

The body constantly had to maintain balance. This was easy to do if one was merely standing in one place. However, it was not as simple when launching a powerful attack. A large amount of mass of the body shifted very rapidly when attacks were launched, it was not easy to maintain balance when it was being disrupted so much and so quickly.

It may seem easy to launch a strong punch, but that was only because the sub-conscious mind worked very hard and fast to ensure balance was always maintained at all times. In reality, everyone's balance was always one step away from being lost.

Hafbor's redirection was centered around that fact.

Rather than pushing Havier's strikes out of the way like normal parries worked. He was pushing Havier's body just enough off balance in just the correct way that the strike would inevitably go off-trajectory due to the body's imbalance.

So how did the mind handle that?