
The surprising visit

Katherine Samson

After that night, they’re much closer than before. He’s sweeter and more tender than before. He wakes her up every morning, prepares her oatmeal and milk every breakfast. She knows that trait of hers is a bit childish, drinking two glasses of lukewarm milk despite her age.

And he knows it too. But he did not mind. She can see that. More than funny, he finds it adorable. The look in his eyes is laying his thoughts bare. Which makes her fall in love with him more.

He never judge her through her appearance, he never sees her the way others did. He never deems her pathetic, never consider her as stupid. Through the imperfection, sometimes childish, sometimes clumsy side of her, his eyes refuse to label her as one.

He just sees her, for who she truly is. As a person, as an individual, and as a woman. Her heart sparks with hope. She can’t mistake the gentle smile playing on his lips.

She certainly knew, from all those little efforts he gives her, all of it is done with love and extra care.

Her phone vibrates in her handbag. She pulled it out and turn on the screen. On the message notif, Michael’s name popped up.

“I’m done cooking your beef vegetable stew, so hurry up and come home. Look, it’s saying hi to you” under his message, is a picture of the smoking beef stew in a white ceramic pot. She bit her lip and smiled.

Excitement filled her heart. She wants to hurry home. She wants to see him greet her at the door. Hear him say snide comments on how haggard she looks. And they would laugh it off together. Then she can enjoy his food. Wonder how will it taste this time?

When he moves past to burnt meat side, the seasoning became his new challenge. Last night, it was too salty. The other night, too bland, before that, it was horrible. Like someone just poured stinking gills of fish into a pot and serve. She bit her tongue just to stop herself from puking.

And yet, watching his cute expression to every reaction she has on his food is adorable. Totally worth enduring those terrible meals.

She chuckled. Her condo is 20 minutes walking distance from Thomas university. To lessen the distance, she took the shortcut in the alleyway across the south wing. She pursues the dimly lit, narrow road between urbanized houses. Street lamps aren’t lighted. Houses have lights only on the inside, the gate they put on front looms eerie too.

As Katherine strides, she shuddered. The humid air is cool and quite heavy. She can feel it hanging through her coat. Digging into her skin. The silent atmosphere only makes it worse. She quickens her pace. Desperate to get out. Her heart won’t stop hammering on her chest. Searching for light. Only then can she feel at ease.

Up ahead, the road widens into crossroads, directly across from her, is the high-rise condo she lives in with Michael. Her heartbeats stabilize. On the first floor, just right behind that security guard’s usual spot, is the dumpster where she found Michael. Her lips quirked up.

By no means, that was the best moment of her life. She looked up at the stars and sighed. What happened this past few weeks was like a dream come true. For someone who spends most of her time alone, for someone who won’t try to mingle with others, it was the first time she gets to enjoy the company of someone. Hopefully, it won’t be the last. How nice it would be if things will stay this way forever.

If this was just a dream, hoped she won’t wake up.

She stands beside the stoplight. Waiting for the walking sign to turn green. The cars are scarce, people walking on foot are limited. She’s the only one standing here, waiting. The street and road lights gave visual to the surrounding. Not that bright, but enough to put her at ease.

When the stoplight turns green and three cars slow down to a stop. She crosses the road at a quick pace. Adjusting straps of the handbag on her shoulders, she tucked it closer. Just a bit more and she’ll reach the other side.

A black SUV caught her attention. Parked on the pavement at the entrance, something about this car is familiar to her. Especially the man standing beside it. The black suit, the sleek waxed hair, the glasses, the way he brings himself, and the air around him…

He’s almost like…

Those handymen her mother kept on her side. When the man cast his stern eyes on her, she stiffened. She recognized him. Despite the emotionless expression, she noticed the recognition dawning on his eyes. He strides towards her and bowed.

“Good to see you my lady.“ he greeted, gracefully placing his left hand behind his back, putting the other one on his upper left chest.

“The Mistress is waiting for your return.“ she gasped.

“ M-my mom’s here?“

“Yes, she’s waiting in your room at the moment.” she can’t believe it. After months of silent treatments. No phone calls, no text, no contacts, no everything. She will just appear in her house like nothing happened?

Katherine broke into a run. Ignoring the man calling out to her. She sprints past the sliding doors, into the elevator, and punches the 5th-floor button. For the seconds she spent inside the closed space, she kept tapping her foot. Biting the nail on her thumb. Her nervous habit is showing. A tic her mother hates to see, a tic she can’t get rid of, no matter what her mother said.

This is not good. Definitely the worst. Michael is in her room right now. And if her Mom is already there… She can’t imagine what she will say to him. Her mother is the most egotistical foul-mouthed woman she’d ever known.

In dealing with business, social and private life, her mother always stands in dignity. She’s competitive, consistently aims for the top. She’s willing to do anything for business. Sacrifice everything, even her own family.

When the elevator pings and the door opens. She took a deep breath and sprint towards her room. Mustering all the courage, she paused at the door. Brushing her hair and patting down her overcoat, she pressed the security code and the door unlocks.

Standing in the doorway is her mother… and Michael.