
The Mask delivered to me

A random mask appeared at Red's House out of nowhere. Upon wearing the mask, strange things begin to happen. Bad luck would seemingly be stuck with him as he gets into new troubles one way or another.

Aphath · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
157 Chs


While Red was fighting for his dear life back in the Highgate Cemetery.

Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto was watching with anticipation through the streaming window that was presented to her.

"Wha_?! He already started the battle a while ago already!"

Red equipped Combo-Maker while Vone was injected by White with the poisonous venom running through his veins.

Just this sight alone was enough for her to make a deep observation.

The fact that Red was bleeding profusely even though he had the means to heal meant that something was stopping him from healing.

She turned her head and watched Red's opponent.

A vampire.

Creatures of the night thay are thought to be exaggerated tales from the foreign land.

The fact that they really existed bewildered her.

But something was wrong with the blood fiend. The veins in his body were protruding out, and the blood in it was black, flowing through his entire body.

Looking at White, it was clear about what happened. The imoogi's venom disrupted the healing properties of the vampire.

And the events unfold slowly. Little does Uzume-sama know that because she was sitted so excitedly against the window, her hand touched the "Share" option.

The option appeared with the most recent chat.

Using the system created from the being known as "Blue", she was finally able to chat using social media and was able to communicate to the rest of the Shinto Gods using the "Shinto Gods" group, and with a misclicked of a button, the video she was watching was streamed for the group.


[Ama-Tsu-Mara]: Hoh, it's the young lad that is using the divine artifact again.

[Inari Okami]: Uzume... Not again...

[Susanoo-no-Mikoto]: Sorcery!

With Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto's eyes glued to the screen, the message started flooding in the group chat slowly. The events of Red fighting against Vone panned out with Red using Combo-Maker in staff mode.

[Amaterasu Omikami]: Once again, Uzume, you invoked Susanoo to spam us with him message.

[Omoikane]: Another rare yet interesting event unfolds for the young human again. This is the fabled vampire I see.

[Susanoo-no-Mikoto]: Sorcery, I like!

The sight of Red bleeding caught the attention of some of the gods as in this scene, Red swapped his weapon form, changing it to a Tri-Sector Staff.

[Hachiman]: For someone who is bleeding so much, he can certainly hold his ground and continue fighting well.

[Takemikazuchi]: Makes you blood boil, doesn't it Hachiman?

[Okuninushi]: He should really not move in his conditions, though. He could die at any moment.

[Susanoo-no-Mikoto]: That human is quiet string!

[Okuninushi-no-kami]: Yes, he is rather strong-willed.

And it was at this point, Red threw Vone forward.

[Takemikazuchi]: Not bad.

[Hachiman]: Not bad.

[Fujin]: Not bad.

[Raijin]: Not bad.

[Susanoo-no-Mikoto]: noT baD.

The gods who practised martial arts all nodded in unison upon seeing Red's throwing technique.

And from there, Red laid down as he closed his eyes and slowly blacked out.

Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto watched in frustration as she was disappointed at how short the match was. Until the list of spams of messages was thrown in the group, all saying why was she the only one who can watch something this exciting.

"Oh no."


[Vone's POV]

Urgh. My head hurts.

My head?

I'm still alive.

I tried opening my eyes, but something was preventing me from moving. I shifted my head left, and right, it seemed that I was still outside.

I was blinded with something covering my eyes.

I tried moving my arms, but I was pulled away the moment I tried resisting. Something prevented me from escaping. I was not able to use any of my magic as well. It seems a sort of chains was tied around my limbs.

Shit. Now, what?

"Hey. Don't even think about it. You can't use any of your magic."

The person spoke in a cold, demeaning tone.

It seems like I have been captured by my enemies. And from the way they captured me and kept me immobilised, they must have known what I am capable of.

It must have been the masked awakeners's allies then.

From the smell of it, they are human. But, they are a little different from the ones I knew.

Though as a vampire, I had a pretty good hearing and sense of smell, and even then, they managed to cover up these aspect, rendering me completely powerless.

Even then, I forced myself to listen to these insignificant beings, waiting for the chance to strike, only for something unusual to happen.

I was not on earth.

Specifically, this was not the earth I knew.

The air was... different?

It was a lot denser compared to back where I was, but l felt physically stronger here.

It was hard to explain this sensation, but the best way to describe would be, a surge of power running through your veins.

In that case, shouldn't it mean that I am able to break myself out of these chains.

As I was about to test that theory, the chains that helped me captive suddenly tightened up, squeezing both my arms and legs tightly.


How did I, a vampire nobility, get treated like this?

This must be the worst day of my life.

As I was dragged across wherever I was. The chains that held me captive started to lift itself up.

Looks like wherever I'm going is high up in the air as the chains that were used to hold me in place were also used to drag me off the ground.


It hurts so much that it feels as if my arm was about to be torn off. Me, a vampire noble, being tortured by mere humans? Unacceptable! I would rather die than be at the mercy of these livestocks.

Using the teeth in my mouth, I opened my jaw and sinked my own teeth into my tongue, hoping I would bleed to death, with the help of the poison flowing in my body.



It didn't work. Instead, it seems my regenerative abilities were back.

How was I cured from the snake's venom?

As I pondered to myself these questions, the flesh in my wrist started rubbing and tearing. The healing abilities in my body prevented it from tearing, forcing the muscles and flesh to reconnect, causing a constant process of healing and tearing.

It was torture.

I would rather die than continue this.

It went on for a few hours, especially when whatever dragged me, suddenly moved left and right of its position, along with the constant spinning from the chains.

In the end. It stopped.

I landed on the ground, and before I was able to at least stand on my own feet to move, I was yanked forcefully by whoever was holding me, slamming me to the ground and dragged across the rough surface of the ground. This continued further on as I was dragged across multiple different types of ground that included the dirt, stairs, and many more.

Then it stopped.

Wherever I was, the area was silent. Butchered were multiple humans around me.

My arms and feet suddenly opened up as the chains that were dragging me went to the extreme end of wherever I was, pulling my body apart as if it was trying to pull me in half.


That was when something I had never felt before was overwhelmed me.

Mana pressure?

The atmosphere was so thick that I was not able to breathe or even think. Something was deliberately playing with my life as I continued gasping for air.

Then it stopped.

*Cough* *Cough*

The blindfold around my eyes was lifted, causing my eyes to be blinded temporarily. However, I was able to make out a figure.

Standing in front of me was an old human with a bright red robe.

Furthermore, that human is someone or something that I knew in my mind is someone i could never hope to kill.