
The Man In Disguise

What if there's a world where only girls exist? Yes! An all-girls world. Chantara, the newest supreme among all the girls, finds an odd looking creature lying inside her closet one day. Looking through its half naked body, she realised how beautiful this creature is! Mesmerized with its beauty, she traced its well-built body with her dainty hands. "What are you?" She whispered. Curiosity brewed inside her more. Snap* "What are you doing?" The man hissed as she shrieked in shock and fear. "L-lady, I-im only e-examining you!" she stuttered with her words. "Lady?" the man repeated. _--_--_--_ *Cover photo not mine. Credits to its rightful owner.

Solatus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


It was a fine late afternoon at Hestia. The skies were gradients of pink and violet and stars were just about to twinkle brightly into the darkness of the night. The interlocking Cresent moon was vivid and beautiful as it sparkles above. It is the time for the girls to go to their chambers to recharge theirselves under the dazzles of the moon.

Chantara, one of the newest Supremes, guided the girls into their flora chambers. Old and sacred walls covered with aged vines and flowers surrounds the area. It was open above and there was only the sky and it's beauty they could see. The girls gracefully went into their own beds. Huge vines hung along the walls and ten huge flowers hung for the girls to get in. The petals closed as they completely rested inside to recharge. The sparkles of the moonlight hit the chambers and glowed so brightly at night. As the girls heave into their deep sleep, Chantara went to the Supreme's Chamber. Unlike the ordinary girls, Supremes do not need to recharge as they've already passed and learned potions and how to control their powers to not overdrawn theirselves on their tasks.

As she walked silently along the corridors of the Highest tower on the castle, a light breeze suddenly hit her making her stop on her tracks. She paused and tried to listen around. It was deafening. Nothing's there. She took a deep breath and continued on her steps. As she reached on her chamber's door, another breeze hit. It made her hairs stand at the back of her head and down to her spine. What the hell?

She opened the door and closed it. The room was well-lit. The walls were made of bricks and though it was thick, the cold seeps through it. She walked to her huge mirror and looked at herself. She sighed in relief and satisfaction for today's works, she fell on her knees and laid upon the floor.

" that was a heck of a day!" She whispered.

She was tired and sleepy. As the newest member of the Supreme, she was tasked to handle the very young girls to their classes, trainings, and tasks. She's like an apprentice who takes the elder's commands and tasks.

She blew out a puff of air and closed her eyes. She was nearly dazed to sleep when suddenly, the door of her closet banged. It wasn't loud and it was just a knock but due to her sleepiness and exhaustion, her soul was instantly woken up. She stood up and slowly walked towards the closet with her forehead creased.

What was that?

She stepped forward and tried to listen against its door. She listened but all she can hear was her heartbeat thumping fast on her chest. She jumped back when there was another knock and the door opened. She gasped and her steps were fast as she reached for her lamp on the side table of her bed. She anticipated an image of a raging monster clashing into her wardrobe and eating her alive, but instead, a cute little bunny jumped out of the closet. She sighed in relief and walked towards the animal. It was a white bunny sniffing against the cold floor of her chamber.

" What are you doing here?" She asked as she knelt down and picked the bunny into her lap. She patted its soft and fluffy hair.

" You are so—"

She froze when something caught her eyes. A silver metal sparked through the darkness of her closet. It was small but bright. She put the bunny aside and slowly crawl to look at the spark. Her eyes widen when instead of looking at the spark, her eyes were glued to the creature's physique. Bulging biceps, broad and strong shoulders, his chest were matted with soft and thin hairs, his abdomen were... gloriously gorgeous! And down to his v-line! She swallowed hard. Unconsciously, her hands started tracing the lines along the creature's abdomen. It was solid hard and beautiful. She looked at the creature's face and her heart fastened its beating. His beautifully sculpted face, thick brows and lashes, narrow and pointed nose, his thin pink lips, everything looks perfect! Chantara was dazed! This was the perfect definition of Perfect!

Mesmerized with its beauty, she continued tracing its well-built body with her dainty hands.

"What are you?" She whispered. Curiosity brewed inside her more.


"What are you doing?" The creature hissed as she shrieked in shock and fear. She stumbled backwards on the floor with wide eyes.

"L-lady, I-im only e-examining you!" she stuttered with her words as she backed down.

The creature slowly stood up on its feet and cracked his neck side to side and his shoulders. He froze when the word hit him.

"Lady?" the creature ask and stepped out of the dark.

His body, his eyes, his jaw! Chantara's mind went blank and all she can feel was...danger.

Chantara's body shivered as his eyes pierced through her like an ice. It was cold yet mesmerising!

She was about to scream when he leaped at her and took her down on her bed. He pinned her hands with one hand and the other was on her mouth to stop her from screaming. He hushed her as his hot body pressed her down. Her eyes went wide when she felt something! Hard! She screamed but it was all muffles that were heard. All her life, she had never seen such creature with this beauty! Never did she imagined she could see one either! This creature's! Not from here! He must be a devil! And with his body against her, and the hardness she felt, she was horrified that this creature would do harm on her! She screamed and screamed until he spoke.

"I am not going to hurt you." He scowled. She doesn't believe him. How could she when he was pressing her down?!

"Let me go!!" She screamed but he didn't understand her so he slowly lifted his hand from her mouth and let her speak.

"Devil! Let go of me! Let go!" She screamed at his face but he didn't bulge. He just stared at her red and furious face.

"I am Alaric. You are?" He asked instead.

She froze at him. What?


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Thank you for reading! :^)

Hi, there! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you'll join me in my writing journey together with Alaric and Chantara! OMG I'm so excited for them and I am hoping for your support and love for this story y'all! thank you so much!

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