
The Man With 3 Faces

An unknown stalker appears to four teenagers at different places, sending messages while trying to murder them. Later they knew those messages included a crime and guilt covered their own family. Ever one of those teenagers were best pals and wanted to recover the past crimes of their own family together but then suddenly they found themselves in rooms full of puzzles created by that stalker. The only way was to play the prowler game and be a survivor either than having a strong friendship together Answer Hint: A silence however brief is all the answer they need.                             ×   GAME ON  × One of each four characters was: A coward A liar A betrayal A killer Hope you will enjoy!!! Story written by: Baysan Amir

Baysan_Amir · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

◇CHP2◇:The First Meeting: TAKE OF MEMORY

I opened my eyes, not remembering what has happened or where am I, but then I found myself all bandaged on my left leg, right arm and on the back of my head, finding a ventilator on my face and a cochlear in my ears. I wanted to take a view at the place but suddenly my head aches me so hard that I realized I was at the hospital. A girl at my age with brown hair all tied up and grey eyes with a wound bandaged on her head entered the room that I was in, "hi, my name is Emily, I know that you don't know me Tony, but I need to talk to you for a while!"

(while in the reception)

"Is, is he going to be fine doctor, please tell me",  cried his mother, "talk to him Bieber!",this time almost shouting.

"Calm down madam, he's fine, thanks to god we made it in quick before it became worst." answered the doctor.

"So can we see him doctor?" asked his father.

"Just after 2 minutes until I come with the x-ray result, you can sit there until I come with it." ordered the doctor.

"Please,be fast" said the mother.

Bieber and Anna went back to their sit where their daughter was, she stands up and started questioning them, "What did he  say?, is he fine?, did anything happened to him, tell me?"

"He's fine honey, the doctor said he will bring the x-ray result and we will enter with him to check Tony ", answered her mum.

2 minutes ended, the doctor came out with black white transparent paper, "sorry if I am late, let's check him fast." he ordered.

All three of them went behind him to the room fifteen, as they entered the room, they saw him awake on his bed staring at the client his mother ran kneeling beside his bed touching his face and cried, "Tony!!, I am sorry for everything, sorry for leaving you home alone, are you feeling ok, do you need something, talk to me Tony!"

And all over again with his father and sister but he didn't say anything.

"So Tony, how do you feel now, can you remember anything that has happened to you?", questioned the doctor.

I looked at doctor in surprising way and asked questionably, "sorry sir but where am I and who are those people?

"Don't you remember any of these people hanging here?" asked the doctor.

I took a look at them for a while, "no sir, I don't." I answered.

"Tony don't you remember me am, am your mother!"shuddered his mother.

"My boy don't you remember me am your father and that your sister, please try my son!" fearfully said his father.

I looked at my sister she's all broken and her face went red from crying hard my father hugged her and my mother touched my fist and cried too.

"We made a surgery and found that his back skull is broken, hitting up his back brain; I half expected this would happen to him, so he should check up with the psychologist doctor Diana, I will call her for you", ordered the doctor.

As the doctor went out of the room mum looked furiously crying at dad, "I TOLD YOU WE SHOULD LEAVE HIM HOME ALONE THAT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT, NOW SEE WHAT WE HAVE ENDED UP WITH!"






"mum and dad please stop shouting you're at the hospital there are other patient and the boy is already in pain you're making it worst, that happened in the past and ended!" stopped them Rosie.

The room door knocked and a woman entered greeting, "Good evening! my name is Dr. Diana for psychiatrist, Mr. Adam called me here to meet your son."

"Nice to meet you Dr. Diana", greeted back Anna (trying to react good).

"I am very sorry guys but I need only the patient in the room." Excused the doctor.

"Of course no problem, but can we see him again after you finished?" replied Rosie.

"Am not sure of it because I think we will close up the visiting time, so I guess you can meet him tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM that if you want to meet him in quick." stated Dr. Diana.

"OK, for sure we will." sighted Bieber.

Rosie hugged him while he was on bed, his mother kissed him on the bandage on his head and vowed, "we will come for you tomorrow morning, I promise!"

They all went out of the room as they hoped me to remember.

As the psychiatrist asked me some questions which really could help but then there are three questions that was very interesting to me and I couldn't avoid it from my mind...

"Do you remember how you lost your aural or it came out in a sudden after the accident?"

"I don't remember maybe after the accident", I said.

"So what do you think the last word you heard before the accident?" she questioned.

"I'm sure one day you will own a house and have a good wife with perfect children; the what dad said to me", I stated.

The psychiatrist smiled at me and went back to what she was writing then she questioned while raising one eyebrow up

"Do you remember the last word you said before the accident?" she asked.

"Don't worry dad maybe I will take the responsibility very well, while you at grandma house; that the only thing that I could remember Madam." I answered.

She closed her note book and stand up, while turning to door room, she looked back at me and responded, "That set, I'm very sure you will be fine so bye!"

The psychiatrist went out of the room and closed the door behind her; I knocked the table near the bed with my finger three times and a girl appeared from under the bed and stand up; it's was Emily.

"I'm really feeling sorry for my parents but wow girl, your mum is really good at this!" I expressed.

"I know right but she's little weird; okay for real you acted good on losing your memory but why have you lied on last three question that my mum asked you, as well as you told me about that guy and the conversation between you and him that was going to be a clue to tell the police about the injury was not an accident and it was made up for you!" surprised Emily.

"I know, I know but what if I really fallen and lost my hearing by an accident because he for sure didn't mean that all to happen to me I think he just wanna greet me?"


Emily stop in sudden as she wished no one would have heard her but almost everybody was busy in the hospital as she continued in low voice, "someone unknown entering your home without permission, sitting on your bed and asking you whether if you want a knife or a biscuit was an accident for you that was probably his fault that you have fallen; I have already told you that I wouldn't forget his voice and the date he mentioned to me, am sure he said your name surplus that he got red eyes!"

"But the one you saw wasn't scarred! And I have told you many times that his eyes were scarred." I stated.

"I told you am not sure of it, maybe I didn't focus but my common sense is telling that you were the person for sure!" Emily claimed.

"oh yeah was he bold!" she said immediately

"yes, yes he was! I said surprisingly.

She putted her hands on her head then on her lips muttering as if she was that guy, "Tony, 15th of January remember this, honey."

"Why so sure, maybe another Tony?" I mumbled.

"Another Tony and on the same date that was mentioned and literally the same description for him!" she chuckled.

Emily looked at me with one eyebrow up while crossing her arms on her chest that my face really went red, she had a little smirk on her face and started questioning me, "Are you trying to act like an idiot or it's doesn't matter to you or are you just trying to help yourself from not remembering the situation that happened?"

"I think the third one", I replied as a huge smile came into my face.

"ok for sure, what I am even doing is wrong you really need to have a rest so chao!"

"No wait... what was your name again?" I asked her.

"it's Emily.", she answered.

"You got a nice name.", I said while smiling.

"Thanks very much, you too!", Emily restated.

She was smiling as she went out of the room.


I closed the door behind me hoping if there would be more time to investigate with Tony; I went to the psychiatrist which known as my mum, she was at her office so I knocked the door as she let me to enter while she was seating on her chair.

"hey mum what's up!", I chuckled.

"nothing much, what about you?", she questioned.

"neither, anyway what happened to the last room 15 you have entered?", I asked.

Mom slide on the room by the chair going to different shelves as she carried a book then answered to my question.

"hmm as I know this guy need some rest and good healthcare then he will perfectly remember anything"

"like how many days is he going to take to start remembering everything?", I asked again

"let me guess, maybe after 4 days, no no that too much you can say 2 days are perfect", she stated.

"what that not possible!; he supposed to stay for a week!"

"how comes that not possible do you know my job more than I do and from when you are so interested in this things; however how did you even knew that he got problems with his memory or you are telling me that you where their while I was testing him?", she angrily said.

I got shocked and stopped whatever nonsense I wanted to say while I thought how did she knew I was there with him.

"don't take it so serious, I was just kidding honey but for real I know much more than you." She said while started laughing.

I rolled my eyes and she caught it, she stood up from her chair with a sound of her high heels hitting the ground, as she came forward touching my chin, looked straight to my eyes with a huge smile on her face, "do admire that guy?"


"why no, you know that guy from when you were at kindergarten but you never talked to him and you're so worried about him today."

I wanted to talk but better not to argue with her cause it will become worse.

Mum started to laugh loudly, my whole face went red, as I know that not even true I turned to go out from her office but she stopped me, "where are you going so if you want to go home I already called a taxi to pick you up."

She looked at me while smirking as I went as fast as I could.  

                                                                        End of chapter 2:  First meeting, take off memory