

The Commonwealth Duchy of Vinfrana was a direct bordering nation of the Kandrian Empire thankfully, so the journey back and forth from the town of Hajin to the location of the research facility wasn't all that long.

"Have you guys memorized it?" Rui asked, closing the mission bill, after quickly storing all the data in his mind palace.

"No." Kane yawned. "But we have you. So, it's all good."

Rui rolled his eyes.

"I've memorized everything but the finer details." Fae replied.

"As have I." Hever calmly replied.

Rui glanced over at snoring Nel, sighing.

"Hey, wake up!"

"Hm?" His eyes flashed open. "Is it time to go?"


He stood up abruptly. "What are you wasting time sitting here for? Let's get going!"

Rui simply gave up, as they all proceeded to the dispatch facility, completing the required protocols before they could finally be dispatched.