
The Mansion {Maders Mansion}

The cold breeze in my face, clinging tightly to my bare arms. My arms wrapped around my torso in an attempt to keep me warm. Tears streaming down my face as memories of Harry's cruel betrayal flood my mind. Of all days, he chose my birthday to hurt me. My red pumps creating a gentle click sound with every contact it made with the tarred road. Creating the only sound the night breeze brings to my ears. Asides my sobs and the distant barks of the neighborhood dogs. My third sense is sudden activated as I sense I'm being followed. I smell danger. Walking alone on such desolate streets doesn't seem like the best idea I could have come up with. I wasn't thinking straight when I made that choice. I should have called my driver to come get me!. This creepy feeling becomes more intense and I decide to do the one thing I know I'm good at; run!. I throw my purse and phone away as I begin to run in frenzy I feel something hot on my trail, when I look back, all I see is dark fog. The more reason to run faster. The road fairly lit by moonlight, my heart in my mouth and prayers of help and mercy escaping my lips. Finally, I hear music playing from loud speakers. I'm close to civilization!. I keep running frantically. One of my pumps gone. Soon I see a club in sight with a few people outside. I begin to scream for help when a figure suddenly appears before me. In fear, I make to run in the opposite direction but another figure is right behind me. Next thing I know; i'm surrounded by darkness. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Imagine waking up in an abandoned Gothic castle in the middle of no where. With an immortal creap as your new 'mother' and over a hundred strangers as your new siblings. Where love is a crime, hope is a dream and rebelion is a death contract. A dark tunnel with no light whatsoever, would you survive?? Let's follow our protagonist into this breath taking journey and find out what could possibly be worst than this.

Aider Kwin · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs


I spend the rest of my time reminiscing over Desmonds words and all I have just learnt. The white witches name is 'Madre' ~ sounds like mother.. Yuck!. The creatures are called 'fratellos' ~ what an odd name. And did Desmond just insinuate the possibility of my death at the hand of these monsters!? ~of course he did. Who knows what to expect from this nut hole anyways!?

I don't like it here one bit. I wonder what my parents must be going through. They must be out of their minds searching for me. Harry clearly isn't behind this. And somehow I wish he was. Then I'd know getting out would be alot easier.

And ugh! How did I not think of this!?. My driver. Poor Mr. Simon must be in alot of trouble. They might be thinking he kidnapped me! Oh dear LORD, help that poor man out of any trouble he may be in.

I look down at my hands and I sight that hidious scar. The one Madre inflicted on me. I forgot to ask Desmond what it stands for. Run my fingers over the drying wound and my heart feels burdened. When am I ever going to leave this place?, why am I even here?. And more importantly, What is this place!?.

I look up at the sky and take a deep breath. I honestly don't know the next time I would be allowed out here again.

Just when I decide to get up and pick some fruits, I sight everyone beginning to form lines. There are four lines. Two lines for the boys and two lines for the girls. I hurriedly join one line for the girls and I find that everyone is pushing. For some reason, everyone wants to get into the mansion first. There are creatures ~sorry. Fartellos. Standing in the door way.

Suddenly my basket feels heavy. I look down and find some fruits in my basket. Some apples, a few ripe oranges and a papaya. I look to my side and find Gabriella ~the nice girl from the bath room. Beside me.

She had deliberately tilted almost half her full basket into my empty one. I look up at her in confusion.

"You'd thank me later. " she says as she winks and hurriedly moves forward till she is lost in the crowd. I look down at my basket and I tighten my grip on it. For some reason I feel having a basket with content is important.

The line keeps moving and people keep pushing trying to make it to the front of the line. I don't get the struggle so I stay put. I suddenly see a hand reach into my basket and grab an apple. I can't tell who the hand belongs to due to the messed up crowd so I bring the basket up to my chest and hug it to avoid further intrusion.

Soon enough I am just a person away from the entrance. The girl before me puts forth an empty basket with shaky fingers.

"I'm.. I'm sorry. There weren't enough fruits. I... " she begins to stutter. ~What's the big deal with not finding enough fruits!?

A Fartello suddenly flings the girl towards the right where there are other Fartellos and she is soon covered by a group of Fartellos with whips and they soon beging to flog her. I am shocked and shaken when her screams rise and evades the air. Everyone suddenly slows down clearly this sight has inflicted fear in everyone.

The Fartello before me suddenly drags my basket. Once it sees there are fruits in it, It let's out a silent growl and steps aside to grant me entrance. Somehow I feel it wanted the same fate to be fall me.

I walk in and find a heap where other baskets have been dropped. Without being told, I move towards the heap and carefully drop mine to avoid the heap falling over. Honestly, now I feel everything I do should be done with caution as I do not want to draw anymore attention to myself.

I see people scattered around. Some heading up the stairs, some discussing in pairs, some just standing idly and some move into different corners if this place. Its in times like this I wish I had friends I could hang around with but I don think I want to stay long enough to make friends or even enemies. I just want to get the hell out of here.

I decide to move towards a wall and to rest my back. Just when I had found the right spot, an ear splitting sound as though a metal gong has been struck, fills my ears.

And just like that everyone begins to form two straight lines. One fo the boys and one for the girls. ~honestly what's with this guys and lines!?.

I stare in confusion and hesitation. My feets aren't used to such stress and to say the least!.. I'm famished! I'm really proud of my system for being able to tolerate my ulcer for this long and not causing me any problems.

"Hungry? " I hear a familiar feminine voice ask. I look to my side and find the elegant Tori standing there.

"I guess" I reply with a shurg. I know with every bit in me that I don't want to eat any thing given to me here. But I also know I need to eat. Else the consequence may be dire.

"Then join the line. Its not like you have a choice though" she replies. I honestly want to dare my limits and find out just what would happen if I don't move. But after recalling Desmonds warning and from all I've seen, I don't think that's such a good idea.

I stand right behind Tori and another dreadful journey up the stairs, into corners, through corridors and more stairs begin.

"How long till we get to the final stop? " I ask Tori as I tilt towards her ear. I know she heard me loud and clear although I whispered, but she just keeps silent and keeps moving as though my question was just some random noise. ~okay this little madam is rude!!.

Not long after we approach a gigantic door and it is flung open for us. Once open, an inexplicable smell fills my nose. It smell like nothing I have ever smelt. What in hells name could possibly smell so bad. We walk in and everyone begins to move in different directions. Apperantly, everyone knows their seats.

I begin to move randomly into this room as I have no idea where to seat or whom to seat with.

"Hey! " I hear a hushed voice call. I turn around and find Gabriella a few seats away flagging me towards her with her hand. I move towards her and find Tori and a few other strangers at the table.

"Do you have a seat? " she asks.

"Nope" I reply looking around for one.

"You can join us if you'd like" she says smiling. ~really Gabriella is one kind hearted human.

I look over to Tori who is chatting with the girl sitting beside her and seems to pay no attention to my presence. I take a seat beside Gabriella and thank her.

"Thanks for saving me back there" I say as I remember how she saved me from the wrath of yhe Fartellos back there.

"Told yoy you'd thank me later" she replies with a big smile glued unto jer face.

I giggle at her meekness and she does same.

"You look cuter when you smile" she remarks.

I can't help but giggle again. That was unexpected "thanks Gabriella. I can say same for you" I reply.

"Aww. Thanks. Although I prefer Gabby to the whole thing" she repies with a scrunched nose.

"Oh.. Sorry. Sure thing Gabby" I correct. Causing us both yo giggle again.

Soon, the Fartellos arrive and begin to drop stone bowls before each person. In the bowl is an Ill smelling green and slimy substance. As soon as the Fartellos bring water and wooden spoons, everyone around me begins to eat or slurp down the iky substance. I look down at Gabby only to find her feasting on the disgusting thing like her life depends on it.

" Aww, she's still in the 'I can't eat that' phase. I give you just four days before you completely break down". Tori comments and she and everyone at the table except Gabby begins to chuckle.

"I know how you feel. But it's all we have. Don't worry, at first it tastes like salt and slim but latter you'd get used to it". Gabby consoles as she puts he hand on my shoulder. I know she was trying to make me feel better but she just made things worst!

I watch as she dives back into consuming the unconsumable. I look around and my eyes fall on Desmond where he is also ingesting this thing. He looks up and catches me starring but he resumes eating like he didn't notice my gaze. Am i really the only one who has a problem with this shit!?.

My stomach rumbles at the thought of what I'd be eating currently if I was home. Hot pancakes and steaming chocolate. Not this nonsense!.

I suddenly feels bony fingers on my shoulder and my heart rate spikes.

For the love of God! Haven't I had enough for one morning!?