
The Mastery of Elements

A journey of discovery, comradeship, fateful encounters, and tender partings. ‘Upon leaving, Master said to seek the Wonders.’ Seven Wonders stand atop this world. Within each of them holds a secret to the elements. Witness the adventures of a traveler and his small companion as they journey throughout the lands seeking the Seven Wonders of the World. - - - - - - - Credits: Cover art is from Pinterest.

Piyobee · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Elementalist (1)

「You see, in the beginning, this world was not as it is today. The elements existed as separate entities. Then a mighty force, or perhaps a mightier will, brought the elements together and from it emerged stars, planets, and everything that we see today. You were created the same way, too.」

I smiled faintly as I recalled the words of my Master.


A small goblin tugged the helm of my waist. I leaned down and patted its head.

"Yes Gumu, I see them too."

A few distances away, a man was walking towards us with a drunken gait. A couple older men sat in a shade looked our way but seemed disinterested. I felt a small tug on my other side. A young child around 6 years of age pointed a finger at the man.


"Ah, that's your father? Why don't you go to him?"

The child clung to me, unsure. I sighed. It wasn't a good idea to hand a child to a drunken man even if that person was his father. But I had no relation to the child nor do I want to be responsible.

Gumu picked up a twig from the sandy ground, it was an olive twig. The settlement we arrived at was located in a grand desert expanse. Despite the arid environment and lack of water, the settlement flaunted extravagant manors, olive trees, and an irrigation system thanks to the gifts of other kingdoms. The reason behind the kingdoms' interests in the settlement was because this place contained one of the「Seven Wonders of the World」. It was the same reason why I came here.

While traveling to the settlement, I stumbled upon a child who got lost while trying to catch a salamander. Since we were heading in the same direction I offered to escort him home.

Gumu had walked up to the man and offered the olive twig, but the man slapped the offering out of the goblin's hands.

"Get yer hands off me and release my son!"

Sparks formed around his bear-like hands and he released a sphere of fire in my direction.

A Pyromancer? I reached into my pouch and pulled out two coin sized pellets. These were made of compacted dust and could be used for a variety of things. I was hoping to save these for the journey in the「Seven Wonders of the World」, but the child and Gumu would be in danger if the fire started spreading.

I tossed the compact pellets into the incoming flaming sphere. Upon being heated up, the pellets exploded into a firework of dust which dispersed the fire. The sandstone pavement between us became charred and smoky dust fell like snowflakes.

A couple feet behind the man, a woman ran towards us with a frying pan. "Duncan, stop! You'll hurt the child!"

The man didn't seem to hear and sparks flared as he prepared another attack.


The heavy frying pan smacked down on the man's head. The woman huffed, catching her breath. "Can't you see that this young lad brought our son back safely? Think with your brain for once."

The sparks subsided as the man saw his son clinging to the back of my cloak.

"Daddy, stop it!"

The child walked over to the small goblin. He picked up the fallen olive twig and handed it to Gumu. "Gwablin. Gwod."

Upon seeing the peaceful exchange, the man's posture relaxed and he heaved out a sigh. "Sorry about that. My son was nowhere to be found so I prepared to face the worst outcome."

The child ran to the man who leaned down and ruffled the child's hair. "Sorry son, I should be a better role model."

The man retrieved something from his house and handed it to us as an apology.

* * *

We made our way through the bustling crowd and headed towards the center of the square.


Gumu munched on the meat happily. After learning that we were headed to the「First Wonder」, the man had given us a pouch of coins and some fresh meat as a thanks for escorting his son back home. The people who spectated the fight paid us no mind. It was a common sight as this settlement, Mjurvel, was popular among adventurers who often liked to scuffle. The coins were a welcomed gift and the meat could be used as bait for whatever lies within the Great Pyramid.

"Don't eat all of it. We should save some for the Great Pyramid."

The「First Wonder of the World」, the Great Pyramid, was one of the three「Ancient Wonders」among the「Seven Wonders of the World」. It was the most popular site for adventurers because it contained all sorts of artifacts and materials that could be crafted into elemental tools. Even though hundreds of adventurers venture into the pyramid every week, new artifacts continue to spawn. It was rumored that the sands of the desert gathered lost artifacts and carried them to the pyramid.

The stalls around us were selling artifacts of various kinds. A crystal vial that keeps substances cool, a funny looking hat that offers protection from the sun, an all-element-proof robe... the Grand Bazaar of Mjurvel flourished thanks to the plentiful yield from the Great Pyramid and Mjurvel's cooperation with adventurers. It was a place where even common folk came and bought elemental artifacts that originated from the「First Wonder of the World」.

It was midday so the bazaar was fairly crowded. I bought a few artifacts for myself and a turban for Gumu. Since Gumu was a goblin I was worried about how adventurers would react.

Mjurvel was a peaceful settlement where travelers of all kinds, humans and beastmen alike, stopped by to rest. But this was not the case inside the chambers of the Great Pyramid so it's always a good idea to be prepared.

The turban was fabricated with an elemental Lumos thread so it was able to disguise Gumu as a human. It was too small to fit Gumu's large head so I wrapped it around the small goblin like a scarf.

I chuckled, "Gumu, you look like a mummy".

Gumu grumbled but kept the turban on as we made our way towards the entrance of the Pyramid.

Along with the coins and food, the man had given us a [Permit Emblem] that allowed us to enter the Great Pyramid. It was necessary to control the influx of adventurers and to also make sure that no bandits looted the artifacts. I don't remember the exact amount, but a certain percentage of artifacts had to be donated to the Grand Bazaar of Mjurvel.

I handed the [Permit Emblem] to the guard and entered the Great Pyramid.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! The next chapter is being worked on, meanwhile please enjoy this neko emoji.

=(^● ω ●^=)ノ

Piyobeecreators' thoughts