Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.
"Sorry to interrupt your reunion, but Your Highness, may I ask what happened here?" Alex asked and Evie glanced at him.
"An assassin," Evie said with a serious gaze.
"You mean, a--an assassin did all this?" Sarah asked in astonishment.
"Yesterday was my wedding day, my Father wanted to give me out to our general who's old enough to be my father," Evie said with a sigh.
"That's messed up, man," Alex said.
"What happened?" Xavier asked.
"Well the assassin came before I could say yes, she killed most of our soldiers, General Sam and my Father, we were performing the burial rites when you showed up," Evie said.
"You--you mean an assassin, who's she, did all that, killed your General, Soldiers, The King, and burnt this castle, singlehandedly?!" Zeke asked, running his fingers through his hair and Evie glanced at him.
Evie froze for a moment as she saw Zeke raking his hair behind his ear in slow motion, her heartbeat picked up its pace and she started seeing floating hearts.
"Princess Evie?" Alex called and she jolted from her trance.
"Yes--yes, an assassin did all that, singlehandedly, without any help," Evie said, trying to focus.
"What was the assassin's agenda, and who would pay her to do something like that?" Alex asked.
"I think she wanted to kill my father and General Sam and happened to kill anyone who got in her way. I also don't think she was sent by someone," She said.
"What do you mean?" Xavier asked.
"In her exact words,' I was not paid to assassinate your father.' so my guess is she had a score to settle with him," Evie said.
"Why would she want to do that?" Sarah asked.
"I don't know, but my Father is the most heartless jerk in the lands, a lot of people want to kill him but never had the chance to, and one of them is me," Evie said with a sad face, although she was saying all this, she couldn't still believe her father was gone.
"We're sorry about King Epirius," Alex said.
Evie quickly wiped the tears she didn't realize were streaming down her face."You don't have to, I mean she kinda did me a favor by killing those two horrible men," Evie said.
"So, what brings you both here?" Evie asked, glancing at Zeke now and then.
"Uhm, we're sorry for barging in on this occurrence, but we came to buy back Rose and Athena," Xavier said, sitting up and waiting in anticipation.
Evie went quiet upon hearing those names, she recalled when Athena said her boyfriend was Xavier, she didn't entirely believe her at first and thought it was just a crush thing, but now that Xavier was here, desperately trying to find them, she knew it was true.
"Princess Evie, why aren't you saying anything, are they okay, did the assassin get to them, oh no, I knew Athena wouldn't sit back and watch someone get killed, she must have gotten in the way of the assassin, and maybe she--she... ?"
"Calm down, they're fine," Evie said cutting off Sarah who was already panicking hard, but as soon as a sigh escaped Sarah's lips.
"I hope," Evie said, causing everyone to glance at her abruptly.
"You hope?!" They asked in unison.
Evie raised her hands in surrender and sighed, " My Father made life miserable for both of them, especially Athena, I mean there was a time he ordered some soldiers to whip Athena a hundred times, only because she refused to lay with him,"
Xavier clenched his fists upon hearing Evie's words, his claws came out, digging into his skin, he clenched his jaws as hard as he could so no one would see his fangs, but his eyes were going to sell him out if he stayed there much longer.
He was angry, vexed at the late King Epirus, imagining what the love of his life had gone through while he was there getting all confused with Emily In the warrior's temples.
"" He forced himself to ask without opening his mouth. His fist trembled as he fought for composure.
"I...I helped them escape because I couldn't bear to see them suffer that way, but he sent guards after them and that was the last I heard of them, I hope they're safe wherever they are," Evie said.
Xavier couldn't bear it any longer, he got up and walked as fast as he could out of the hall while Zeke followed him.
Zeke's POV
Xavier walked out to the back where it seemed the fire started and Xavier angrily punched the black dead grass, releasing Zavian's gloaming dark power into the ground.
But thankfully, the ground was already dark and another black polish on the black soil wouldn't be noticeable. Except, that blow caused a slight earthquake.
Xavier held his waist and placed his other hand on his forehead, he turned to me and I jolted seeing the pitch-black eyes that stared back at me, streaming down tears.
Xavier was crying, I embraced him, letting him cry on my shoulder.
"I--I am such a fool, Athena was suffering here, while I was busy kissing another girl, she--she endured all that!!" Xavier cried out, his body was trembling and his breath was shaky.
"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault, you were sent away," I said giving him a pat on the back, trying to comfort him.
"I would've killed that fucking king if he wasn't already dead," Xavier said, pulling away.
"Easy there, control Zavian, do not let him take control, we both know how that's gonna turn out if he does," hearing Zeke, Xavier fought his hardest to calm down and not let Zavian take control.
"Are you okay?" Evie asked, her voice, coming from behind them.
"He will be," Zeke answered, hiding Xavier behind him.
"We should head back to the Cranes Kingdom, and inform the King about the assassin, God knows where she might have gone," Alex said.
"You're right, his majesty needs to hear about this," Sarah supported.
"But what about Athena and Rose?" Zeke asked.
"We'll find a way to get to them, but right now there's a threat on the loose, she is no ordinary assassin if she singlehandedly did this," Alex said.
"You're right," Xavier said behind Zeke, hiding his fangs, claws, and eyes from them.
"I'm--I'm coming with you," Evie said.
"But your highest, you have a kingdom to look after," Sarah said.
I am looking after my kingdom, due to this damage I need to ally with King Aaron, as queen of Stones kingdom," Evie said with a proud smile and they applauded her.
"We leave tomorrow at dawn, you can rest in the guest room, and dinner will be served tonight," Evie said with a smile.
And they bowed to her to thank her for her hospitality.