
The Mate He Needs

Volume 1 - The Mate He Needs Ariel Standish is in love with someone she can not have. Her sister is the cherished one and Ariel the failure. Despite this Ariel is only really upset about one thing. That her sister will marry the man that Ariel cares greatly for. She tries to bury the feelings she has for Malachi. Even if they have known each other since they were young. However when Ariel finds out the secret Malachi and his family are hiding. It captures Malachi's attention and Ariel knows it's wrong to allow it. Still how do you resist temptation, when your temptation begins to seek you out? Volume 2 - The Mate He Desires Adeline Hines is stuck in a loveless marriage. One that she wishes desperately to get out of. What's worse without her knowledge her husband leverages everything that Adeline has worked hard for. To get it back it pushes her into working with another powerful aloof figure, Dassen Lenu. Dassen however is dealing with a curse of his own, a real curse.The chance for love and family stripped of him in one unthinking moment in his past. Then he meets Adeline, Adeline who makes him wish for more. Adeline who might just be the one to help break his curse and let him love again.

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
127 Chs

Ride Home

"Malachi, what are you doing here?" Natasha asked.

"I was visiting a friend close by and spotted Ariel. I could ask you the same thing however." He glanced down at the group. Looking at Nick a bit longer before his gaze came back to Natasha.

"Just shopping with a few friends." She said with a smile. "Would you like to join us?"

"No." He said seriously. "I'd hate to get in the way of your relations." Natasha looked a bit more red in the face. She looked at Ariel who wasn't making eye contact like normal.

"I don't know what she has been telling you, but I assure you…"

"She hasn't said a thing. I have eyes, you know." Malachi said severely. "It does not matter to me what you do before we are married. However after is a very different story." He said in warning. Natasha gave a nod and a smile.

"I quite agree." She replied to him. "Are you alright? I know that you and your father were attacked. How is he?" To him it sounded more like she had to ask than she cared.

"Fine, both of us. It wasn't as bad as it sounded." Natasha gave a nod.

"That's good." She reached out and took a rather nasty hold of Ariel's arm her nails biting into the soft flesh of her inner arm. Ariel winced a bit but didn't complain. Malachi could already see what was going to transgress between the two sisters. Ariel would be sporting a few new bruises tomorrow.

"Come Ariel, we are heading somewhere else to shop." Ariel let her sister pull her. "You sure you don't want to join us?"

"Yes." Malchi responded and Natasha gave a shrug.

"Natasha." He said and she paused, still holding onto Ariel. The others just talking and not even concerned about the little by play there. "I can take Ariel home, I'm sure she's just a burden on you. It might be a more enjoyable afternoon for you without her, am I right?" Natasha looked a bit taken back, but he said his words in a neutral tone. The family treatment of Ariel really bothered him. He didn't see why she should stay with her sister.

"It does get rather tiring carting her around." Natasha quipped. Ariel said nothing in her defense just let her shoulders sag a bit more. She needed to stand up for herself damn it. Though he was aware that doing so would probably get her in more trouble. That was why he offered to take her home. If she was out of sight then Natasha would leave her alone.

"I have to pass by that way. I will take her." Natasha was obviously tempted by the offer.

"You don't mind?"

"Obviously not if I offered." He stated annoyed and Natasha let go of Ariel.

"Try not to embarrass us or yourself anymore than you have huh?"

"I won't."

"Good." Natasha said. "Thank you Malachi, so much easier." She gave him a brilliant smile that he didn't return. She moved back with her group. Malachi turned and moved off toward a line of parked cars. Ariel followed not saying anything.

He stopped by a rather normal and modest looking black car. She looked at it and then to him. She hadn't expected this. Something a bit more high class she guessed. Not that it wasn't a nice car, he hit a button and the car unlocked. He moved by the passenger side and looked at her noting her gaze.

"I prefer to not drive something that screams shoot me. Expensive cars are easily recognizable." He said in a sarcastic way but he saw the smile that she suddenly hid looking down. It made her more attractive, she shouldn't hide such things.

"I didn't realize you smiled." He joked and she had a slight tinge to her cheeks.

"Not normally. It's rare for those of us that are burdens on others." Her voice was dark as she said it. She moved toward the door where he stood. She was surprised when he opened the door for her to get in.

"I'd watch the tone, someone might think you suddenly developed a backbone." He warned her, but she didn't respond. More like she went back into her shell. She got into the car and he closed the door moving around it to get in. Malachi noted her soft scent, always so much more appealing than Natasha's.

"You know that what I said was more for you than Natasha. Unlike the rest of your family, I do not agree with their methods." He said starting the car and backing up. He glanced at the nail marks that she was rubbing. A few were bleeding.

"Thank you." She spoke suddenly. "I would much rather be home alone than out with her. But since I'm rather clumsy my parents worry about what I will destroy while they are gone." He didn't get that comment, because he'd never seen any movement from her that wasn't graceful. She was very cautious around everything. The only time she was off balance was when she became nervous and flustered.

They drove for a bit in silence, which was nice for both of them. He really hated making conversation with others when he didn't care what they had to say. If they weren't a personal friend, because normally they were just being nice to get something. After a bit he did speak however, Ariel obviously wasn't one of those people.

"Does your sister see a lot of this Nick?" Ariel wasn't sure how he knew Nick's name but he did. She just gave a shrug.

"You realize your sister isn't here, you can speak freely."

"Unfortunately I can't. She is still my sister. While she might not feel the same, I do have my own values."

"So she sees a lot of him then." Malachi inferred from her statement.

"I didn't say that." Ariel said calmly. "But you said that you didn't care."

"Not really, but wouldn't you be a bit put off if you found your betrothed with others?"

"I guess I would." She replied. "Natasha will be what you need. I can't say that you are alone all this time." Well she was mostly right on that. He didn't make a habit of it. However he wasn't going to be seeing others behind Natasha's back once they were married. It didn't sit well with him, and his animal was picky. God he wasn't looking forward to this loveless marriage.

"And you Ariel, is that how you would act if you were betrothed?" Ariel was looking out the window.

"I'd be faithful." She answered. "But it wouldn't really matter to you, nor anyone else. I'll be lucky if my parents manage to marry me off." She sighed. "Something they love to comment about." He looked her over as they came up the drive of her home. Honestly, anyone would be lucky to have her. She was a good person, with a shit draw on the family card.

"I think you have a very backward image of yourself." She gave a shrug and as the car stopped she opened the door to get out. He reached over and took the arm with the nail bites in it. He looked at it and sighed. His grip wasn't painful, just strong. She felt a blush heat her face.

"Do yourself a favor Ariel. Grow a backbone, it will help you in the end. They will just keep doing this to you."

"I think it would just get me a very sound beating. However thank you for the concern." She said and got out of the car. "Thank you for the ride. It was very kind of you." She added and turned shutting the door. He watched her until she reached the door and then drove off.

Ariel was happy to be home and out of his presence, she could never look at him. Being in a confined car with him was worse. She couldn't put her finger on what it was. He made her more nervous than most, perhaps it was because he never tried anything like others had. He was nice enough to her. Though spoke his mind as to exactly what he thought.

Not that it wasn't something she was used to, failure was her middle name. How she wished she could impress someone like him with who she was. Like Natasha could do. Natasha was lucky, she would have a very powerful husband, who would be a good match. She knew that he would be a good husband to her, so long as Natasha didn't betray him in any way. She had a feeling he could be vindictive if given the chance. Malachi was not one to be pushed around.

She liked him, found him attractive and that made her blush a bit. Of course she would never admit that out loud. God no, Natasha would probably freak out. Ariel had no desire for more bruises. If she was lucky she could find someone half as attractive as Malachi was, and would want her as well. With a sigh and a heavy heart she moved up to her room.