ignorant man. Trusting a man such as myself to act as a bodyguard. Additionally, I doubted this...place took Italy's 'Lire' seeing as the currency I've seen thus far was vastly different.

Oddly enough, the currency I had seen so far looked... cartoonish. Alas, at the end of the day...I was a hitman. Anything for money and financial income after all. Though, assassinations were the preferable ystandard. I had other's in "La Squadra" take the bodyguard or escorting themed contracts.

The man's face gleamed in honesty. It was almost juvenile and desperate. I sensed no ulterior motives in the man...which was surprising in and of itself. In my line of work, men as blunt and open as he was, was but a myth. If he was this truthful in appearance, perhaps he really could produce a payment.

If not, I could always kill the man after familiarizing myself with this god forsaken place. Either way, I needed money. "Money makes the world go round" as the saying goes. This country, although vague, should be no different.

"This...Beacon Academy, was it? Where Eeactly is it?"

The man looked at me in shock. It was as if this "Beacon Academy" was common knowledge. This puzzled me...I had never heard of a Beacon Academy before...and yet I had traveled all of Europe. Surely I would have heard of it. Being part of the mafia, warranted one such as myself time to learn all the world's important landmarks and monuments. That begs the question; why have I never heard of "Remnant" or this "Vale" the man spoke of?

Ozpin: "The most prestigious huntsman academy. It resides above the capital city of Vale."

"Vale...huntsman academy? I've travelled throughout all of Europe and yet I have never heard of this. Yet...I sense truth in your words and your face shows no lie."

The mans shocked face turned to one of absurdity. It was as if I had told him the sky was green and the ocean was pink. It was as if I told him his sister was pregnant with my own father as the parent. His face was quite...Horrified at my lack of knowledge.

Ozpin: "You've...Never heard of Beacon? Or Vale? But how? Beacon is the most famed academy in all of Remnant!"

"Rem...nant? Is that what this nation is called in your language? Tell me...What is "Italy" called then? I would like to go back immediately."

The man neglected to answer me. Instead, he opted to... think. As if he was piecing together mind boggling information, he seemed to ponder something.

Ozpin: "Tell Me Mr.Risotto...You said you came from a Nation called "Italy"...By any chance... what did the moon look like?"

I nearly laughed at his question. It was absurd. The moon? The moon was just...A white oversized ball of ice millions of kilometers away.

"You're kidding, right? The moon is spherical. A complete white circle of ice and utterly devoid of life."

Ozpin: "I see...Mr.Risotto...Could you please glance at the sky for a moment? I would like to confirm something. Our moon hasn't been a sphere for a very long time"

I eyed the man skeptically. Perhaps he was a very talented liar afterall. To think he had no idea what the moon look like. He must be just the average crazy man. Or worse... perhaps he was a drug addict. Those were quite common in Italy unfortunately...Still though, I indulged the man.

"Idiot...Earth's moon is obviously a..."

And just like that, I found myself surprised in a way where words could not describe it. The moon was... shattered. I rubbed my eyes, but the sight was appalling. The moon...was fucking shattered. In horror, I slowly drew my eyes to the white haired man beside me.

Ozpin: "Mr.Risotto...Welcome to Remnant" he sympathetically said.

Remnant...? Is this some sort of sick joke?




Let me know what you thought! Chapter 2 is going to be released shortly! Additionally, I have ideas already planned out. So don't worry, I've got that covered.

Just a head's up if the POV bothers you...Don't fret, I will only be using 1st Person POV's for Risotto and the other JJBA characters' recap.

Without a further ado...

[~Arrivederci, My Fellow Plague Doctors~]

Hey everyone, it's me...Lord Kiwi!

I'm having trouble figuring this app out. I cant seem to update the book cover I made so please bear with me if you see some mistakes/duplicate stories. For some reason, My Webnovel and Inkjet accounts are listed as separate accounts even though they share the same email?

Oh well...I'll try to figure it out sooner or later. anyways, sorry for the inconvenience ^-^

Kiri_KiwiScreators' thoughts