
The Meeting of Champions

Champion meeting and aftermath!

Mapy_Barba · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

The Meeting of Champions

"Ash! Hey Ash!" Goh yelled to his research partner.

Blinking at his friend's excitement, Ash turned to face his only to get a faceful of paper instead.

"What's this?" the young kantonian asked.

"Oh nothing... besides a letter from Professor Kukui asking you and me, that is if you want me to go, to Alola for something! He doesn't specify what though..."

"REALLY! Why didn't you say so, Goh?! ('I just did' Goh muttered under his breath at this, only to be ignored by his overly excited friend) Come on, come on! We've got to go!" Ash yelled over his shoulder as he ran off to pack.

Goh laughed as he chased after his partner.


Aboard the plane, Ash asked Goh what he thought this was all about. Goh replied that he had no idea. After a moment of silence, Ash asked his friend if he remembered the last time they went somewhere with a professor who had decided to act mysterious. That was their 'introduction' to the other professors. Well, it was, until Ash admitted that he already knew all of them. Caught in their memory of the event the remaining part of the ride was relatively quiet.


Once in Alola, they were greeted by the local professor at the airport. After greeting him with the usual 'Alola!' they headed to his car.

Upon taking their seats inside the car Ash, being the ever so impatient one, couldn't withhold his curiosity any longer.

Looking at the driver, he asked, "Professor, where are we going?"

Smirking mysteriously, the man being question responded with the ever so creative, "You'll see".

With that, the rest of the ride was generally quiet.


The car stopped in front of a tall-looking building. Glancing at each other, then at Kukui's mischievous smile, both Ash and Goh were somewhat scared to know what they had just gotten themselves into. When they reached the entrance they saw a stern-looking man (huh, both Ash and Pikachu thought simultaneously, this guy could be Lieutenant Surge's twin).

Said man looked at them and said in a stoic voice "Names and invitation please."

"Professor Kukui, Goh and", Kukui smirked, "Ash Ketchum."

The guard's eyes went wide and he looked like he was internally fanboying. The man looked down at the papers that the professor had handed him and saw the confirmation that it was indeed him.

"Top floor, sirs. The elevator is on your right." the man directed, as he opened the door.

They all nodded in thanks before entering.


To say the elevator ride was boring and torturous would be a huge understatement. Because honestly, WHO CHOSE THE MUSIC TO THIS THING?! And interrogating the professor, actually scratch that! Attempting to interrogate the professor was getting them nowhere. All he would do in response to their questions was nod and/or smirk. Oh well, what else would you expect from the Masked Royal? His identity was the best-kept secret in Alola for quite some time.

Finally, they reached the end of the hell ride and made their way out of the elevator. The moment they stepped out of it, their ears were met with a bunch of bickering.

"Oh please! That was only THAT battle. I will defeat you next time!"

"Haha, dream on!"

"Yo capes, be quiet!"

"Yeah some of us are trying to work."


Ash, recognizing the voices, grins as his eyes light up, and strides towards the voices. Both his father figure and friend looking at him in surprise (and the latter mixed with confusion).

Looking at the champions of Kanto (and Johto), Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos and Galar he smiled realizing that they were too busy arguing (or in Alder's case sleeping) to notice him. He opened his mouth to greet them but Kukui beat him to it.

"Hello everyone. I am professor Kukui. This is Goh and this the alolan champio-" the pokemon wrestling champion started before abruptly getting cut off.

"ASH?!" the champions shrieked in unison.

"Could you be a little louder? I don't think they heard you in Lumiose City." Ash muttered under his breath.

"Ash", Kukui admonished. "These are the regional CHAMPIONS! Please try to have a little respect."

"Don't worry about it professor... I've already met them all!"


With both Kukui and Goh (who had short-circuited at the beginning) paralyzed in complete shock, he turned to his fellow champions... only to be bombarded with chatter (both questions and comments).

"You are the Alola champion?!"

"How have you been?"

"Are you serious?"



"Holy Arceus!"

"Finally another somewhat mature and sane champion!"

The last comment made everyone stop to look in disbelief at Diantha, who had said it.

"... you are kidding right?"

Ash ignoring them all (somewhat) grabbed Goh by the wrist and dragged him to the chairs to sit down. His sudden movement jarred Goh out of their thoughts. Goh just stared blankly at his friend before deciding to play this off as another mystery of Ash Ketchum. Besides he was getting a huge deja-vu.

With the alolan professor seated on one side of Ash and Goh on the other, the other champions all got comfortable.

"So," Kukui began awkwardly, "how did you all meet?"

Everybody started talking at once, making it impossible to understand.

"QUIET!" Lance exclaimed. "One at a time. Why don't we go in chronological order?"

"You're just saying that so you can go first!" Cynthia accused.

"Actually, even if we did go in chronological order Lance wouldn't be the first," Ash stated, trying to calm them all down.

"Really? Then who would be?"

"Professor Kukui"

"What?! But you just recently visited Alola. How would you have met him first?"

"Time travel"

"Ah, that makes sense... who was it this time? Celebi or Dialga?"

"Well, I didn't see either but I'll assume it was Celebi because of the forest"

Goh just stares in confusion, watching the champions interact.

"WAIT THAT WAS YOU?!" Kukui was suddenly in front of and hugging Ash.

"Well yeah..."

"Okay, boys why don't you share with the class what you're talking about?" Steven deadpanned, only to initiate giggles from nearly all the others in the room.

"Well, when I was a little boy I met a boy with his Torracat in the forest. He was capable of using Z-moves so I asked him to use my Z-crystal to show me one. He showed me possibly the best Inferno Overdrive I've ever seen! I then challenged him to a battle but lost. I was upset that I had lost, but he told me that there was always next time. He then proceeded to tell me about his dream to become a Pokemon master! However, Trevenant (the totem Pokemon) had an itch (and some Pokemon stuck in branches) so we had to go save them. After untangling them and drying them off (with some help from our Pokemon of course) Trevenant gave Ash a firium-z. We were going to have another battle but... when I got down he was gone. I never knew his name (until now) because I had decided to call him move-kahuna while he called me Roarie." Kukui explained, looking blissful as he retold the story. "I met him again when he came to Alola on vacation... before deciding to stay, and go to school here, after he met Tapu Koko, the island guardian, and receiving a Z-ring from him."

"How long did it take this time?" Lance asked, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"... literally the first day I was there!"

"How? Just how?"

"No one knows, Steven, no one knows. What I want to know is how many times he saved the world, met a legendary or just did something stupid that could have got him killed in this region."

"Well... not that much! Though I did meet all the legendaries here, including raising NEBBIE!"


"The Solgaleo (not fully evolved form of course) that he was entrusted to take care of by Lunala and another Solgaleo (as well as the Aether foundation)."

"Only you Ash"

"Am I the only one that is surprised that he went to school? Because that seems so unlike him! Honestly Ash, cant you chill for ONCE?!"


*Cue the 'I tried' sigh*

"I don't believe Ash because he tends to tone down or just entirely ignore the fact that he has almost died (or did die) WAY too many times!"

"I resent that Lance"

"Well, there was that time he jumped off a cliff to try and catch Pikachu, only to be saved by Tapu Koko who he was battling..."

"HE... YOU... WHAT?!"

"Chill Goh"

"Ugh, again Ash?"


"Great now there are two of them... anyway Diantha, it wasn't as high as Prism tower-"


"Are you sure want the answer?"



"So... any world-class disasters this time?"

"Well... there was that one time with the blinding one"

"Nice to know. That's another one for your resume!"


"Not important! Now it's my turn to talk about how I met you!"

"Wonderful... do you mind toning the story down a few notches? I think that we have scared the professor and Goh enough."

"No toning it down! I want to know what I got myself into by being friends with Ash! Also maybe by knowing I can stop him from doing anything else stupid."

Everybody looked at him in sympathy, except for Ash who looked somewhat insulted and highly amused.

"Good luck with that kid. If you do tell us your secret!"

*Cue eye-rolling and snickering*


"Go ahead."

"I met Ash while he was having a run-in with team rocket. H-"

"Wait team rocket? How long have you known them, Ash? For them to be there when you met Lance?"

"I met the trio on m first day, but these weren't the trio. These were much more elite (as they say) members."


"Back to the story! He and his friends were arguing and battling with these members so I had to save them. I told them to go away and let me handle it (everyone laughed sympathetically because, since when would Ash let someone else handle a situation alone if he could help) but of course he didn't listen. I was undercover on their boat though so I couldn't help them when they got caught for a second time. When they were locked up though I was able to sneak away, only to find them out and battling the rocket trio (who had miraculously appeared and were instructed to lock up the trainers). I helped them finish u the battle and once again made the mistake of telling them to stay put. They didn't listen and in the end, they were the reason I got my Gyarados... I also made a promise to Ash that I would take good care of him. And that was the first time a met Ash. Other times include helping him and Pikachu solve the Groudon and Kyogre incident."

"Ash how many legendaries have you met?"



"Yeah, multiple times..."

"Why didn't you tell meeee?"

"They're not exactly my fondest memories..."


"Steven your turn"

"Oh, well I met Ash after my dad sent them to see me, don't exactly remember the specifics but team rocket (the trio this time) was there and I had to save them from some annoyed Pokemon. Met up with him a long time later in Kalos to save the world from team Flare..."

Cynthia's eyes lit up, "MY TUUUURN! So I met Ash at some ruins (Nerd, someone coughed) after I battled his rival, Paul. Aft-"

"When one life means another life, something will be born!" Ash blurted out, making everyone look at him strangely (well except Cynthia who just smiled).

"Yes, Ash. I'm glad you remember my teaching. After the battle was when I brought Paul and Ash (along with his friends) to the ruins to show them a tablet with that very quote (my favorite) and used it to describe the relationship between both Ash and Paul. I met Ash and his friends a handful of times after that. One of those times was during the lake trio and trio of creation incident (though Arceus didn't appear that time). Bonding to a legendary should have taken me by surprise but upon remembering who had bonded I sadly wasn't. The last time I saw this little troublemaker was in Unova when he and his newer companions stayed at my place (along with Dawn). Both Dawn and I left shortly after the Unova Meloeta team rocket incident though."

"That brings us to Alder... who is still asleep. Ash why don't you tell us how you met Alder"

Sure Lance"

"Hmmm, how did I meet Alder? Oh right! I met him while in Unova, we battled but erm... he fell asleep"

"Ash is there any champion that you have not either battled against or alongside?"


"K, just checking."

"Incident there was the Plasma one. Now it's your turn Diantha!"

"Finally! I met Ash and his friends when Professor Sycamore came to interview me and they tagged along. Later I met up with them again when they offered me some chocolate cake. Ash then asked me to battle and as he had shared I accepted! It was interrupted by team rocket tho-"

"And the incident there was team Flare the end!" Ash interrupted, voice trembling slightly.

Deciding to let it slide they all turned to Goh.

"Oh, it's my turn? Well, I met Ash on the back of Lugia!"

Everyone, but Ash and Goh, either facepalmed or deadpanned. Of course, what else were they expecting?

Leon smiled before starting "I met him after whipping Lance at the world tournament. He was battling with a gigantamaxed Pikachu without a band and I helped him out with some instructions. I met up with him again later and battled him before we parted ways. Well, at least until we teamed up to save Galar from chairman Rose and Eternus..."

The moment that the story ended the pizza arrived! Between random arguments from the champions, trying to grab the last piece of pizza without being noticed (and failing) and Alder sleeping through it all, the end of the meeting had been much less tense than talking about Ash and his crazy life.


As they were all preparing to leave Steven asked one more time.


Ash shrugged "that might be wither because I'm the chosen one or because of my aura. Anyway, see ya later. BYE!"

With that, he ran off dragging a laughing Pikachu and a paralyzed Goh with him, leaving a room full of stunned adults in his wake.

Hope you enjoyed!

Mapy_Barbacreators' thoughts