
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · Anime e quadrinhos
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21 Chs

Jin Takeru IV


Jin Takeru was transferred from the dismal detention room to a more decent bedroom, although he didn't feel pleased at all. The walls of the room were clean white, adorned with a few nature paintings attempting to add a hint of warmth, yet the atmosphere still felt sterile and cold. Jin asked the woman escorting him, a young lady with neatly tied long brown hair, why he couldn't just be sent back to Japan to meet his family.

The answer Jin received from the woman, who wore a military uniform with the emblem of the anti-demon corps, was that it couldn't be done yet because he needed to undergo quarantine before being released into society. "Well, they're cautious, of course," Jin thought sarcastically. Essentially, Jin was a survivor who had escaped from Hell's Valley, a place nearly impossible to survive.

Jin accepted the formal attire given to him—a clean white shirt and soft black trousers. A pair of shiny black leather shoes completed the ensemble. The room, though simple, had everything he needed: a bed with clean white sheets, a small table with a reading lamp, and a sturdy wooden wardrobe.

After the guide left, Jin, still wearing medical attire, immediately tossed the formal clothes onto the bed. He decided to jump onto the soft bed with its clean white sheets and plush pillow. As his body sank into the mattress, Jin felt an incredible relief. After surviving for so long in a barren land full of monsters, sleeping on the sometimes hot, sometimes cold ground, this bed felt like heaven.

The cool room air and the clean scent of the sheets made Jin feel comfortable. He pulled the blanket over his body, feeling the soft fabric against his skin. Jin's eyes slowly closed, and for the first time in a very long time, he felt peace. This bed, which might be just an ordinary bed for others, was an invaluable gift for Jin. The exhaustion and tension that had enveloped his body began to melt away, replaced by warmth and safety. Jin smiled faintly, allowing himself to sink into the newfound peace.


After feeling sufficiently rested on his plush bed, Jin decided to take a stroll around this Unit 1 headquarters. He wore the formal attire given to him, feeling more human compared to when he wore medical clothes. The air outside his room was still cool, but there was a distinct antiseptic smell in this headquarters, reminding Jin that he was still in a highly organized military environment.

Jin stepped out of his room and began to explore the long corridor with its clean white walls. At every corner, there were several women in military uniform busy with their respective tasks. They spoke to each other seriously, but when Jin passed by, they only glanced at him curiously. Strangely, everyone here was female. "Where are the men?" Jin thought, feeling puzzled by the situation.

After a few minutes of aimless walking, Jin saw a janitor mopping the floor in one of the corridors. She was a woman with short hair and large glasses that partially covered her face. Jin felt nervous, but he knew he had to try to interact with someone to get more information.

"Um, excuse me," Jin greeted with a slightly trembling voice. "Can I ask you something?"

The janitor stopped mopping and looked at Jin with surprised eyes. "Yes, how can I help you?" she asked nervously, her face slightly blushing.

Jin tried to smile, although his heart was pounding. "Why are there only women here? I haven't seen a single man since I arrived."

The janitor seemed hesitant for a moment before answering. "Oh, that's because... the peach fruit from the Mato dimension only grants power to women. The men in this headquarters usually have different tasks or are elsewhere," she replied in a soft voice, occasionally glancing away.

Jin nodded, trying to digest the information. "Thank you. What's your name?" he asked again, hoping to prolong the conversation.

"My name is Aoi," the janitor replied, slightly lowering her head, looking more nervous than before.

"Thank you, Aoi," Jin said with a warm smile. "I'm Jin. Nice to meet you."

Aoi nodded awkwardly, then returned to her task. Jin walked away with many questions still swirling in his head. "The peach fruit granting power only to women... What's really happening here?" Jin thought as he continued his exploration of the increasingly mysterious Unit 1 headquarters.

"Although it seems strange... but, phew, I'm glad I can talk to humans normally again. But why did Aoi's face turn red when talking to me? Is my face that weird!?" Jin thought, walking along the corridor with mixed feelings.

Jin Takeru still believed he had an average face, but he didn't realize that after undergoing transformation and metamorphosis, his face had changed 360 degrees! What was once ordinary now looked very handsome, with sharp jawlines and piercing eyes that seemed to penetrate one's soul.

He glanced at one of the windows reflecting his own shadow. For the first time, he noticed how different he looked now. His previously unremarkable face now looked very attractive, with cleaner skin and more orderly hair even without special care.

Jin's eyes, which were not particularly striking before, now looked like a pair of shining gemstones with impressive intensity. His sharp gaze seemed to penetrate anything, giving an impression of depth and extraordinary strength. His lips, which were previously ordinary, now looked firmer and more attractive, adding to his overall charm.

"I've really changed," he murmured softly, surprised by his own reflection. No wonder Aoi earlier seemed nervous and blushing. She had just spoken to someone who might be considered very handsome, something she had never thought of before.

Jin continued his steps, feeling a little more confident but still confused by all these changes. He still had to find answers about what had really happened to him and how he could survive in the dreadful Mato dimension. But for now, he had to try to adapt to his new environment and understand more about this Unit 1 headquarters and its inhabitants.

As he walked further, Jin began to notice the details around him. Unit 10 headquarters had typical Japanese architecture, with dark wood and elegant curved roofs. The corridors were filled with paintings and wall decorations reflecting a rich history and culture.

However, the atmosphere here was in stark contrast to the outside world, which was barren and full of large rocks. Here, despite the barren surroundings, there was a sense of calm and order that provided protection from the threats of the Mato dimension. Jin also noticed a peach tree from the Mato dimension growing in the central courtyard of the headquarters, looking strange yet full of mystery.

"This place is really strange," Jin thought as he continued his exploration, trying to understand more about his new situation and how he could adapt to all the changes that had happened to him.

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