
The Marvelous Superman

An unfortunate teenager is reborn as his favorite superhero, Superman, in the Marvel Universe. He will experience the meaning of friendships, love, heroism and much more. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Oh People of Webnovel! Have you not yet, read my fanfic? Why is it that you're procrastinating with what you know is inevitable? Is it that you're afraid? Afraid of becoming addicted to my fanfic? Well, do not fear anymore, because I'm here to confirm that you will. So it's pointless to fight it! (False advertisement warning) NIKE Just officially came out with a statement for my fanfic, they said "Just read it!" True story bro (But don't be afraid, my fanfic is way better than my synopsis) -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- No Harem AU, It's heavily inspired by mcu and the comics, but doesn't follow any of their plots. Avarage words/chapter: 1.0k-1.3k words. This is fanfiction, I don't own any of the characters. Except those I created myself.

Passerby_Venne · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Chapter 37: The return of the hottie

A year and a half had gone by very fast, Superman had continued saving the earth, and its people. He was one of the people who saved people the most.

There were many reasons for that, he was the fastest and strongest. But the most important thing was that he guarded earth as Superman, More than 12 hours a day.

His alter ego, Kevin B. Collins didn't have any specific working hours, he could super write a book in a few minutes, and that would suffice for a year.

But since he wasn't just any normal author, he released multiple bestsellers every year as CK.

Other heroes could only do their hero work for a few hours a day at most, if even that.

Spiderman had college and work, Tony had his business, Captain America and the other Shield agents had their shield work.

Every now and then they received a team mission where the Avengers would assemble.

Kevin was very happy with his choice of career, as he could spend lots of time as Superman.

He and Laura hadn't made lots of progress in the last year.

At first it went very well, they went on dates once or twice a week. But it became evident for Laura that for Kevin, His identity as Superman always came first.

But it wasn't just Laura that felt somewhat hesitant about their relationship. Kevin also had his doubts.

He had from the very beginning. He felt that maybe, she was interpreting her thankfulness, gratitude and appreciation for him as something more.

He had once taken her hand in his own, then kissed her. Then he asked her if she felt anything. She pondered for a minute before asking "Like what?"

He himself felt like his heart had beaten faster when he took her hands and kissed her. And it worried him that she didn't like him the same way he liked her.

But Kevin had greater worries right now, he stood in front of his windows and looked down, during the last year and half, great changes had happened to New York.

Ultron had been created, and everything worked greatly.

They even started creating Ultron cops, now every cop had a Ultron partner, to help and assist in case of supervillains, mutants or aliens.

The Ultron robots listened to their superiors and followed commands, had their personalities and were very helpful for the advancement of societal protection.

Now, there was even discussion about firefighters having Ultron partners assisting them.

Everything looked great but Superman was worried deeply about this.

At first, superman wasn't the only one against the idea of robots with AI, but with lots of testing and debating, Tony had gotten as he wanted.

Even though he had his worries, he couldn't help but to admit that way less people needed his help as Superman in the US, as each policeman had their own robotic partner.

Superman flew above the atmosphere, reaching space. He had grown so strong during the last few years that he really didn't know where his limits were, if he had any.

First he flew past the sun, looking at the army that was nearing.

'Only a few months at most before they arrive.' Superman thought.

He occasionally comes up here to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary.

He had thought of just attacking the army first, but he didn't know if they had teleportation devices and abilities.

If he went to attack them, he risked allowing the majority of them to escape past him. And in the worst possible case, they had leaders that could overpower Earth's strongest avengers.

Then it would take time for him to defeat all of them, and earth would be left without a Superman, as he was busy fighting super aliens in space.

He was still contemplating if it was worth the risk, attacking them first.

He simply turned around for now and went towards another galaxy.

It took him a few minutes to find one he was happy with.

He found a lifeless planet that was countless times bigger than Jupiter.

As his feet slowly landed on the surface of this nameless planet, cracks started to form beneath his feather because of the gravitational force.

'It feels like I gained a few kilograms?" Superman thought.

He was here to test his strength, so he simply punched downwards. A big earth wave was expanding from where he had punched.

'Nothing happened?' Superman was confused, but the planet started to shake violently as it exploded.

Superman flew far away and looked at his art piece. This gigantic planets had just exploded in uncountable pieces of rubble and debris.

It was so great in size that he had to fly very far to see the whole of it.

'I was just testing the waters with a little bit of my power!' Superman thought as he saw the whole planet turning to debris and dust.

He turned around and flew back to the milky way Galaxy.

When he had arrived in the outskirts of the Galaxy he stopped as he noticed some kind of magical spatial rift opening up, and spitting out a small spacecraft before closing again.

Using his x-ray vision he noticed four people unconscious inside of it.

'Shouldn't there be a fifth?' Superman thought as he flew towards the space craft, and pushed it towards earth.

He noticed that a meteor was flying towards them so he let go of the spacecraft in space and flew towards the big meteor, catching it and slowing down its flying speed before changing its trajectory from earth.

As his hands left the meteor, a black, slimy mocus reached out to his hands and moved up his arm.

Failing to penetrate his skin it went into his suit.

'What?! Was that the meteorite that venom was supposed to arrive with? Should I just take a bath in the sun and destroy this thing?' He thought, but he changed his mind when he saw his suit turn black and silver. Then when he thought about it, it turned back to white as if venom could feel his intention.

'Since I found you, I'll call you... Lil' black?... No... let's go with Tyrone.

Superman would have taken a sunbath, a literal sunbath, had it not been for Tyrone showing his ability in making his suit Black and Silver, successfully winning Superman over.

The people of New York noticed that a big ball of fire was falling down from the sky, but before they could become panic-stricken, they saw the ball of flames-meteorite slow its speed.

When it had reached low enough altitudes the people noticed that Superman was carrying the meteorite... no, a space craft!

Superman flew down towards a hospital, and as he landed and carefully put down the spacecraft on a field of grass, so that it wouldn't be in the way of ambulances and people hurrying to get help.

He walked forwards and easily ripped the door open. And then turned towards the nurses and doctors that hurried out.

"Help the four people inside, they are the scientists that got lost in space!" He said dazzlingly as he flew away.

Everyone in the surrounding had long ago picked up their phones and caught everything on video.

Superman hurried home, he had something very important to do.

As he got home he stood in front of a mirror.

He threw his hand forward and shouted "Go web!"

Nothing happened. he did it again but this time more carefully. "Fly!"

"Up up and away web!"



"Go web, Go!"

"Get on, Tyrone!" He said, but still nothing happened.

"I guess a sunbath is then!" He said tiredly, and then his suit turned black and silver!

"Listen little buddy, your name is Tyrone from now on!" He said wisely.

But in protest, the black mocus sprouted a head locking goo, from his suit that nodded no.

Superman nodded yes.

But jt still nodded no, so Superman gave up. He couldn't force the little dude.

Superman flew out, towards the sun.

That's when it sprouted another head that nodded yes.


Tbh I don't know if Tyrone can merge with nonbiological matter.

But nonetheless, in this universe he can.

Also, why name him venom? Venom is dangerous, this little dude, of raised correctly would be an upstanding citizen. His name is now Tyrone.