

"Immediately, if you so wish." He replied. "Finding the right Martial body is something that requires time and exploration."

"How much time?" Rui asked, curious.

"Oh, it can vary wildly." He replied simply. "I think the minimum it has ever taken was a few days, and the maximum it took was a few months."

"A few months?" Rui frowned.

"Yes, we were dealing with a very fussy and indecisive Martial Apprentice." Squire Gunther nodded. "Lot of it depends on how much clarity you have with how you want your Martial Art to look at the end of your Martial Path. Usually, Squire candidates have very high clarity on exactly what is needed."

"I see." Rui absorbed the information he provided. "Can we begin the process right now then? I do not wish to waste any time before heading to the matter."

"Alright." He nodded. "The preparations have already been made. I won't be conducting the procedure, of course. It's a mostly medical procedure."