

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

chapter 18: Unexpected Revelations

"Sadly," she replied with a heavy heart, her voice tinged with sorrow. "Dairo met his tragic end in the devastating explosion caused by my husband." Tears welled up in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks. Determined, she rose from her seat and made her way towards a table situated on the far side of the Hall.

"You must be incredibly proud of your husband's bravery," I exclaimed, my admiration evident in my voice. However, she shook her head in response. "No, a truly brave man wouldn't enter a battle knowing it would cost him his life," she replied, her voice tinged with grief, as she reached for a handkerchief from the table to dry her tears and wipe her nose.

"Rest assured, ma'am, I vow to avenge your husband," I assured her, my sincere concern etched across my face. "I trust you, Jordan, and I'm relying on you," she replied, her sadness palpable.

As I turned my gaze towards the door through which we entered, I noticed a beautiful woman peering at me from the side. Instantly, her face became familiar. She was the one the leader had sent to free me before she launched an attack on Elfin. However, before I could utter a word, she realized I had recognized her and swiftly fled.

Ignoring her sudden departure, I shifted my attention back to the elder and asked, my concern evident on my face, "What about your child?" She looked at me, her eyes filled with reassurance, and replied, "She's in safe hands." Drawing closer to where I stood, she continued with a thoughtful expression, "Furthermore, Jordan, I've been contemplating this deeply. Engaging in battle against Zargo will be an arduous task for you. Therefore, I have decided to provide you with allies."

"Hahaha, don't worry, ma'am. I don't require your guards to fight alongside me. I am more than capable, and it will protect their lives as well," I replied, a hint of pride gracing my face.

"Well," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of contemplation, "I wasn't referring to my guards. I was contemplating the possibility of releasing your friends."

"Oh, really?" I responded, a mixture of surprise and intrigue coloring my tone. "That's a remarkable notion. However, I cannot allow them to partake in the impending battle alongside me. Just take a look at this shattered world around us. It's a desolate and fragmented place. And this Zargo, from what you've conveyed to me, he is undeniably a formidable entity. Defeating him requires unwavering focus and concentration, which I simply cannot achieve with the presence of my sister and friends. I hope you understand the essence of my words," I explained, my words carefully chosen.

"Well, you're absolutely right, Jordan," she acknowledged, her voice tinged with agreement. "In that case, I shall release them to be by your side, at least for the remaining days. Who knows who will emerge victorious on the battlefield?" Her conviction evident, she then summoned the attention of her guards, calling out, "Guards!"

Two female guards promptly entered the room, followed closely by the woman I had glimpsed at the door earlier. As she drew nearer, a smile played upon her lips, directed specifically at me. It was then that I realized her name was Alice. She was the same guard who had been covertly observing me, her gaze filled with an enigmatic mix of curiosity and warmth.

"Bring the prisoners forth and release them from their restraints," the elder commanded, her voice carrying an air of authority. "From this moment onward, grant them their freedom. Treat them with respect and regard them as equals among us, understood?"

The female guards acknowledged the elder's orders and made their way towards the prison chamber where my comrades had been held captive. Meanwhile, the elder singled out one of the guards, addressing her specifically. "Alice, escort the young girl into Jordan's cell."

With the revelation of her name, Alice's identity solidified in my mind. She was the same guard who had been stealing glances at me, her demeanor inexplicably friendly and welcoming. I couldn't help but wonder about the reasons behind her peculiar behavior, a mystery that lingered in the air as she began her task.

They emerged from the room, finally bringing with them Gina, Logan, and Amma. The elder's command resonated through the air, instructing the guards to release the captives from the confines of the ropes that tightly bound their legs together. With deft hands, the guards swiftly untied them, granting them newfound freedom.

As the restraints fell away, a conversation began to unfold, the weight of the past days hanging heavily in the air. Sensing the need for privacy, the elder interjected with a solemn and hesitant tone, "Excuse us," directing the guards to step aside. With a somber expression, she continued, her voice tinged with remorse, "I... I am deeply sorry for the hardship I have caused all of you during your captivity. My misguided intentions led me to believe that holding you hostage would compel Jordan to fight against Zargo. However, I have come to realize that true valor must stem from within his heart. Therefore, I wholeheartedly apologize for everything."

Logan, ever the playful one, responded with a mischievous smirk on his face, "Wow, that's quite a tough one to forgive. Perhaps we should take some time to ponder upon it, ma'am." His words carried a hint of jest, testing the waters of the elder's sincerity.

The elder, undeterred, spoke with unwavering resolve, "Actually, little elf, the decision is not yours to make. Furthermore, your forgiveness holds little significance to me. What matters most is the collective decision of all of you. If you disagree with Jordan's involvement in the battle against Zargo, you are free to return to your original path or continue your journey elsewhere."

Gina, seizing the opportunity to voice her frustrations, chimed in, "You're absolutely right. I don't think I'll be spending another night in this place. Just look at what has befallen us in a mere two days of our stay here. We were on the brink of starvation, constantly subjected to the unsettling gazes of the guards, and..." Her words trailed off as Logan interjected with curiosity, "Wait... Wait... Wait... How did you know I'm an elf?"

Unfazed by the question, the elder responded with an air of wisdom, "What do you take me for? A mere child? I have lived for over a thousand years, and my knowledge encompasses the vast array of races that inhabit this world. So, do not feign surprise. And as I mentioned earlier, it is entirely up to all of you whether you wish to depart or continue alongside Jordan."

Taking a decisive step towards the exit, Gina declared, "Well, I'm outta here," followed closely by Logan, who added, "Me too." Turning to face me, Amma posed a compelling question, "What about you, Jordan? Why the silence? Are you planning to join us on our journey?" Her curiosity hung in the air, waiting for my response.

"I... I don't know, Amma. A part of me feels like I should go with you guys, but the other part..." I trailed off, uncertainty evident in my voice. Before I could continue, the elder interrupted, her comforting words cutting through the hesitation, "Hey, it's okay. Feel free to follow your friends. And before you go, here is your 'Time Portal Pendant' - the very one that brought you here." As she extended her hand, the mystical pendant that Master Shi Nacko had entrusted to me materialized, glimmering in the light.

Startled, Gina interjected with curiosity, searching through her belongings, "Wait, what? How did you get that pendant?" Her eyes narrowed in bewilderment.

"You left it behind on the ground when my guards escorted you to your cell," the elder replied matter-of-factly, tossing the mythical pendant towards me. She continued, her voice filled with understanding, "Jordan, it's okay. Feel free to go."

My curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but inquire, "How did you know the name of this pendant? And how do you possess such knowledge?"

The elder met my gaze, her expression wise and knowing. "Jordan, I have extensively studied your world and its artifacts," she began, her voice filled with a depth of understanding. The door suddenly swung open, interrupting our conversation, as two elderly women entered the grand hall. One of them clutched the hand of a young girl, while the other wielded a double-barrel gun.

"You!" Gina exclaimed, her voice laced with anger and betrayal. "You lied to us, betrayed us, and sold us to those female guards. Well, guess what? It's time for my revenge." With measured steps, Gina approached the little girl held by the woman, her eyes burning with determination.

The woman defended herself, her voice tinged with a mix of remorse and justification. "I did what I had to do, Gina. But the good news now is that you're safe, alright?" She turned to the young girl, comforting her, "You're safe now." Despite the reassurance, Gina was consumed by her thirst for vengeance. She leaned down towards the child and asked, "Hey, little one, tell everyone what you told me that day when we killed a giant snake."

The young girl turned to face the gathered crowd in the grand hall and spoke with a trembling voice, "This woman killed my mom."

The revelation hung in the air, sending shockwaves through the room. Gina's voice broke the silence, her tone filled with validation, "Wow, I guess I was right all along." But the young girl wasn't finished, her next words shattering the tension, "But she asked me to say it. She asked me to say that she killed my mom whenever I'm alone with you, Gina. But my mom is here with us, and she's the elder."

The room fell silent, everyone awestruck by the revelation. "Wait, what?!" Amma exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief, as the old lady smirked in response. Elfin, standing motionless, locked eyes with me. Amma noticed this and quickly walked towards me, shielding Elfin from view.

"So, what's your report?" the elder inquired, her voice carrying a regal tone. The old lady, bowing respectfully, responded, "My queen, your daughter is fully satisfied and ready to face any challenge. However, I suggest we allow her to reach the age of 150 before sending her on a mission."

"Wait what? 150?" Gina muttered silently.

"You're right, and so it shall be..." the elder began, but her sentence was abruptly cut off as the grand hall's exit door swung open with force. A female guard rushed in, her head bowed in deference to the queen. "My queen, there's news," she announced.

Curiosity piqued, the queen ordered the guard to speak up, demanding, "What could it possibly be? Speak up."

"It's Alice, my queen. She's throwing up," the guard replied, her voice filled with concern.

"What? Did she eat something bad?" the queen questioned, her worry evident.

"No, my queen. It's... It's a sign of pregnancy. Her face is all swollen up," the guard revealed, her words carrying a mix of shock and realization.

Pregnancy?!" the elder exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and concern. Without hesitation, she rushed outside, and the rest of us - Amma, Logan, Gina, and Elfin - followed closely behind.

As we stepped outside, a crowd of girls had gathered, encircling one particular girl who was experiencing distress. The elder approached her, and the guards, in unison, lowered their heads in respect. However, Alice, struggling with her condition, was unable to bend down. Sensing her discomfort, the queen gently inquired, "Who is responsible for this?"