
The Light

While everyone is in the middle of the feast, singing, dancing, and shouting, Faramis- the empire's second highest sorcerer went rushing to Prince Stroyer to bring a bad news.

"My Prince! My Prince! (Almost catching his breath). Master Rudumen needs to speak with the Emperor this instant!"

Rudemen is the empire's oldest blind sorcerer who ever lived in Dragonoi's history. She is the most powerful sorcerer of the empire during his younger days. This sorcerer is able to take a glimpse of the future and tell what is coming, and she has saved the empire several times from various calamities, epidemics, and invasions. But it has been 1000 years since Rudemen had foreseen a bad omen. Rudemen has been asleep for a thousand years, and on this 16th day of Valtrom year 7777, she has once again awoken to warn the land.

"The Emperor cannot speak to her right now, I will talk to her instead."

"Let us hurry my Prince!"

At Rudemen's sacred temple...

"Master Rudemen, the Emperor cannot speak to you right now, Im here in his behalf."

"My Prince, be warned. As the three Goddesses appears in the skies, unknown light shall rain upon us. These lights shall give birth to a darkness, darkness that we have never seen before. Chaos shall be heard all over the land as they eliminate life from land to the depths of the seas. Life shall perish in front of everyone's eyes while struggle saving others. But be not loose hope. The heavens will not forsake us. Heavenly light shall strike to the chosen ones, they shall become the epitome of hope. The future of the land will depend on the hands of the marked ones."

Rudemen has once again fell into a deep sleep, and no one could tell if when she will be awoken again.

"Three Goddesses of the skies. What exactly is Rudemen referring to, Faramis? The Prince asked."

"The three Goddesses is referring to Dragonoi's three moons my Prince. But within the land's history, the three moons had never appeared to our skies simultaneously. For thousand years, only two moons have been appearing to our skies just like tonight's. According to old folklores, three moons appearing simultaneously within Dragonoi's skies will bring catastrophe."

But while Prince Stroyer and Faramis is talking, they heard shoutings coming outside the castle. So they run immediately to see if what is the commotion all about. They saw the people looking up the sky while others point their fingers towards the moon. They saw the third moon slowly appearing within the skies of Dragonio. Prince Stroyer quickly summons Danvil and Neon as well as the Emperor and the Empress. The Prince told them the warning that Rudemen has given. Danvil and Neon were ordered to evacuate the people calmly to avoid panic. But it seems they were bit too late. The third moon has become fully visible. Suddenly, a very strong wind engulfed the empire, and unusual formations of the clouds started to show. The people have gone panicked, running to different directions because everyone knows what the three moons mean. Danvil sounded the alarm that could be heard all over the land which will serve as a signal for the people to seek refuge on the various evacuation areas of Dragonoi.

On the other hand, Moster and his siblings are also experiencing the strong winds and witnessing the strange formation of clouds within the skies. Moster felt something terrible is about to come for he is also aware of the story behind the three moons. He rushed his siblings home for safety. As they enter their home, Moster and his siblings found a bright light coming from Moster's room. He slowly went inside to check what it was. The light was actually radiated by his sword and shield which his father gave him. The sword and the shield were vibrating as if it also feels the danger that is coming. And suddenly, Moster remembered his father's last words-"the sword and the shield holds a strong power. In times of great danger, it will shine brightly. By that time, you should have mastered already using them."

Meanwhile at the Enchanter's Academy, Clover had just finished her new enchantment spell when the strange cloud formation appeared. In the society of enchanters, the appearance if the three moons symbolizes bad luck, but they never expected that this legend will happen one day.

As the strange cloud formations grew bigger and bigger, the strong winds started to blow slowly and slowly and slowly until its gone. For a while, the people felt calm but it was not yet the end. Strange light is slowly developing within the center of the clouds as it becomes bigger and brighter. It was already too late when Clover realized that the cloud formations were actually portals. Five gigantic beams of light rained suddenly all over Dragonoi destroying almost everything as it hits the ground. Two of the beams of light hit the capital, one in Bandra, one in Faramox, and one in Brandiconium. Several people got hurt and badly injured instantly. The people of Dragonoi is about to witness something that is more horrifying. The beams of lights the rained from the portal turned out to be giant dragons, five times bigger than Dragonoi's biggest dragons. Each dragon emits a powerful roar. As they roar, destructive force comes out from their mouth destroying everything on its path.

In the capital, the empire's soldiers as well as the Croniumees were already engaging with the two dragons. The first dragon roars a destructive fire, while the other dragon roars a lightning. The empire's battle dragons also went into the battle but are useless against the invaders. The empire's soldier and Croniumees' weapons has no effect against the thick scales of the dragons. Even the messiles of Magdaleens could not give a scratch on it. Almost half of the empire's soldiers and Croniumees were already wiped out by the two dragons. Seeing that the empire don't stand a chance against the enemy, the Emperor ordered his men to fallback.

Meanwhile, the town of Bandra suffers too much damage as well. The Phanxee warriors were engaging with the sonic-wave-roaring dragon that has already destroyed almost half of the town. The Phanxees' enchanted swords and axes couldn't lay a scratch as well against the dragon's thick scales. Moster had already evacuated her siblings and went back to the battlefield to fight alongside the the Phanxee wariors. Moster brought with him his sword and shield, the Phanxee warriors were shocked since Moster is not a warrior type but why does he possesses a sword and shield, but nevertheless, Moster joined with them. In the middle of the battle, the dragon went rampage and is about to smash its claws to a group of Phanxees. Moster immediately run towards them and pointed his shield against the dragon. A strong shield energy suddenly appeared that protected them as this gave time to the group of Phanxees to run away. Just when the Phanxees had escaped, Moster used his sword. He cited an encantation spell that triggers the power of his sword. He slashed the dragon aiming its right eye, as a series of powerful energy force comes out from his sword. The dragon halted its attack as it flies away while Moster immediately had his escape. The right eye of the dragon was bleeding but Moster's attack was not enough to kill the it.

The town of Faramox on the other hand was beeing attacked by a crystal dragon. The physical body of this dragon is like a crystal but its skin is as hard as a diamond. It roars a destructive light wiping out everything that it hits. Fighter-type Moxies battled with the crystal dragon but like the others, they could not lay a scratch on its hard skin. Their enchantments and magical spells could only stop the movements of the dragon for a moment but it strikes back two times stronger. Clover went rushing to where the dragon is to join the battle, and there she saw several wounded Moxies. Angered and pained to what happened to the people she loved, Clover faced the dragon. Using her ability, Clover summoned her magical spells. As she recites unknown magical language, magic circles appeared in the skies of Faramox and crystal spears from the magic circles rained into the dragon. Clover attacks simultaneously, another magic circle appeared in the skies and this time its much larger. A burning meteor came out from the magic circle and hits the dragon directly. The dragon was down and on its knees as Clover strikes another attack. This time, magic circles are on the grounds of Faramox, Clover is about use an earth magic. As she continuously recites unknown magic language, the ground where the dragon stands is shaking. Then pilar of stones rose from the ground surrounding the dragon and trapped it inside. The pilar of stones restrained the dragon from moving around Faramox but Clover knows it will not hold the dragon for long. The Moxies rejoiced and cheered Clover for restraining the dragon but Clover shouted:"do not rejoice yet! The dragon is not yet dead and the pilar of stones could not restrain it for long. Many citizens have not yet evacuated, and many are wounded. Help them while we still have time!"

The eastern border of the empire, Brandiconium had taken too much damage as well. But the Croniumees are not loosing their spirit. Even if their Admiral Neon is not arround, they fight under the command of Second Admiral Alu. The Croniumees are facing against a dragon that roars pitch-dark energy force. Normal weapons did not work against it so the Croniumees used their only ace. Aurora1 (A1) and Aurora 2 (A2), Brandiconium's largest air ships. As an initiative, 2nd Admiral Alu sends A1 to the castle to aid Neon and the others. A2 on the other hand arrived in the battle field, on board are Admiral Alu and some elite Croniumees specialized in air battle. To direct the dragon's attention to them, they fired missiles on it and fly away from the town, through this they could prevent the town from getting further damage. With an incredible speed, A2 flew away while the dragon is on its tail. The dragon also has an incredible speed and its gaining on them. A2 kept on firing its missiles hitting the dragon multiple times until they pissed it off. The dragon opened its mouth as it fires its pitch dark energy. Just before it hits A2, it was able to activate its shield that prevented it from getting damage. It didn't stop the dragon, it gained more speed as it pursue A2. Its mouth opened once again for its next roar, but this time its thrice stronger the former. Its roar hits A2 and it barely survived the attacked.

"Report status."

"Its not good 2nd Admiral. The second roar is thrice stronger than the first one. If the next roar is more stronger, Im afraid it might destroy our shield for good."

"Then we strike first. Ready the beam cannon and initiate countdown at once!"

"Yes Sir!"

"How many seconds left till we fire?"

"Ten seconds sir."

"Lock on the target."

"Target locked sir."



The beam cannon hit the dragon, but it was able to evade just a milliseconds before the direct hit. The dragon lost its left arm causing it to halt from chasing the A2. It roared so loud as if it was in a great pain.