

According to Siya

Lena,,,, and her brother Rone,,,,

At first Lena troubled me and that too whenever she was feeling hungry, on top of that her brother also came. Do both of them think that no matter how they trouble me, I will tolerate it. If you say that you think so, then it is not at all because I am not going to forgive them.

If I had been in our village and something like this had happened, my friends would have come to help me but here I do not have any friends. It is a different matter that Om helped me and what is even more surprising is that Dev tried to help me. 

But I can't forget what he said about me this morning.According to Dev, you are going to trouble him and they want to throw something out of the house.They don't even know what problems I have had to face and then I got a house to live in and they want to throw me out so easily.

Dev is the person because of whom I could not even have breakfast this morning. I just want to thank God that because of him I am going to get food today.Ronnie upfront offered me to participate in his eating competition.Looking at my thin body, they feel that I will not be able to eat anything, but they do not know the truth.

Those people don't know that before this I have won many eating competitions. Whenever we had such eating competitions, they deliberately did not write my name there, but I was the father of all of them. I used to force myself to go there and even win the competition.

On top of that, today I have not eaten anything since morning, all my food went to a cat and that too because of God. The second advantage is that if I win this competition, I will get free food every day and Ronnie and Leena will pay the bill for it.

I went to the canteen with everyone where Ronnie and I were made to sit face to face on a table. I saw that there were many people standing around us, most of whom were supporting Roniko and those who were probably supporting me were standing silently.

" So ladies and gentlemen, there is going to be a burger eating competition. The one who loses will pay the bills of both the competitors and will also apologise."

After remaining silent for some time, Leena looked at me and then came back announcing and said.

"This match stick has put a condition that if it wins, it will get breakfast in the canteen every day from me and my brother. Well, we accepted it."

After saying this he raised his hand and said loudly.

" The burger should be brought in front of these people."

As soon as she said this, two plates were brought in front of us which had five burgers each. I noticed that both were medium in size and had a generous amount of cheese added to them. The burger had a meat patty and a cheese patty along with it. The vegetables were well added, I noticed that the tomatoes were cut a little thick but I was not going to make any difference with that.

As soon as there was a sound, Ronnie and I started eating.  I still remember when I told my parents that I wanted to go to college, my father got angry at me. My mother, understanding me, told me that canteen food was not good at all and if I ate it, I would fall ill. I had also explained to him that my digestion is fine and I can eat anything but he was not agreeing.

There was no limit to my happiness as soon as I put the burger in my mouth. It was three times tastier than I had heard. The burger was good but its patty started melting like butter as soon as it was put in the mouth. The thickly chopped tomatoes in this looked extremely tasty. I don't know from what source these people used it but it is very tasty.

" This girl ate 5 burgers so quickly."

As soon as I heard the sound, I looked at my plate and realized that I had eaten five burgers so quickly. When I looked around, Ronnie had barely finished three burgers and was still trying to eat the fourth burger. I saw that his whole face had turned red and he was looking at the burger as if he was standing there holding the pieces of a known enemy in his hands.

Although I am not a fast eater, today I finished so quickly probably because I had not eaten anything since morning. Even at night I did not have much money, so I had eaten only two boiled eggs and two breads and in the morning also I was going to eat the same but I could not eat that too.

" Can I have more burgers?

As soon as I said these words, I saw that everyone was looking at me with wide eyes. When I looked towards him to cry, he kept looking at me for some time, then he took the bite which he had put in his mouth and covered it with his arm and ran towards the bathroom.

" What happened to it?"

"Looks like he's vomiting."

The bathroom was quite far away from there but still we could hear her voice even here. Everyone's eyes were towards the bathroom, but my eyes were still towards him and half a burger, who was looking at me in the same way on a crying plate.

"Ronie, you are busy there, so can I eat this food of hers?  I am famished."

Lena kept looking at me for some time and then got angry and went away from there. I couldn't understand what was wrong with me. Anyway, he was going to Burger West. Don't you feel like seeing such a good burger go to the dustbin?

Picked up the mean burger and ate it I was seeing that everyone was looking at me with strange eyes, I was not concerned about why they were looking. I was happy that I had won and from tomorrow I would get breakfast here every day and there would be no need to prepare it at home.

Then I remembered that according to Sarthak, those two siblings should have apologized to me and that too in front of everyone but they had not fulfilled their condition. The crying had become very bad but Leena could have apologized but she got angry and left from here.

I just wanted to enjoy my burger for now and will take it to Leena later. Right now I have to go to the classroom and after noon I have to go to the cafe also. I don't know how the rest of my day will be. The morning turned out to be great.