
The Mechanics

Three gods rise to form a group when they decide to help each other find their mother and the three form a bigger team that fight against Greek gods and eventually have to fight the master of all universes to find ways to stop him from destroying the entire multiverse. The Mechanics become the protectors of their world and are challenged by powerful Greek gods that they have to stop.

GabrielTembo · Ficção Científica
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Raven Chyna is a goddess with the power of Rock. She was born with these powers and was born in the year, 1000 AD. When she was 15, she was recruited by a group of heroes to help the world. This group of heroes was known as the Mechanics. The group consisted of a god of fire, Shay Donald Wan Ronald, also known as King Flame, his son, Francis Raymond who also had the power of fire known better as Fire Heart. It also consisted of gods of ice, Christopher Donald known better as the Ice King and his son, Christopher Donald II, known better as the Ice Prince, Her uncle Roy Chyna, the king of Rock and her cousin, David Chyna, known as the Rockman.

Raven was the only female among the Mechanics and fought lots of battles with them, she fought with them side by side, the team won so many battles against Eris, the goddess of discord, Deimos and Phobos, the gods of panic and terror, The Erinyes, goddesses of vengeance, Moros, the god of doom and the most powerful of them all, Typhon, The Father of all Monsters and defeated the Mechanics thousands of times. In 1996, the Ice King was killed during the Mechanics fight with Typhon. In that fight, the Mechanics finally defeated Typhon and sent him to the nether world where he was never to return. Raven decided to change her name to Tifity which meant mother of all.

In 1998, the Mechanics team separated and Tifity married Francis Raymond. Francis Raymond and his father both had very short and terrible tempers. 2 years later, she gave birth to a boy and named him Francis Raymond Jr. After his father. But Francis Raymond Sr. added the name Oy and Shadow, making his name Oy Shadow Francis Raymond. Oy's father did not want Oy to know that his other name is Shadow because he did not want Oy to know that he is a god. A month after Oy was born, Tifity and Francis would always argue and fight on a daily basis. Francis was always upset for absolutely no reason. Tifity could not take it anymore and divorced Francis. She left Oy in the hands of Francis.

A year after she divorced Francis, she was always crying and in pain. Christopher Donald II was always there for Tifity from the day he heard that she is no longer with Francis. Christopher would always be with her at her apartment and would always take care of her. One night, as Christopher was tucking in Tifity to go to bed, Tifity looked into his eyes and kissed him, the kiss turned to a night of sex. That night made Tifity feel much better and Christopher was happy that he finally got a chance with Tifity, not knowing that he got her pregnant. When Christopher found out that he impregnated Tifity, he left her and set up a science experiment in his house that took away his power and he ended up hanging himself to death after getting rid of his power because he was not ready to be a father and did not want anything to do with it.

In 2002, Francis could not handle Oy anymore and took Oy to his grand father, Shay Donald Wan Ronald and left Oy there. Shay did not like Oy and would always keep him locked in a room, making him cut goat meat everyday for 16 hours nonstop. Apate, the goddess of deceit became a threat in the country and Francis went after her to stop her by himself. It remained unknown to the world on what happened in that fight, all the world knew was that both of them died in that fight. Tifity heard of what happened and heard of what happened to Oy. In that same year, a week after the death of Francis, Tifity gave birth to another boy and named him Kid Chyna. He was named Kid as a remembrance of Oy because he used to cut goat meat and a baby goat is called kid.

At that time, her cousin, David Chyna helped raise Kid and when Kid was one-year old, David slept with Tifity, causing her to get pregnant. David was so scared because he impregnated his cousin and decided to kill himself by falling in acid. Tifity was so scared and left Kid in his father's home and abandoned him. Tifity went to live with her uncle and her uncle heard of what happened to his son, David, but didn't know that David impregnated Tifity. A year later, in 2004, Tifity gave birth to a baby girl and named her after her original name. She was named Raven Chyna. Six years after Raven was born, Tifity just vanished, out of the entire multiverse. No one knew what happened to her. Raven was trained on how to fight by her grandfather, Roy Chyna. Roy found out that she had rock power and thought it came from her mother so she was taught on how to use her ability and how to fight. Roy owned a boxing place and Raven was a champion at such a young age and would even kill people in the ring. At this time, Oy was 10, Kid was 8 and Raven was 6.

8 Years Later... New York City.....2018

Oy was still been kept by his grand father and really wanted to escape. As he was cutting meat in his room, the television which was hang on the corner of the room was on the news channel and he saw how a girl was fighting in a boxing ring and had the power of rock. He knew what he needed to do and got his knives and came out of his room, killing all the guards in the building. He was so upset and was shocked when he saw that fire blasted out if his palm. His grand father was asleep and unaware of what was going on. Oy walked into his grand father's room and saw his grand father's Utheneriods, which is a very powerful sword. Oy lifted it up and used it to cut off his grand father's head. Oy killed everyone in the building and left in his attire which was a red shirt and a black bottom with his grand father's Utheneriods.

Oy then left his grand father's place and headed to the location of the place he saw on the news. Raven was locking up her place which was also the boxing ring that her grand father left to her. After locking up, Oy just barged in, breaking the door with his fire power that he just found out he had.

Oy: I saw you on television, you fight here in this ring, killing people with the power of rock. Well here's something for you, I have the power of fire and I will make sure you don't kill anyone again.

Raven: I don't know who the hell you think you are but I will not just stand here and watch you wreck my place.

Raven stomped on the ground and hit a rock towards Oy, Oy got his sword and used it to slice the rock and ran towards Raven and fought. Raven made Oy bleed but Oy still managed to put her down and got his sword and was about to stab her in the eye with it but an ice blast was shot at him, stopping him from killing Raven and Kid showed up with a staff on his back and his hands over it, walking towards them.

Kid: Well, well, well. Looks like two chickens haven't yet found their mummy's diapers?

Oy: (Got up and walked towards kid) How dare you blast me with that ice of yours. Who the hell are you?

Raven: (To Shadow) Who the hell are you? You just barged in my house and nearly killed me

Kid: My name is Kid, I watch and admire you everyday and when I saw that you were being attacked, I saw it as my chance to help you but please don't call me kid, you can call me Ice Ninja.(Grins)

Oy: I don't care about whatever it is you have to say. (To Raven) I am going to kill you. (To Kid) and I will kill you too for getting in the way of my plans.

Kid was making an ice ball while Raven was making a rock ball and Oy a fire ball which the all blasted at each other, the mixtures of all their powers was making a huge type of explosion which blasted them all to the year 3006. The three didn't know where they were but saw a red sky and a 2000 foot, grisly monster with a hundred dragons' heads. This creature was a huge winged monster, whose head "brushed the stars", human in form above the waist, with snake coils below, and fire flashing from his eyes. The three didn't know what it was and we're about to approach it but before they could, a strong wind blasted them and took them back to the year, 2018 in New York City where they belong and the person who was responsible for taking them back was someone who called himself Abend. He did it to protect the three from what was there. When they got back to 2018, Oy looked at Kid

Oy: Where the hell did you take us? What was that?

Kid: I don't know man, I don't know where the hell we went.

Oy: Young man, you better tell me where the hell that place was and what that thing was!

Kid: I already told you, I don't know!

Oy was so upset and carried Kid and threw him. Oy fought kid and continued beating him up. Raven used rocks to hold Oy down. She stopped then from fighting and was so confused as to where they went.

Raven: Hold on, why are we fighting. We don't even know each other and what we are all after.

Kid: This rat bastard thinks he is tough. I will kill you myself

Oy: I will burn your brains out before you do that.

Raven: Boys! Stop it! What the hell do you both want? (To Oy) I will start with you, um?

Oy: Oy! The name's Oy.

Kid: (Bursts in laughter) I'm sorry, Oy?

Raven: Kid, stop it! I'm Raven. Now that we know each other. We can find out what we all want? Kid? Do you mind sha--

Kid: Please, call me Ice Ninja, and I think we can let um, (giggles) Oy start.

Oy: (Broke out of Raven's rocks) First of all, I'm here to find a girl, who I already found (Looks at Raven), second, I want to kill some idiot (Looks at Ice Ninja) and thirdly, I'm looking for my mother, Tifity Chyna.

Raven: I'm sorry, did you say Tifity Chyna? That's my mother. I'm her daughter, Raven Chyna.

Kid: Me too, I'm Kid Chyna. This is great. Who would've thought we're all siblings.

Raven: We can find our mother together.

Oy: No, no, no, no, no! No! No! I don't know who the hell you two little rascals think you are. I will find my mother, by myself and I don't need any of your help.

Oy ran super fast with his fire power, leaving Raven and Ice Ninja behind. He hit into the wall for his grand father's place and saw a small wheel with the word "Shadow" on it.

Oy said to himself, "Shadow? What if I call myself Shadow. Yes! Shadow it is. Oy is gone and Shadow is here."

Shadow spun the wheel and it opened a blue portal that he entered.

Universe 2

The portal led to an alternate universe. It led to Universe 2. Shadow saw himself, Ice Ninja and Raven fighting together to stop a certain thing that he was unaware of. Before the portal closed, Raven and Ice Ninja rushed in the portal and bumped into Shadow.

Ice Ninja: Oy what the hell? You wanted to close us out of here.

Shadow: My name's Shadow now.

Ice Ninja: You come up with the worst names.

Raven: Oy? Oh sorry, Shadow, what is this place?

Shadow: I don't know but I see us over there, fighting something. I'm not sure what they are fighting.

Ice Ninja: Let's go ask them

Shadow: Are you insane? We don't even know them. I'm sure there's something here that leads to us finding mother.

Raven: Oy!

Shadow: Its Shadow now!

Raven: Fine, Shadow. The three of us have to work together to find mother. Just to find her. I know we all have questions of our own to ask her. Just work with us and after we find mother, you will never hear from us again.

Shadow: Fine! After we find mother, you stay the hell away from me.

Raven: Deal. Now, where are we?

Ice Ninja: I think we're in some different country.

Shadow: (sarcastically) Yeah, right! A different country with people that look exactly like us and are fighting with our exact same powers.

Raven: Shadow, that wheel in your hand is glowing.

Ice Ninja: Follow the light.

Shadow: Its the wheel that led here.

Shadow placed the wheel on the ground and it started rolling fast. The three followed the wheel without been noticed by the other people that looked like them. The wheel led to a place in a building, where the found a lock and key. The three looked at each other and unlocked the lock with the key that it had. A purple light burst out of the lock and opened a purple portal.

The Spirit World

The three fell into a place with a purple sky and glowing obsidian all over the ground. The got up and saw a shining bright light walking towards them. The light changed into form of a human and Tifity appeared to the three.

Tifity: Oy, Kid, Raven. My children

Shadow: So it is true? This two are your children?

Tifity: Of course, they are Oy.

Ice Ninja: He says he's Shadow now and don't call me Kid, it's Ice Ninja now! It's nice to see you mother (hugs Tifity)

Raven: I missed you so much mother. (Hugs Tifity)

Tifity: Shadow, you finally learned of your other name. This means you know that you are a god.

Shadow: Shadow has always been my name? Why didn't I know? I have so many questions.

Tifity: I know you all have lots of questions. Let's go home.

Tifity took the three back to universe 1, where they belong. She was taking them to the old Mechanics building. The building was still standing but blown up on the inside

Tifity: What happened to this building. It was okay when I left.

Raven: You left over 10 years ago. The building was okay. Didn't look damaged. We all don't know what happened.

Shadow: Smells like it blew up some minutes or hours ago.

Ice Ninja: Let's cut to the chase. Mother, where have you been? How are we siblings? What is that place where you were and why did you go there?

Raven: I believe those are all our questions.

Tifity: After Shadow's father and I divorced, I was hurt and in pain for a long time. Then I met Kid or Ice Ninja's father who helped me out of a broken place and I ended up getting pregnant and have birth to Kid and the same happened with Raven, Raven and Kid were not planned. Raven's father was my cousin and Kid's father was my friend. We were all a group of heroes known as the Mechanics.

Raven: So my father was your cousin? Ninja and I weren't planned?

Shadow: That is exactly what she said. Mother answer the other questions.

Tifity: Firstly, don't call me mother, call be my my name, Tifity. You are all half siblings and I was in the spirit world, it's a place where all gods or heroes of the mechanics go when they die. I did not die but I went there to look for all your fathers. They weren't there and no one knows where they are.

As they were in the building, a huge lightning bolt struck right outside the building. The four rushed outside the building and saw a body drop from the skies. The four stood right above him, looking confused.

Tifity: Who the hell are you?

Zeus: (panting) I am Zeus, son of Chronus, the god of time. I am, the god of thunder and lightning, rain, and winds.

The four looked at each other, confused and....

To be continued.....

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TK productions 2016

Rebooted on: Saturday, January 14, 2023.

Other Chapters Are Being Updated

The Mechanics is being rebooted and updated. All previous chapters have been removed and will be reuploaded soon.

GabrielTembocreators' thoughts