

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 13: transformation

My heart pounded in my chest as fear mingled with a newfound sense of purpose. Amidst the chaos and danger, a realization washed over me like a wave crashing against the shore. It was as if a voice deep within me whispered, urging me to rise above my own fears and become the protector my friends needed. With a determined gaze, I turned to Elfin, my voice filled with conviction. "Take them to safety," I said, my words carrying the weight of my resolve. "I'll hold them back."

Elfin's eyes widened, her voice laced with concern. "Are you insane, Jordan? You don't know what you're up against. Those monsters are ruthless, merciless. They'll tear you apart."

But I couldn't ignore the fire burning within me, the sense of duty that demanded action. I met the gaze of the old woman who had guided us to this point. "Are you a man?" she asked, her voice filled with wisdom.

"Yes," I replied, my voice steady. "I am a man."

"Then it is our duty to protect," she declared, her words echoing with conviction. But I couldn't simply stand by and watch. "It is the responsibility of a man to shield those around him," I countered, my voice unwavering. "I am taking on that responsibility. You all must go, find safety. I promise, I will find a way back to you."

As the monsters closed in, their snarls and growls growing louder, I braced myself for the battle ahead. The weight of the world seemed to rest upon my shoulders, but I knew deep down that I had made the right choice. With a final nod to my friends, I stepped forward, ready to face the darkness head-on.

I charged forward, my determination fueling every step. The villagers scattered, leaving me to face the three terrifying monsters alone. As I closed in on them, my fists glowed with an intense white light, a symbol of the power within me. But despite my glowing fists, my forehead mark and eyes remained unchanged, a testament to my true nature.

The first monster, a fearsome creature with the head of a lion and a tail made of writhing snakes, lunged at me. With a resounding clash, our forces collided. I summoned all my strength and unleashed a mighty punch, sending the dog-like beast crashing to the ground. Undeterred, I approached the fallen lion, its serpentine tail hissing with fury. Without hesitation, I struck with precision, my fist piercing its chest. I tore out its heart and crushed it beneath my feet, a final act of defiance.

Onto the second monster, an enormous elephant with the head of an eagle, wings, and trunks sprouting from its neck. I sprinted towards it with lightning speed, ready to deliver a devastating blow. But the monstrous creature was cunning. Its trunks snaked out, seizing me in their grasp and flinging me high into the air. I soared through the sky, a helpless figure against the backdrop of chaos. And then, with a bone-shattering impact, I crashed back down to the unforgiving ground.

As I rose to my feet, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins, numbing any pain that should have been there. With a defiant smirk, I dashed towards the elephant, ready to deliver a crushing blow. But just as I closed in, a colossal bird, headless yet formidable, materialized before me. Its mastery over the air formed an impenetrable force field, shielding it from my attacks and enabling it to strike with its own deadly force.

Undeterred, I lunged at the giant bird, determined to break through its invisible defenses. But it vanished from sight, leaving me vulnerable to its relentless assaults from behind. Each step I took was met with a searing whip across my back, a painful reminder of the monster's power. I stood still, my senses heightened, listening for any clue to the creature's whereabouts. And then, I heard it - the soft, calculated footsteps approaching me from behind. It was the monster, guarding the elephant with fierce loyalty.

With lightning speed, I charged towards the sound of the footsteps, my fist piercing through the heart of the invisible monster bird. As I pulled its heart out, the creature slowly materialized and crashed to the ground. Now, it was just me and the formidable monster elephant. Without hesitation, the elephant lunged towards me, but I effortlessly dashed through it, causing it to split into two equal halves. It was a feat beyond explanation.

As I turned around, I was met with the awe-filled gaze of the women from Sunset Town. Elfin approached me, her voice filled with wonder, asking how I accomplished such a feat. "Honestly, I have no idea," I replied with a shrug. "It was as if I was merely a spectator, watching myself perform the impossible."

The crowd's anger surged as they blamed me for the chaos and destruction. Their words stung, and I found myself standing before the formidable elder, her presence commanding respect. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice echoing with authority.

Summoning my courage, I looked her in the eye and replied, "I am Jordan, a humble traveler who has lost his way and the companions who were dear to me." The elder's gaze intensified, her curiosity piqued. "Jordan? And what manner of being are you?" she inquired, her tone tinged with intrigue.

With unwavering confidence, I answered, "I am a man, ma'am." The revelation seemed to catch the elder off guard, as she admitted, "It has been countless years since we crossed paths with a man. Many of us have forgotten what it means to be one."

Desperate to find a resolution, I implored the elder, "I apologize for any unintended consequences, but all I seek is to reunite with my friends and depart from your world peacefully." However, my plea fell on deaf ears as the elder issued a stern command, "Tie him up."

Elfin's desperate plea echoed through the air, her voice filled with concern and fear. "No!" she cried, attempting to intervene and stop them from binding me. However, the elder dismissed her with a stern command, belittling her understanding of the situation. "Go and sit, young one. You know nothing," the elder chastised, accusing me of bringing monsters into their sacred market.

As they dragged me away, the elder's laughter echoed in the air, taunting me with a seemingly impossible challenge. "Take him to the pit and bind him for four days. On the fifth day, he must face the Almighty Zargo. If he can defeat Zargo, then he may have a chance to return to his world," the elder proclaimed, reveling in their cruel game.

Fear consumed me as they threw me into a cell adorned with bones of various shapes and sizes. Trembling, I cried out, pleading for them not to leave me alone in this terrifying place. But my cries went unanswered, and I sank to the ground, overwhelmed by terror.

In the distance, I caught sight of a mirror, and as I gazed upon my reflection, shock coursed through my veins. For a moment, I couldn't believe that the person staring back at me was truly me. The trials ahead seemed insurmountable, but I knew I had to find the strength within myself to face them.

As I stared at my transformed self in disbelief, realizing that I now possessed a taller stature, defined muscles, and the appearance of a 25-year-old man, doubts clouded my mind. Was this really me? Uncertainty hung in the air as I cautiously approached the mirror, eager to confirm my new identity.

But before I could reach the mirror, a familiar voice called out my name. It was Alfin, holding a key that resembled the one to my cell. Behind her lay a female guard, lifeless on the ground. Alfin's urgent words echoed through the chamber as she tossed the key to me. "Jordan, open the door! We have to escape now. They're closing in on us," she pleaded.

My hands trembled as I fumbled with the key, desperately trying to unlock the door. Yet, my efforts proved too slow. In an unfortunate turn of events, the room filled with female guards armed with swords, led by a formidable woman who carried both a sword and a small pistol in her side pocket.