
Weird Metal Transportation Contraption

12th of Procidens, 5018.

It was a little late at night.  Marco and Vice were walking down the near-empty streets of Hoverdam. They can see businesses closing down, as they were preparing to go to sleep. Marco was seen carrying a briefcase with a bunch of silver coins safely stored in it, strapped to his hands with a pair of steel handcuffs, to ensure it won't get stolen.

Recently, they had been getting harassed by a few notorious individuals, who appear to want to take them down by one means, or another. Though they have alerted the authorities, the two don't feel safe, walking around their own city.

To add insult to injury, their rivals have been seen copying their own strategy, by renting up newer places and providing them with the seats. Although their quality was noticeably lower, they had lost a few customers because of it.