

Rui didn't even know if she could be saved. Losing a heart was usually a nigh-instant death. It all depended on how good her body's endurance and healing were. Those were the factors that would determine whether the medical team made it in time.

 He turned back towards Meera with narrowed eyes. 'She's a lot less sane than she looks.'

It was an eerie realization.

Earlier, she had struck Rui as a quirky and eccentric Martial Artist. Now she was clinically insane in his eyes. 

However, her strength was real. Squire Feoul's technique was easily grade ten. She was an incredibly powerful Martial Squire who definitely belonged in the top eight based on the power she displayed. 

Rui was confident he would have been able to definitively defeat her, it was still extremely impressive for Meera to be able to take her down so quickly.

Her match had impacted all those who witnessed it.