
Into the mirror, the monster stared back

Every corner became white and glowing. I could not mistake the thicken mist in his eyes. The color of his eyes that lost its luster. When he is on the verge of forgetting everything related to me.

This is for the best. I told myself. I will not regret this. I cannot have anyone. So I will let him go. Set him free. Fate did not let me keep Kenneth by my side. Hence, I won’t force him to be with me either.

The boy’s eyes rolled back and he slumped in my shoulders. Everything else became quiet after that. I silenced the squeals, noise and any other words said to me by the man and his companions. This will be the last time I get to hold him in my arms.

For now….Just for today… Let me feel another person’s warmth. I won’t ask for anything after.

And I collapse into slumber.


When I wake up, the first thing I see is the white ceiling. The bright fluorescent light that stab my eyes. I look around. My arms are fastened to my side. A beeping monitor sat beside me. Tubes and dextrose are fastened in my nose and ears. Bandages wrap my limbs.

I blink thrice. Not remembering what happened after that. The boy kissed me. That I remember. I wipe my blood in his lips to make him forget me. He is better off without me.

At the corner, out of my field of vision, a door creaks open. I can hear footsteps approaching my side.

“Who…?” my voice is rasp and hoarse in my ears. Like a frozen cheese forcibly grated.

“Hello, Ms. Vermillion.” A man, with a bald head, a stout figure, and a stack of documents tuck in the side of his ashen suit greeted me stiffly.

“Who are you?” At this moment I know he is someone who held an important position in the national federation.

“I am Dennis Sinclair. You can call me Mr. Sinclair from now on Ms. Vermillion. May I?” he gestured to the seat beside me. I nodded slightly.

“I am aware what you and the boy went through. I am so sorry you have to experience that.” His tone sound apologetic. But the strings around him are covered in tint black. Like a thin strip of coal. He does not mean a single word coming out of his mouth.

“I wish to give you another chance. Both you and the boy.” Pause. “ Tell me everything you remembered under the supervision of Ms. Adeline. What did you see? What did you hear?”

Ah,.... now I know. I closed my eyes and control my breathing. Having the air given to me by an artificial oxygen tank feels a bit off. He wish to know what kind of powers Adeline possess. And what he needs to do to lay claims on it.

I shake my head slightly. Parted my lips and said, “My Aunt… caused me nothing but pain. All I ever remember is her face. And her resourceful ways in torturing me. What do you want me to remember from that?”

“She’s your Aunt?” This information is more shocking to him than the rest. I nodded. Out of nowhere three people in black suit came forward. I did not see them or hear them coming. They all stand behind the man. Hands clasp in the front.

I immediately flinch and squirm from my bed. The pain shot through all over my body. I wince. A painful slab got stuck in my throat. When I try to get it out, blood splattered in the blanket.

The man immediately stand at his feet. Barking orders to one of his men to call the nurse. I’m heaving against the cold. I’m shivering against the darkness. I’m shaking against the void.

Can I get away? I decided I need to. I don’t want to be here. Or be near to anyone. Not to that boy, not to Adeline, or to this man. Let me rest. Set me free. I’m tired of being afraid every single minute. Like the walls will eat me up alive. Like the image of Kenneth will slid past from the dark cavern walls and show me the image of him hanging limp in front of me.

I’m tired of being reminded that everything happened because of me. And there’s no way out. No longer way out.

As the man pace around in frantic, I grab his sleeve and pull him closer to me.

“The boy….” I croak. He patted my arm and said, “Don’t worry he’s fine. The injury on him is not that serious. One of my colleagues thought the cut is pretty deep, when the doctor check, it’s really not. So be rest assured.”

“No….. Him…. Take care…”

“What?” he lean closer to me. I can see the pores in his face.

“Take care of him for me.”

After I said that the pool of blood I vomit out was replaced with red strings. Wrapping the man in front of me and his two men. They stayed in their position. Standing and stiff they can’t utter a single word, or twitch a muscle. They can’t see nor hear anything. Like a statue standing stiffly in the mausoleum.

The red strings engulf me and heal all my wounds. The painful slab in my throat is gone. The sickening feeling that twist my stomach is also gone. I remove the tubes attach to me, the IV drops and stood up.

I pass by a mirror, having a glimpse of my face terrifies me. But what I saw is scarlet eyes staring back at me. It’s blood like color reminded me of all the blood spilled in front of me.

“I am a monster,” I muttered. Reaching out to touch my cheek. I tap one string that connects the man hovering in the hospital bed.

“From now on, raise the boy like your own son. Make him your successor and give him everything he wants. And also……”

The angle change now I’m talking to the three of them. “Forget you ever saw me in here. Forget what you hear about me.”

I conclude the order and went out of the room. Bypassing the nurse who scuttled over to check on me. Only to find I’m no longer in the bed I was admitted in.

I navigate through the busy corridors and patients either standing or sitting idly in the bench. By the time I know it, I’m already out of the hospital building. Walking aimlessly with light hospital clothes against the snowstorm raging from the night sky.

I cross the crossroads with no destination in mind. I don’t know where I am. I just know I need to get out. To get away from anyone who are after me.

I need to keep that boy alive by staying away from him. I need to end Adeline’s life if I want to set myself free from the nightmares she drilled in my mind.


Someone behind me exclaimed. I am surprised but my body showed no sign of it. Even my own dull scarlet eyes did not react.

“I know it was a great decision to send him to you!”