

Fauche Viril was having a good day.

He had found himself in the middle of a good deal, with only two possible outcomes, and both outcomes were just fine by him.

If Squire Falken ended up succeeding, then he would have successfully destabilized the loyalty of the shareholders and stakeholders towards the president significantly. It didn't matter if there was no proof, the timing of the attempt given the friction between the president and Herguson Meine would, at the very least, sprout significant doubts and distrust toward the president.

If Rui failed, then the situation would be less ideal, albeit more volatile since the director would still be alive and would also suspect the president above all else.

No one would dare suspect Fauche, one of the staunchest supporters of the director and a close friend of his.

Furthermore, if Rui failed, then Fauche would gain ten free commissions from Rui. That was not a small amount!