
The Man Possesed By Time

Idan is a high school student leading a normal teenage life until he goes back in time!? When he discovers the hidden powers that control his life, he's determined to unravel the mysteries hidden with him. Will Idan find others like him? As he travels to find a reason to live.

OrigamiFlexia · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: To go back

Berta was lying on the kitchen floor surrounded by sparkling dark blue ashes that were slowly fading away, her hair that was once crimson red was now as white as snow, her face was way more wrinkled than before, and her skin was as dry as a raisin and paler than a ghost.

When Idan saw his stepmother that looked like she aged a hundred years since that morning, lying on the floor, he could sense a dead aura around her, meaning he could tell that she was at the brink of death. "B-Berta what's w-wrong? Berta i-it's me... say something."

Berta slowly opened her eyes, aside from being colorless and dry, she still had that warm glint in her eyes. "Idan, you stubborn idiot. After all this time, you still refuse to call me mom... thank you Idan, and goodbye" She smirked as her heartbeat slowly came to a stop.

"O-oh w-Wait mom! WAke up! H-Hey! Don't die!... Sob... Don't leave me. p-please... sob..." Idan sobbed as he caressed her white silky hair that laid on his lap.

Soon after her death, the police came to the kitchen to inspect the situation. They immediately requested backup from a detective after a scientist and after some doctors, but neither of them could solve the mystery of her death.

Idan became an orphan again, and the house which he once lived in was now known as a haunted house that held ghosts that murdered whoever came close. All the neighbors in the area moved because of the dark rumors that roamed on those streets.

'Ugh. This feels like hell. Why did this have to happen? My head hurts like crazy. I was crying a river back there. Now that I've calmed down and thought about things clearly, it feels like an endless dark void is consuming me...' Idan was thinking deeply while ignoring the endless questions of the tireless police officers.

"Hey kid stop daydreaming! I know how your feeling and we are deeply sorry about your loss, but your stepmother's death was rather odd, so if you answer the questions sincerely, maybe we could help you." Said the clueless police officer holding a notepad and a pen.

"I wish I could just go back in time."

"I'll do it if you ask me to." A young voice whispered in Idan's ear.

"What, who are you?"

"Are you okay kid? Would you want me to call you a doctor?" Said the officer, confused by Idan's sudden response. Since the officer couldn't hear the voice.

"Let's talk somewhere else, bring me to a quieter place," said the voice

"How? Where are you?" Said Idan to the unknown voice that kept on talking to him

"Ugh, just go to a quieter place, I'll follow you or whatever," Said the weird voice with a rude tone.

"Um, alright," Idan said as he ran out of the crowded house and headed to a desolate park near his house.

"...The kid isn't in his right mind, assign him to the mental hospital..." Whispered the nosy police officer to his colleague.

As Idan entered the park he had a lot of questions prepared to ask the weird voice, but he couldn't open his mouth, not after the sudden death of his mother.

"First, let me show myself" Suddenly a glowing sofa appeared out of thin air.

"What the heck!? You're a fucking sofa!?" Said Idan as he glared at the voice that was now a glowing sofa.

"What's so wrong with being a sofa?... I'm just kidding kid, I don't really have a body, my true form is what you think my true form should be."

"What?" said Idan with an even more confused face than before.

"So basically 1 out of 1 billion babies are born with a supernatural talent every 10 thousand years. The kids are born with their talents but can't use their powers until they awake them. They usually have their awakening around the first hundred years."

"Okay...? But what does this have to do with me?" Asked Idan

"You are one of those legendary immortals and your awakening happened today! Congratulations kid!" Said the sofa as he somehow threw confetti everywhere.

"This is getting ridiculous. I don't know what kind of expensive holographic prank you're doing, and I don't really care. Just leave me alone." Idan didn't seem to be in the mood to talk.

"Holo-what now? Hey, I'm real! Come back!" The sofa started floating after Idan.

"Thanks for wasting my time~! See you never."

'Ugh. What's wrong with this punk? Maybe he's like this because his stepmother died. Of course!' Thought the sofa as he floated above Idan.

"Hey, what if I tell you I can bring back your mom from the dead"

"What? ...YOU ARE GOING TOO FAR, BRINGING UP MY MOM'S DEATH!" said Idan as he tried to punch the arrogant sofa.

"Whoa, whoa. Calm down there. Let me introduce myself... As I said before, you are a very rare immortal with a talent, and I am the soul of that talent. But I can only come out and speak to you when you have your awakening and that happened today! You can call me Time."

Idan glanced at the sofa "By Time, you mean Time control?"

"Yes! Exactly! Since the population of earth is about 7,7 billion people, there must be seven immortals with talents living on Earth. Let me check... Yes, according to the Talentagram, there are six other immortals around your age on Earth... Space, Light, Darkness, Life, Mind, Sound, and yours, Time! You got lucky, kid. Even though the talents are supposed to be at the same level, I am obviously the strongest talent, hehe."

"Okay, but why are you a sofa?"

"Oh, just because. I can change my form anytime. Along with my time powers, I can have an extra low-level power, according to my form." said Time.

"Then turn into a small hourglass!" Said Idan, wanting to see the transformation

"Alright." The glowing sofa started to get smaller and form big curves until finally becoming an hourglass.

"So how are you saving my mom?"

"We're obviously going back in time!" Said the hourglass that was once a sofa, waiting for a surprised face from Idan.

"Go on then." Said Idan with an unsurprised face whatsoever

Suddenly, sparkly dark blue waves of sand started surrounding Idan and the hourglass, forming a giant column of blue sand that reached the sky.

After two minutes of being trapped inside the column, the sand started dispersing.

"I can't believe it. I'm back! But why am I so small, is this a secondary effect of time traveling?" said Idan as he looked at himself

"No...? This is how you were five years ago."


ooh, things are starting to get interesting ;3

OrigamiFlexiacreators' thoughts