
The Marinos Affair

Jenny Avery had everything she ever wanted in life. What happens when she crosses paths with the dangerous and mysterious Jesse Marinos?

rysmith0509 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 17.

We arrived at the restaurant Jesse was taking me to. The Santa Monica sky was lit with the lights of the city. The restaurant was illuminated by giant white lights. The line seemed to stretch for miles. "Jesse, how are we going to get in? I've never seen this many people trying to get into a restaurant before" I said. "I have my ways J," said Jesse, smirking. He opened the car door and got out. Instantly, there were small white flashes everywhere. I could faintly see outlines of people around the car.

Suddenly, the car door opened. Jesse reached for my hand and helped me out of the car. I was blinded by the flashes of cameras. "Mr. Marinos who is this woman?" I heard someone shout. "Where did you two meet?". "What makes her different?" "Do you intend to marry this woman?". "Is she just with you for your money?". Jesse smiled, waved, and ushered me into the restaurant. I was uncomfortable, and Jesse knew it. He put his arm around me and whispered, "Don't worry I have eyes everywhere, Andi is behind us right now". I turned around, and saw Andi stepping out of a cab wearing stiletto heels, a tight purple dress, giant silver earrings, and black sunglasses. "I wouldn't have guessed that's her," I said.

We walked into the restaurant, passing all of the people in the line. "Mr. Marinos, thank you for coming," said the host. "Thank you, John," said Jesse, shaking his hand. "Right this way" said John, walking us to our table. We were seated in the corner. I could see Andi across from us a few tables away. "Why is she here?" I said, curious. "Security measures" said Jesse. "You can never be too careful". I looked at Jesse's ear, seeing he had an earpiece in. I looked down at my menu, pretending not to notice. I barely looked up, and saw Jesse pressing on it, and mumbling "Eyes open,".

The waiter came to our table and placed two glasses of water down. "Jenny," said Jesse. "I think there is something in your water,". I put my finger in the water, assuming there was just a piece of the straw wrapper in it. I looked down to the glass, there was nothing in it. "Jesse, I don't-" I started. I looked down at my finger, and my once red nail had turned black. "Jesse, my nail," I said. "Why is it black?". Jesse pushed on his earpiece and said, "Good move with the nail polish Andi, we needed it". "Jesse, what's going on?" I said. "There's poison in your drink" said Jesse. "Lacy created a type of nail polish that can detect poison in drinks".

Jesse motioned for Andi to come to our table. Andi arrived at our table almost instantly and sat down beside me. Jesse stood up and said, "Jenny, I'll be right back,". He started walking into the kitchen. "Where is he-" I started. "Someone's going to get it," said Andi, laughing. Faintly, I could hear the sound of glass shattering, and people yelling behind me. I then saw Jesse walking out of the double doors with two glasses of water. "Sorry about that, J" he said, handing me a glass. "I'll leave you two to it," said Andi, walking away. "Jesse, what was that about?" I said, glaring at him. "I own this place J, and I would appreciate it if they didn't try to murder my date" said Jesse. "But on the bright side, guess who just fired two people?" he said, smiling. I rolled my eyes and looked at my menu.

Just then, a new waiter came back and took our orders. After the waiter walked away, I turned to Jesse. "I wanted to ask you about something". "Okay, shoot" said Jesse. "Why are you so against going to your brother's party?" I said, sheepishly. "I knew you were going to bring that up," said Jesse. "The guy killed my dad Jenny. I can't forgive him for that". "I'm sorry I brought it up" I said. "You don't have to be sorry," said Jesse. "Honestly, J, I really don't want to go. But if it means that much to you, then I'll consider it". "Jesse that's not what I'm saying-" I started.

Just then, the waiter came over with our food. He placed four giant plates full of incredible smelling food. "How am I supposed to eat all of that?" I joked. "You don't have to eat all of it J," said Jesse. I hadn't eaten all day, to tell the truth, I was absolutely starving. I picked up my fork and started to devour the plate. The food was incredible, I couldn't believe what I was tasting. "Jesse, this is really good," I said, between bites. "Only the best for you J," he said, winking at me.

We continued to eat until all of the plates were empty. I noticed Jesse sit back in his chair and close his eyes. "I think I'm going to explode," he said, groaning. "I can't eat anymore" I said, "I'll be full for weeks". The waiter came over and gave Jesse the bill. At a glance, I could see the number three hundred twenty plastered on the bottom. Instantly, I sputtered "three hundred dollars? Jesse are you out of your mind?". "J it's no big deal" said Jesse, pulling out his wallet. "Of course it's a big deal," I said. "You don't need to spend that much money on me". "It's fine Jenny, don't worry about it. I want to treat you sometimes, deal with it" Jesse said, smiling at me.

Just then, Andi came over to our table. "I don't know about you two, but I'm taking a fat nap when I get home," she said. "Ready to go, Jenny?" asked Jesse. I nodded, and Jesse walked around the table, helped me out of the booth, and started walking towards the door. Jesse had his hand on the small of my back, while Andi was standing on the opposite side of me. As we walked out of the restaurant, I was blinded once again by the flashes of peoples cameras. Jesse and Andi quickened their pace, forcing me to walk even faster than I already was.

We made it back to the car, this time Andi rode with us. Jesse swerved out of the parking lot and started on the expressway. I could feel my eyes getting tired. I was only half listening to Andi and Jesse's conversation. I thought to myself: Maybe if I just closed my eyes for a second, they'd stop being tired. So, I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep. "Jesse, I think your girl is sleeping" said Andi, looking in the back seat. Jesse looked back in his rearview mirror. "Can you believe she ate four plates of pasta?" said Jesse, laughing.

As we pulled into the driveway, Jesse hit the curb. "Damnit Marinos!" shouted Andi, loud enough to wake me up. I was comfortable in the seat I was in, and I did not want to move. I just closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. Jesse pulled into the garage. Andi and Jesse both got out of the car. Jesse opened my door and put his arms around me. Effortlessly, he picked me up and carried me into the house. As I could feel his strong muscular body against my head, I thought to myself: I could definitely get used to this.

When we got inside, I could hear Elena, Lacy, and Becca laughing. "She looks dead," said Elena, laughing hysterically. "Did you kill my best friend Jesse??" shouted Becca. "Shut up" said Jesse, walking me to my bedroom. Once we reached my doorway, Jesse pulled back the sheets, and laid me on my bed. I could feel Jesse sit down on the edge of the bed. "I don't know what it is about you Jenny Avery. You're something special". I could hear Jesse say. Suddenly, he bent over and kissed my forehead. I couldn't help but crack a smile as he walked out.