
Chapter Two : Cold Cavern

"A smooth Seas never make a great and skilled sailor"

"Everyone, the time before we arrive at the sunken ship is around a week, its gonna be hell on the way there I hope everything will be alright, until then. Now! security, man the guns, assistants go fix the junctions and clean up! Engineer, you take care of our electricity. Mechanic check our engines and pumps, doctor.. go figure things out or read the manual, be useful and fix any leaks" The captain commanded us what to do.

'Guess this is also the same like in any other outpost just figure my way and do shitty jobs' I said to myself as I walked out the hallway.

As we go deep into the cold cavern I felt something was wrong. But I believe we will be fine after all a typhoon 2 is an attack ship capable of killing a hammerhead easily with a railgun.

"Hey doc you got more Bandages?" Peter asked.

"Peter, you can just wait for it to heal a little while. We need bandages incase we encounter an enemy, and we need it for the expedition"

"Alright, I thought I can have more since we are only doing a single mission. I won't bother you anymore, you can do your thing."

After moving around the submarine I memorized all the rooms of the Typhoon 2, its definitely the top class submarine of europa having everything in the submarine is definitely a dream. Its like a dream home for every sailor, its got multiple guns for the top and bottom and a railgun for heavy armored enemy ship. The engines are top class too, based on what I heard when our mechanic james brag about it. The only problem with this submarine is probably the maintenance of the reactor, peter is kinda having troubles with the nuclear reactor. it seems like it was neglected when this sub was designed, most of the junction box are fried, so the assistants are the one that fixes them. The security guards, well they seems to be coordinating with the captain like they are a bodyguard or something. Even though they are just hired mercenaries. Probably just bootlickers trying to get the attention of the captain.

I arrived at the crew quarters and saw the clown jake.

"Hey doc Ivan, got some of that gooood morphines I got some laceration here can you spare some?" The clown[1] of the ship jake asked me while smiling.

"No, the morphines are missing someone took them. if you want, go look in the medical cabinet in the medical room" I replied.

"Come on doc you are no fun" He replied.

"The death of assistant does not count" I said out loud while reading the submarine manual.

After that, he left and decided to go to the hallway below the crew quarters.

"Hey Doc Ivan, I need you down here in the ballast to help fix the pump can you do that?" Someone said to me below the crew quarters.

"Got it, I'm coming do you need anything up here?"

"Just a wrench and a flashlight its kind of dark here. Go get a diving mask too its flooded here" the mechanic replied.

I got up the ladder to pick up a flashlight and a diving mask. 'now where is the wrench? Ehh I'll just ask in the radio'

*Hello, mr james where do I get the wrenches, I'm up here and I can't find any*

I radioed.

*Its in the Fabrication room check the right cabinet there should be some right there*

As I reached the Fabrication room the captain spoke in the radio.

*Security 6 o'clock we have some enemies inbound! spinelings![2] go deal with them before they reach the hulls!*

As soon as I heard the radio I rushed directly to the ballast c without looking at the mess I made.

"hey james! I got them!" I shouted

"Get in here quick! before they breach and puncture our hulls! We need to fix the pumps" he replied.

I hurriedly help him get it fixed and gave him some light with the flashlight in hand. He was so skilled at doing his job that I didn't even know what to do and just gave him some light.

Pungg!! Something hit the hull below us. "HEY IVAN! CATCH.. FIX THAT RIGHT NOW!!"

I got to fixing the hulls it seems that it was hit hard, and a small hole appeared, making me deaf due to the guns being shot outside the sub. After I fixed the hull I returned to james and shine the light to the pumps again.

"y ey Hey Doc Ivan, are you ok? You seem oblivious to what I'm saying, stop using the flashlight I am done already, lets go up.."

"Got it"

*Mechanic, report!* The captain radioed.

"Everything is good captain doctor Ivan helped me fix the hulls and the pump." James replied in his radio.

"Is this a daily occurrence Mr james?" I asked him.

"Hourly young man, that thing was alone, so we lived this time and good thing we are in a typhoon 2 or that might have make us go boom down there." He said to me.

I shrugged and thanked the security or whoever got that thing dead in my head.

"Hey young man before you go up can you meet the engineer and ask some steel, I need it for another wrench. mine broke after that rush"

"Alright sir" I replied.

[1] a subjob of an assistant

[2] worm like fish that shoots out its spikes