
The Man In Disguise

What if there's a world where only girls exist? Yes! An all-girls world. Chantara, the newest supreme among all the girls, finds an odd looking creature lying inside her closet one day. Looking through its half naked body, she realised how beautiful this creature is! Mesmerized with its beauty, she traced its well-built body with her dainty hands. "What are you?" She whispered. Curiosity brewed inside her more. Snap* "What are you doing?" The man hissed as she shrieked in shock and fear. "L-lady, I-im only e-examining you!" she stuttered with her words. "Lady?" the man repeated. _--_--_--_ *Cover photo not mine. Credits to its rightful owner.

Solatus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Chantara gritted her teeth as she watched the creature eat. Sitting across the far side of the room, she crossed her arms in front of her chest. She just can't believe this is happening. She still hasn't processed this situation yet. Looking at the man across the room, on her table, eating... She doesn't even know why she's feeding him inside her chamber! She even let him borrowed one of her dresses in return for her to just give him food. His body's just too distracting for her and even confusing for the feelings brewing inside her every time she glances at his naked body.

"What are you?" She grimly asked.

He looked up at her and put the piece of meat he's eating on the plate. His eyes we're hazel brown and deep, it's hypnotizing her that she had to look away from him.

"I am a man." He said, voice cold and hard.

Her eyes shot back at him in bewilderment.

"What is that?" She snapped at him again. Her brain just don't know anything about what his talking about.

"Like you, but an opposite sex."

"Opposite Sex?" Her brows creased more.

Alaric was confused at the same time as her. He doesn't know how could there be anyone who doesn't know what a man is, and what sex means. He scratches his forehead as he doesn't know how to explain it to her.

"I'm a man, you're a woman, we are opposite but we are equal, we're just the same." He tried explaining.

"How can we be equal if you're a man and I am a woman. How does that makes sense? I don't know what you are talking about? Or are you really a 'man' as you say or you're just disguising yourself, devil!? Are you a monster?" She gritted her teeth and stood up, getting alarmed by her own thoughts.

He stood up as well and walked towards her but when he saw her flinching with each steps he takes, he stopped and sighed.

"Look, I don't know how I am going to explain it to you, I don't know why you don't know what a man is, but I don't have a clue why I'm here in this place with a woman, and I am certainly am not monster, Miss." He said in a seriously and cold voice.

Before she can even speak, the room was disturbed by a loud knock. Chantara's eyes went wide as she began to panic. She looked at Alaric and gestured him to hide back to the closet and he instantly did. He run back inside just seconds before the chamber's door opened. Chantara immediately acted normal and smiled at the old lady, Lady Majari. Hair in a tight-clean bun, clean and stern face, and wearing a black nightdress, she walked stiffly towards Chantara.

" Good Evening."

"Good evening, Lady Majari." Chantara bowed in respect.

" Did they perform well? "

" yes"

" Good ."

Lady Majari walked around the room, sniffing a bit in the air. Sweat have formed on Chantara's forehead. Her hear pounding hard against her chest but she managed to hide her nervousness with her small smile. Her hands were clasped in front of her stomach as she calmed herself.

"Luprive..." strange... Lady Majari paused. Chantara tensed, silently praying she won't find the man...

" Did you have a visitor here? "- her voice were stern and cold, giving her shivers... Not good.

" N-no!" She bit her tongue when her voice gave her away...

The lady narrowed her eyes on Chantara. She swallowed hard and avoid her gaze.

" No, I did not have any visitors, Lady Majari." She cleared her throat.

The lady stared at her for a moment, suspicion hit her. She smelled something odd. Her eyes were narrow and sharp as she looked at her.


She slowly walked out of the room and the door closed behind her. Chantara almost fell when the Lady left. She sighed heavily and sat back on her seat. 

The closet door creaked open and Alaric walked out of the dark. He looked at her pale face and sighed. He's so confused at the moment of the situation. He doesn't know why he's in this place and where it is. He walked towards her direction and stopped a few feet away.

"Chantara..." He called her name.

Chantara froze on her seat. She looked up at him with a wide eye, he just called her name! His voice cold and deep! The way he speak her name sent electricity up to her spine...

Damn! She breathed.

"What?" His forehead creased with confusion... He doesn't understand her.

Chantara composed herself and glared at him.

"Right!" She sighed. She stood up and started pacing back and forth in front of him.

What am I going to do with this man? Ugh this is trouble! I can't tell the Supremes about this! They might throw me out to Firedux!( Forsaken land) with the other sinners! No! What should I do?

She was busy thinking while bitting her nails. Alaric, on the other hand started looking around her room. The ceilings are high with levitating simple diamonds, sparkling brightly, lighting the whole room. The simple yet elegant bed rest at the right side, windows at its front and right, overlooking the bright chambers of the girls. There are tables on the sides of the bed, both have lamps on it. Her closet was not huge but also not small yet well-organized. There's a table on the corner between the windows... where the plate he's used was still there! Chantara had completely forgotten to hide the plate!

"You have to disguise yourself!" She snapped at him. Nodding at herself, convincing herself that her plan will work.

Alaric stared at her, dumbfounded.

"You have to become a Lady, Man! We have no one like you here! We don't know what you are and I'm sure if they find out, I'll be dead! And you will be dead, too! This is a big trouble! Big big trouble for me!" She pointed at him as her eyes turned into slits. He pouted at her. He pouted! Her jaws dropped! What the hell?!

H-he's kinda c-cute...

She blinked as her cheeks turned red. He stared at her wide eyes and his lips twitched for a smirk. What the hell!?Okay, okay... She cleared her throat and looked away. She straightened herself as she took a deep breath. Her heart's just on the hype right now.

"Listen, you can't be caught! We can't be! So you should dress like me for a while!" She explained to him. He nodded and looked more serious now but still with a ghost of a smile plastered on his lips.

Cute. He thought to himself.

" I'm afraid those small lacy brassiere would look odd on me though, Miss." He commented.

Chantara's breath hitched. Her cheeks turning into a darker shade. She looked flushed and at the same time insulted! His eyes dropped down to her neck and chest. She gasped as she stepped back and crossed her arms on her chest. He grinned at her and he chuckled lightly.

" You immodest creature!" She hissed.

He grinned as he put his hands up in surrender. He shook his head and cleared his throat.

"Smallie" he whispered. Her eyes went wide.

"Okay..." He stepped back and head inside her closet before she could even yell at him.

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