

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 6: something fishy I

Then an old voice followed, "What brings you elves and humans to my hut?" Amma replied, "Ancient one, we need your help. Our friend got cut by the blade with mysterious markings, and you're the only one who can help him." The ancient one insisted, "The blade with mysterious markings on it, huh? Let me see it." Amma dropped her bag on the floor and brought the blade out. The old lady took the blade from her and started reading the marks with an unknown language. "In order to heal your friend, you'll have to bring me some herbs from the back of my hut. You will need to gather five orc leaves, three arcod, and two lemon fruits. I'll be here making preparations for the treatment, so you guys have to be fast." The old lady insisted. "I'll stay with Logan, Jordan. Amma, you have to go find those herbs," Gina included. "It's okay, little human. You can go with them. I can do this myself. After all, they'll need your help," the old lady insisted. "Okay, guys, let's go," Gina agreed, continuing to say, "Logan, we'll be back soon, okay? Just stay still."

We stepped out of the hut and made our way to the back. There's definitely something strange about that old woman and Logan, but I can't quite figure it out. Why was Logan deemed unworthy to open the door at Lalorama? Gina keeps secrets, Amma hides her pain, so what could Logan be hiding? I'm determined to uncover the truth. "I just have a bad feeling about that old woman," I expressed. "Why, Jordan?" Gina inquired. "It's hard to explain, but something doesn't feel right," I responded. "Please, Jordan, let's not jeopardize our chance to save Logan. Let's find the herbs and return to the hut," Gina pleaded.

"Jordan might be onto something, Gina. According to ancient legends, the marked ones possess extraordinary instincts, and the ancient one is believed to be an elf, not a human or demon. However, that old lady doesn't fit the description of an elf. She could be either a human or a shape-shifting demon who unknowingly took on a human form," Amma replied to Gina. "And you know what, Gina? I don't trust Logan either. What was he hiding from us? Why couldn't he open the door of Lalorama? It feels like he withheld something important, and we never had the chance to uncover the truth," I added. "Oh, really, Jordan? What's all this about? First the old lady, and now Logan? You know what... Screw you guys! I'm heading back to the hut, and I wish you luck finding the herbs," Gina angrily exclaimed as she stormed off. "Gina, please don't go. I'm your brother, and Logan isn't your boyfriend. You can't leave me for him, Gina," I pleaded, but she seemed determined to stay away. She ran back to the hut. Amma and I continued our search for the herbs.

"Amma, what if I'm completely mistaken about all of this? What if none of it is true? Would Gina ever be able to forgive me if something happens to logan because of me?" I asked, a deep sadness etched on my face.

"I understand your concerns, Jordan. You may be right about the old lady, but I'm not sure about Logan. It wasn't necessary to share those suspicions with Gina," Amma replied.

"We need to go back to Gina, Amma. She could be in danger," I insisted.

"Alright, but our priority should be to gather the herbs first. We can't risk losing Logan, or else Gina won't be able to forgive us," I agreed, and we continued walking.

Behind the hut, there was a massive garden that stretched out for quite a distance. We had to walk for about twenty minutes before reaching the herbs.

Gina's POV: I walked hesitantly, filled with doubt. What if Jordan was right? Could that old lady really be someone else? I couldn't believe it, but I needed to see for myself. I approached the hut and peered through the holes in the wall. My eyes couldn't believe what they saw. It was Logan, and... the old lady transformed into a stunning young woman and started kissing him. I was frozen in shock, unable to move from where I stood. I strained to listen to their conversation, eager to uncover the truth.

"Alright, let's focus on finding the boy we're after first. Once that's taken care of, I'll be all yours," the young woman, who was once the old lady, said with a smile.

"Absolutely, my love. We'll capture them using their own emotions against them - love. Gina's heart already belongs to me, and nothing can change that, not even Jordan. I regret letting them discover the secret of the Lalorama magic mirror, but it served its purpose. Jordan's feelings for Gina have changed since learning they're not biological siblings," Logan explained.

"You're truly wonderful. They won't be able to escape this time, just as we promised our Lord," the young woman assured.

"It's time for you to transform back into your old lady form before they return," Logan insisted.

"Yes, my love," the old woman agreed.

My heart sank, overwhelmed with uncertainty. Jordan was right all along, and now I had to go back and warn them not to return. I turned to run, but my steps faltered and I stumbled over a rock, crashing to the ground. Suddenly, the old woman heard me. Panic surged through me as I tried to escape, but she ensnared me with a powerful spell, rendering me immobile. I cried out desperately, begging Jordan to run as she commanded her demonic creatures to go after him and Amma. "Jordan, run! They're coming for you!"