
The Man In Disguise

What if there's a world where only girls exist? Yes! An all-girls world. Chantara, the newest supreme among all the girls, finds an odd looking creature lying inside her closet one day. Looking through its half naked body, she realised how beautiful this creature is! Mesmerized with its beauty, she traced its well-built body with her dainty hands. "What are you?" She whispered. Curiosity brewed inside her more. Snap* "What are you doing?" The man hissed as she shrieked in shock and fear. "L-lady, I-im only e-examining you!" she stuttered with her words. "Lady?" the man repeated. _--_--_--_ *Cover photo not mine. Credits to its rightful owner.

Solatus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


"Stop moving!" Chantara gritted her teeth as she tightened the gown on Alaric.

He's wearing one of Chantara's gowns. Pink gown with puffed sleeves, the flowy gown looked weird and too short for him, it only reached his knees! How did he fit in that dress? He also wore one of Chantara's brassieres which he commented as too small and odd on him, not that he doesn't look utterly hilarious in this situation.

"It's too tight!" He complained, breathless.

"It's not! You can still squeeze some more!" She said and tightened it more that Alaric's breath hitched.

"I-I can't b-breathe!" He choked.

Chantara noticed and she loosened it a bit. Alaric breathe sharply and pierced a hard look on her through the mirror in front of them.

His hair was shoulder- length and Chantara curled it on its ends to add volume on it.

"I look awful." He sighed and looked at his reflection. He touched his hair and frowned.

"No you don't! You look just fine. As long as you act like me, they won't find out!" She told him.

She motioned him to sit on the chair and he did so. She picked some brushes on her drawer and some makeup palette. Alaric's forehead creased as she looked at her. Do I really need a makeup? He thought to himself. His gazed went on Chantara who's busy looking at her stuffs. She petite and fair. Her hair's long and curly in a dark brown colour that's long enough to reach her waist. Her face was small and heart-shaped. Long and thick lashes, perfect brows and deep brown eyes, cute narrow nose with light freckles, and her thin pink lips looked so soft. She such a beauty. He blinked and tilted his head to snap himself out from his thoughts.

"Close your eyes" she commanded.

Chantara worked on his face. She put light powder on his face as he doesn't need to much. She put light makeup on his eyes too and flicked his lashes to make them more beautiful. When it's time for his lips, Chantara froze a bit. His lips were red and soft. He saw her gaze on his lips and he smirked.

"I need a lipstick. My lips aren't red enough, miss." He said in a deep voice.

Chantara blinked and picked her red lipstick. She doesn't really use red a lot as it doesn't suit her complexion. She gently swiped his lips with it and it turned into luscious red.

"There..." She said in a low voice.

He looked at his reflection. She looked like a woman now. He leaned closer and his eyes narrowed. He just can't believe his going to pretend like this— with makeup and wearing Chantara's clothes.

" I'm going to Mistress Esthia tonight and your going with me. We need to get you some stuffs you will need while you're here. And you still need to tell me how you happened to appear inside my closet." She looked at him seriously. He nodded.

"I have no idea how I got here, I remembered, I was just sleeping inside my room and when I woke up, you're already tracing my body with your hands, and your were drooling." He said the last line with a hint of playfulness.

Hey jaws dropped and her cheeks turned bright red. Drooling? She can't believe he said that!

"I wasn't!" She shouted at him. He just grinned at her and laughed silently.

"You're so full of yourself! Let's just go so that you can leave this place soon!" She glared at him.

They walked out of the tower. Chantara leading the way with a lamp and Alaric stumbling behind her. He was barefooted because he's got a huge feet. Chantara's shoes won't fit.

"Wait up, will you?! It's too dark!" He whispered behind.

"Come on! Be fast or else were going to get caught!" She angrily spat.

Alaric frowned and continued walking. The floor was cold and his dress wasn't helping at all. They hurried on their way to until they reached an opening leading inside the dark forest.

"Where are we going?" He inquired.

"Just shut up and follow me, Alaric!" She hissed at him.

They went inside the forest. Oddly, there was no wind. It was calm and the silence was deafening. Even their footsteps on the dried leaves didn't rustle. Their breathe was warm and comforting.

"What is this place?" He was bewildered.

Fireflies started flying, lighting up the forest. It was enchanting! His lips parted in amazement and his eyes twinkled, reflecting the fireflies' lights. He looked at Chantara and he almost caught his breath. She was standing in front of him now. Her eyes mirrored his, they twinkled beautifully and her skin glowed brightly. She looked so small with her brown long hair and small body. She's breathtaking...

"We're almost there."

He snapped out of the trance and looked away from her. He swallowed hard and nodded without looking at her.

"Keep up." She said before turning and walking forward. He shook his head and sighed.

After a few minutes of walking, they both stopped on their tracks. It was still dark but with the fireflies, silhouettes of trees are visible around them.

"Mistress! Mistress Esthia! It's Chantara!" Chantara called in a gentle yet audible voice.

They waited for a few seconds until the trees moved. The ground rumbled and vibrated. The trees were forming into a small house inside the forest. There's a door and it opened for them.

"Come" she looked over her shoulder and gestured him to follow.

They walked inside the house. At first it was all dark and cold before the lights lit up the whole place. Surprisingly, the house looked decent and good. There's a chandelier above them, red carpet on the floor, golden jars at the corners, paintings that looked so realistic hung on the walls, and an elegant table at the middle and a fireplace. It was surprisingly spacious.

"How can I help you?" An old woman's voice echoed that startled Alaric. He jumped a bit at that.

The voice was soft and gentle that it tickles your body. It was breathy and sounds like a lullaby...

"I am here to acquire higher potions, Mistress Esthia. I need your help." Chantara spoke.

"Higher potions?" The voice asked.

"Yes, Mistress. I'm in a great need of it. I hope you'll grant me my pursuit."

" Hmm, what potion do you wish to acquire, Chantara?" The voice hummed.

"The Feigndre potion, Mistress." She answered without hesitation.

Alaric stood behind her, unmoving. Starting tomorrow, he will become a man in disguise. A woman in this world. He will pretend as he finds his way back home. He hopes to know why he's here, why he found himself lying inside her closet.

" A Feigndre? As you wish, my lovely Chantara. Use it wisely, don't get caught,trouble is already altering itself. For now." The voice warned.

A bottle appeared on the table. Inside it was a glowing purple liquid. Chantara walked towards it and grabbed the bottle.

"Thank you, Mistress Esthia! I will use it wisely, and we won't get caught." She thanked the voice and turned to leave.

They left the place without another word. Alaric was still behind. Muted and still bewildered.

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