
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
157 Chs

The Queen's Wrath.

"Magic Circles?"

Red watches with caution as the sudden emergence of the wave of magic circles stationed ahead of him.

Upon closer inspection of the magic circle, there was something familiar about it. The spell was cast with the same symbol and structure that the mages in Mundi magicae use.

The magic symbol within the circle started glowing and fading away simultaneously as the mana flow started warping and gathering in a single spot, turning the surroundings into a chilling atmosphere.

[Find a spell to counter this, I'll transfer some of my mana for you.]

Ryong said with a hint of panic in his voice as he slowly poured his mana into Red's mana heart, filling it with an increased surge of power.

Red being more surprised by the fact that Ryong started using the word "you" instead of his usual "thou", smiled and twirled his fingers.

He already had his list of spells prepared in advance since he predicted that one of the vampires might have come originally from Mundi magicae.

Lightning began cackling from the Queen's magic circle as a huge surge of mana began emerging from the magic spells.

Multiple bolts of lightning started forming in the middle, combining and merging into each other, forming one bolt of lightning.

At one glance, any mage would have guessed what this spell was. It was [Lightning Spear]. The purity of the spell was higher than average as the bright yellow lightning bolt shocked the surrounding environment and electrocuted anything that was a good conductor of electricity, namely all the metal around the library.

However, this wasn't enough to scare Red as he laughs at the sight of the [Lightning Spear] created by the queen.

"What's so funny??"

The queen asked anxiously since Red hadn't spoken even once to anyone, yet upon seeing her start using a magic spell, he finally responded but not in the way she had hoped.

'Has he finally lost it?' She wondered curiously while controlling the mana she was pouring in her spell.

"I came all the way here, prepared to sacrifice my life fighting the queen of the vampire, only to be faced with a mediocre spell like [Lightning spear]. Have I overestimated you?"

Although Red's question was asked with curiosity, it was enough to set the Queen off since he was practically belittling her.

With an angry roar, the queen swings her hand forward, flinging the lightning projectile forward at Red, only for the spell itself to seemingly vanish into thin air, with some of the electricity still shocking the nearby metallic object.


The Queen unknowingly let out a weird noise upon seeing one of her strongest attacks vanishing into thin air.

The smoke caused by the spell slowly cleared off as the sight of Red standing where he originally was shown, with him patting his shoulder, and dusting off the debris and dirt caused by the attack.

"You done?" Red asked as he grabbed Fang, leaning the blade over his shoulder and yawning.

"H-How did my magic disappear?" The queen asked dumbfoundedly as she was still trying to comprehend the situation.

Red interjected as he replied nonchalantly, "I just returned some of my magic to clash with yours, that's all."

"To clash with mine... Don't tell me, magic cancel?! How is that possible? That's a magical phenomenon, not something that can be weaponised, how on earth did you__?"

Then the queen stops right in the middle of her sentence. She realised who she was facing. A mage from the other world. Or so she thought.

Turning her head over slowly, she asked with a hint of sadness in her voice, "So the high council finally decided to get rid of their last evidence."

"Not that I'm aware of..." Red replied, ignoring her while he started gathering mana into his left palm.

"...but I do need something from here." He replied as he placed his palm forward and aimed at the queen.


[Gravity Well]

AOE Damage

Summons a projectile which pulls the target towards it. At the same time, mana is being drained by the spell. The larger the magic capacity held by the target is, the larger the radius of the spell is.

Magic Requirement: 7th Magic Circle

Mana Consumption: High


A ball of projectile drops to the ground upon being summoned, sliding through the ground as it glides forward gently. Upon having its range of field coming in contact with the queen, a large mass of darkness expands in the shape of a circle, draining anything that holds mana in their body. The queen's body was then, pinned to the ground as her mana began draining at a rapid speed due to the mass of darkness on the ground while the black ball continued pinning her, rendering her motionless.

[The training you did was rather useful, huh.]

'Well, I got to get stronger if I want to survive.'

Red replied as he recalled the time he was training along with his student, way back when he was preparing them for the magicae festival.

It was around this time that he began playing around with the most powerful skill he has in his arsenal: [Mimicry]

[Mimicry] back then was around Lv. 13 and was able to copy any type of magic or skill upon seeing it once. However, its most powerful feature lies in being able to obtain said skill/magic upon using it 5 times. However, he was only allowed to obtain up to 5 skills permanently due to the level cap he had. He also realised that with him using a weapon regularly, perhaps having a high-tier spell in his arsenal would be incredibly useful, however, that would require a higher mana heart capacity to evoke the spell.

So what can he do?

Using [Mimicry] to copy the Higher-Tier Spell, he would drain all the mana he has in his body, leaving a small percentage so that he wouldn't pass out, and recover using mana breath which would help recover the mana he just lost and strengthened his mana heart in the same time. Doing this 5 times would also allow him to obtain the magic spell permanently as well, killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

Ultimately, these were all the skills and magic he obtained with the help of [Mimicry]:

Moon-styled Swordsmanship

Gravity Well

Heavenly Demonic Martial Arts

Thunder Bomb

Helix Sphere

Eurus Frenzy

Gravity Ball


Arcana Shortsword


Red walked towards the queen who was still pinned to the ground as he equipped Fang once again, igniting it with the [Cleansing Flame].

He lifted his sword, ready to bring it down before something caught his eye.

Hidden within the queen's arm was a book. More specifically, it was the book that the little boy handed to him previously.

"Don't you dare touch that book, you filthy mage!" The queen screams.

Ignoring her warnings, he snatched the book away, trying to find the title of the book. But as he flipped the book around over and over again, there was nothing written there. Looking at the spine of the book, nothing was written there as well.

Upon flipping the first page, it became apparent what kind of book this was. It was a journal, more specifically one that belonged to a kid.

As he tried to flip to the next page, a particular sound could be heard from behind.

A sound that can only be crunching, crackling and breaking. It was as if something broken beyond repair was trying to fix itself once again.

It was the queen of vampires.

Using willpower alone, the queen lifted her entire body, defying the gravity that ploughed her to the ground. Going as far as to have the bones in her body shattering while having her flesh torn and ripped open. She stood up despite all odds and using her hand, she grabbed the black ball, shattering it with sheer strength, destroying the spell instantly.

From there, she raised both her arms in the air as she shuts her eyes temporarily before suddenly opening them again.

From there, blood seemed to appear from nowhere as it began flowing into the library in midair, engulfing her entire body, and creating a blood dome around her.

[Get rid of her now!]

Ryong roars as Red compels swinging Fang immediately, only to be stopped by a wall of blood again.

Even with the help of the Cleansing Flames, he was not able to get rid of the wall immediately since upon slashing them, they regenerated again within a split of a second.

'This is not good.'

Red said as he observed his arm. Sure enough, there were goosebumps all over his body even though he knew something was incredibly wrong. The blood dome starts floating in the air halfway before exploding and splurging in all directions as blood spikes.

[Block it!]

Changing Fang into its Greatsword form, Red used the blade as a shield as countless blood spikes flew past him, shredding everything in their way.

Emerging from the centre was the queen. This time with blood overflowing every in her body like a long dress.

"I warned you, mage."

Hey guys, sorry for the update, I had to attend a wedding. On the sidenotw, i can finally use italic and bold. FINALLY.

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