
Part 258

Joel smirked after hearing the news.

" Good job. Destroy that phone, We shall discuss the rest later." Joel said.

" Okay sir.." The man agreed and did so.

He was still like that when a small pick up came with two people inside.

When the driver saw them he ran away immediately leaving the track there.

Alex had fallen unconscious inside the car.

" There was an accident, Come on ! Let's go to see." The first man said in panic.

" Don't rush in. Let's call the police first !" The second who was driving the pick up said stopping it.

" Okay.." They agreed and called the police and ambulance at once.

The track driver rushed back to Joel and informed him that Alex might survive.

" I will fly away from the country for a while. Give me more information incase anything happens." Alex said to the guards.

" You also go into hiding. They won't find out who driver was unless they do further investigation." Joel said to the track driver and gave him his pay.

After that he boarded a plane and left the country.


Back to present

As Alex lied on the he remembered these conversations with Joel and now he remembered him so well. He was scared and panicked at ago because he knew that Joel must be behind the accident.

" He needs more rest for now." The Doctor said after checking and left.