

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 10: the invasion

I stumbled through the darkness of the night, guided by the enchanting chorus of the nocturnal crickets. As I continued my journey through the forest, I found myself in a part where the moonlight bathed the surroundings in a gentle glow. It felt like the perfect spot to turn into my training ground.

I settled down, ready to meditate and connect with the energy around me. However, the persistent symphony of the crickets made it challenging to find inner calm. Then, I recalled the wise words of Master Shi Nacko from our first class: "Focus on a single sound."

I honed in on the cricket that resembled the sound of a laser gun, allowing its rhythm to guide my thoughts. With my eyes closed, I delved into a deep state of meditation, embracing the harmony of nature's symphony.

In my deep meditation, I found myself in a different place, where I spotted the woman I had first encountered in Master Shi Nacko's class. This time, she stood beside a man in a black suit, both dressed for a wedding. Holding a bouquet of flowers, she turned to me as I called out, "Mom.". " I'm proud of you my son, you've finally made it" Her words echoed in my ears, filled with pride for her son's accomplishments. But as I reached out to touch her, she vanished into the distance.

Turning around, I caught sight of another version of myself, staring back at me from afar. Determined to connect with this mysterious reflection, I sprinted towards it. However, the faster I ran, the further it seemed to retreat. Exhausted, I came to a halt, only to feel a chilling touch on my shoulder from behind. My heart raced as I spun around to confront the source, only to discover it was my own self. Fear engulfed me as his eyes turned bloodshot red and the mark on his forehead blazed with fiery intensity.

Terrified, I fled from him as fast as my legs could carry me, desperate to escape his menacing presence. But no matter how much I ran, he steadily advanced towards me. Panic consumed me as I stumbled and fell to the ground, vulnerable and defenseless. He seized the opportunity, wrapping his hands around my throat, attempting to suffocate me. I screamed with all my might, but my cries went unheard. And then, he uttered a chilling voice, blood dripping from his bloodshot eyes, sending shivers down my spine.

"You let this happen to us! It's all your fault, and it's time to bring it to an end." I found myself in a state of confusion, shock, and fear. Suddenly, the piercing sound of the town's morning bell resonated through the air, signaling the arrival of a new day. Opening my eyes, I beheld the radiant morning light before embarking on my impending mission.

With heavy eyes, I slowly rose from my position and began my journey back to the town. Upon reaching home, I discovered Gina and Amma in a state of panic and worry. "What's the matter, guys?" I inquired. Gina approached me, her tear-filled eyes, and delivered a resounding slap across my face. "Where have you been, Jordan? You vanished without a word, leaving me consumed by fear and uncertainty," Gina cried.

"I deeply apologize, Gina. I had no choice but to fulfill my duty," I insisted, emphasizing the necessity of my actions

"Please, Jordan, tell me you're not heading to the great court today to confront your father," Amma pleaded with tears in her eyes, her voice filled with emotion. I remained silent, unable to provide her with an answer. Just then, the door swung open, and Logan walked in. "Ah, there you are, Jordan. Where have you been? We spent the entire night searching for you," Logan exclaimed. "I was deep in the woods, practicing my skills," I responded, before continuing, "It's time for me to embark on my mission, Logan. Can you guide me to the location of the great court?" I inquired. "The great court is situated on the eastern side of this island, you won't miss it," Logan directed me. "Alright, but how do I challenge my father? What words should I utter to make him reveal himself?" I asked. "Jordan, there are no specific words to say. As long as your determination burns within you, you will find him there," Logan concluded.

I walked out of the room, avoiding eye contact with Gina and Amma. Making my way into the dense woods, I followed the path Logan had provided. After walking for some time, I noticed a narrow road to my left. Curiosity led me down that path, and I discovered a vast area resembling a mystical gathering. Giant bones of various creatures lay scattered around, and I cautiously treaded across them until I reached the exit.

In the distance, I spotted a cloud of dust rapidly approaching. Fear gripped me momentarily until I realized it was Gina, Amma, and Logan. I approached them, my voice barely above a whisper, and asked, "What are you guys doing here?" Logan responded, "We can't let you face this alone, Jordan. We're family now." I insisted, my tone low, "You need to understand that this is my mission, and I have to do it myself. It would be a failure if anything were to happen to you." But they stood firm, united, and Gina declared, "We don't care, Jordan. If you're saving the world, then we're doing it together."

"You're right, Gina. Saving the world is not a task for just one person," I replied, acknowledging her determination. Amma chimed in, her eyes filled with determination, "And I've promised to fight for you, Jordan, until my last breath." Her words surprised me, and her smile intrigued me even more.

"Alright, guys, let's put an end to this once and for all," I accepted their unwavering support in saving the world. We sprinted towards our destination, finally reaching the great court. However, something seemed off. The gates, which were usually closed, were now wide open. As we stepped inside, we were greeted by a sight of devastation. The statues that once stood tall were now shattered into countless pieces.

"Someone... something has invaded this place," Logan stated, his voice filled with concern. Suddenly, a deafening bell rang out, its three resounding chimes sending shivers down our spines. It was a sound unlike anything we had ever heard before.

"That's the sound of war, coming from the town," Amma exclaimed. We all swiftly turned around to witness a massive cloud of smoke billowing from the direction of the town. "The invasion has begun, Jordan. Margro is in town," Logan informed us.

"We need to go," I declared, urgency in my voice, and we raced towards the town. After fifteen minutes of relentless running, we finally arrived. The scene was chaotic, with an eerie stillness hanging in the air. Flames engulfed everything, reducing buildings to ashes. We hurried towards Master Shi Nacko's school, only to find it consumed by the raging inferno.

Without hesitation, I sprinted inside, my heart pounding. There, I found Master Shi Nacko on the ground, struggling to move, blood staining his mouth and body. The school continued to burn mercilessly around us. I rushed to his side, helping him to safety. "Jordan, you must save yourself, Gina, and your friends. The great war is approaching, and this is far from over," Master Shi Nacko gasped, his voice filled with urgency. He handed me something and said, "Take this. Use it to create a portal and escape with your friends... Sigh*..."

Master Shi Nacko handed me a mystical medallion, his final gift before taking his last breath. Tears streamed down my face as I mourned his loss. The flames inside the classroom grew more intense, scorching my skin and becoming unbearable. I rushed outside, only to hear a sinister laughter emanating from the inferno. "Hahahaha... too weak," taunted the man from the Magic Mirror of Lalorama, his voice echoing through the fire.

I instinctively tried to approach the flames, fueled by anger and desperation. However, Amma, Gina, and Logan held me back, their voices filled with concern. "Are you out of your mind, Jordan? You can't rush into the fire like that," Amma exclaimed. In the midst of the chaos, the magical medallion slipped from my grasp, hitting the ground and creating a massive portal. Without warning, we were all pulled into the swirling vortex, transported to entirely different locations.