

The earth was parched dry and most of the trees had been withered to the barked except, for the evergreen trees! And they too had showed signs of dryness, however, slightly! Only around the edges of the leaves and the lower parts of the roots were sings of dryness! Everything else looked bone dry!!!!!!!

As one walked through Hope Meadows where the huge houses stood at attention as though receiving commands from the heavens; one could feel the harshness from the pale yellow light that illuminates the four corners of the earth!

It was a bitter sweet experience for all who were living there! Because, one could count on their laundry to be dry, shortly after placing them outside on the line. And one didn't have to worry about stocking - up on extra food, batteries and emergency supplies!

Or, even consider about their roof disappearing from above their heads like during the hurricane seasons!

But the lawns looked awful! The water in the reservoirs had been reducing daily and the farmers in the surrounding communities were complaining about their crops not getting any water; because, no rain had been falling and they couldn't afford to buy water from the water truck either! Because one... it was too expensive and two, if they could afford to... it wasn't much they could get; because a warning had gone over the air-waves already that residence should conserve on the usage of water; because, the reservoirs were running low and there was still no rain coming to refill them!

Some of the residence, they too had short crops planted in their back-yards; so as to cut back on food expenses or just as a hobby; and those crops too had suffered because there was a shortage of water!

With this rain shortage epidemic, persons had to refrain from taking showers and bathe in tubs instead; so they could use the same water they had used for bathing to flush the toilet, wash their vehicles, water some plants and even bathe their pets!

The weather condition was extremely bad in Hope Meadows and persons were becoming concern! Some even felt a nudge of scare dangling around their minds! No one knew what to do! Their only option was to pray... to seek the heavens for answers! Some of the residents had even become superstitious and began seeking enquires on how to please the rain-gods or talk to the clouds; so that rain would start falling again!

It had gone over four long months already and still, there was no rain! So in order to alleviate the stress, persons would walk around in the community in the cool of the evening when they came home from work or school and gathered at specific location; just to voice how they were feeling about this never-ending drought! A drought that didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon!

And so Vanessa, one of the house-keepers who lived and work in the community as a live-in house manager, decided she was going for a walk one day; after her employer had arrived home from work!

She didn't plan on it... it was a spontaneous move! She felt tired of being in caged in; while everyone went for a walk! She could see all the neighbors strolling by her boss's house in groups of three and sometimes four; and even more! She didn't know where they were going... if it was to a community meeting or some special gathering they were having; or even if it was some form of committee assembling for one reason or another!

Furthermore, the house had become very hot, too! She figured going for a walk will allow her to know the community better and get acquainted with some of the residence and other workers in the community. She hadn't gotten a chance to introduce herself to any of the other workers or any of their bosses either! She figured this will be an opportune time for her to do so! And if not now, then it might never happen!

She hadn't really known the surrounding except for the street where she worked! Everywhere else, she was ignorant to... she could have easily gotten loss if something should have happened and her boss was unable to give her ride! How would she find her way out of that community to get to where the public transportations are? It was good that she was making this move... finding out who she was surrounded by and to familiarize herself with some of the other persons who lived and worked in the community.

Vanessa put on her walking gear and walked down the drive-way and towards the gate. Just as she was about to exit the gate a small group of men women and children passed by her! She made an attempted to say hello to them; but they were looking straight heads and walking so briskly, as though they were on a mission; they probable hadn't notice her coming through the gate either! They turn the corner at the end of the street and then they were out of sight!

The big black iron gates were shut and Vanessa began her walk. She thought about catching up to the crowed just in-case she might lose her way, after all, she had no clue to where she was going! She now began to pick up speed... she began walking faster and faster! She feared losing sight of the small group of people who were ahead of her.

As far as she knew, they lived on the same street as she did; but, she had no clue of where exactly they were living and neither did she knew their names! She had seen them pass-by on more than one occasion but not a word of how-you-do was ever uttered!

Vanessa was almost right behind them but not close enough! They were now at the end of Williams Street where another deep and whining bend would be experienced! As soon as they reach that bend they would be out of sight again! So she had to start picking up speed so as not to lose sight of them!

Enough with the walking! Vanessa started jogging slowly, just to catch up! And catch-up she did! When she had gotten close enough to them she was almost out of breath!

The small group of people acted surprise to see her! They wondered where heck she had come from!

Still breathing shortly with heart beats pounding heavily against her chest, Vanessa tried to introduce herself; to the small group of people, as she held onto her chest with one hand while the other hand rest securely on her hips!

Ironically though, they were holding onto their chest; because they were somewhat surprise to see her stopping into their midst and a bit frighten by stranger in their presence! Because she had come upon them so suddenly! And she on the other hand, was holding onto her chest; because, she was out of breath from jogging towards them!

Eyes were wide open and jewelries were suddenly well guard, as Vanessa tried to utter her name and who she was!

"My name is Vanessa! And I run the Clark's house-hold for them... the big blue house at the end of Foresight Drive. I notice you guys and some other neighbors pass-by the house sometimes... in the evenings; ever since the drought season stated to escalate! I always wanted to go for a walk too; but I don't know the place very well - I don't know the surroundings! I hope you don't mind me walking with you guys!"

The glares were horrendous! As if she was some strange being from another planet! Haven't they ever seen anyone who looks like her before? The stares made her heart quiver with resentment! She began to wonder, if she was out of place to ask them, if she could join them on their walk!

All the adults looked at each other as though they had some form of gift to communicate telepathically!

Soon after, the children were looking at each other the same way!

The tension was building! Vanessa began to feel embarrass! She began to wonder if she had made a big mistake!

Another group of persons were coming towards them from Saint Devon Place! They were walking just as briskly... with vigor as if they were in a hurry of some sort!

Still, no one had said a word to Vanessa! It wasn't until when the other group of persons were almost upon them; before someone spoke out!

It was Keisha and Patrick Hudson and their three teenagers; Sharon, Jody-Lee and Cindy-Gray! They were all heading for the same destination! To Bill Spence house!

And as they stopped abruptly where Vanessa was standing, one of the adults said, enthusiastically!

"We have company with us this evening! This is Vanessa and she takes care of the Clark's house-hold! She said, 'she would like to walk with us this evening because she is very unfamiliar with the community!'

"Sure she may come with us! I don't see why she couldn't walk with us!"

Mr. Hudson remarked.

Now, everyone was introducing themselves to Vanessa and further enquiring about her, her work; without crossing the line and being too inquisitive... after all her boss was one of their neighbors! They were also asking about her family and where she originally came from- where was her home town!

Being a very conservative soul, Vanessa related what she could without revealing her whole business to a bunch of complete strangers; just because, she didn't know her way around the community as they did; and walking with them would allow her to learn such!

And the more they walk and talk, the tension eased; and now everyone was feeling relaxed with their new member of the crowd and she too was warming up to them!

Now, they were almost at Bill Spence house... around a block away from where they were! And anyone could see that there were other persons on the street walking towards his house ­­­­­- the meeting place of the community.

Vanessa's eyes were everywhere! She was taking in every detail of every house and how spectacular some of them looked! Although, there was a drought and some of the plants were dried up, one could see that all the plans and shrubs had been well kept and perfectly cut and trim!

Everyone said their hellos when they reached Bills house! There were hand-shakes, hugs and kisses; and compliments of fashion and physical beauty! Some of the men grab chairs so the children and some of the women could take the weight from off their legs! Even though, some of the children didn't care much for sitting anyway! They only wanted to hang around with their peers and play video games and run pranks at each other while most of the adults talked about more serious business... the issue at hand... the drought and what they were going to do to try and combat the problem!

A group of well-educated adults were all sitting in one space; Bill Spence garage! They were talking about getting water from the ocean and filtering the salt from it so they could use it for their domestic usage! Some commented on going to the rivers in the country areas and filling drum pans of water from the river and bringing it back to the city; where they could boil it and then consume it! Some of the adults were getting all the names of the rivers, springs, water-falls and lakes that were close by the city; so they could make the trip one weekend with their containers.

The situation had grown pretty bad! And persons were frustrated and worried! They had grown miserable over the whole drought situation!

And while they talked and talked and vented their concerns and indignity, Vanessa stepped away from where she had been sitting without a single soul noticing that she had been missing! Because, they were too riled-up about the drought situation and they weren't getting any positive feed-back from the government or the water commission office in their town!

A leisurely and an adventurous walk it was! Vanessa saw something she wasn't expecting to see at all!

There was what appears to be an abandoned property behind the road of Bills Spence house! It appears to be the smallest house in the whole neighborhood also! It seems to be a three bed room flat! It was the only eye soar in the entire community! Although, the structure looked good and it was fully grilled some of the windows were missing and whatever of the interior that was visible seemed repairable! The walls were looking like someone had caught fire inside the building and a tremendous amount of black smoke were smeared all over the walls!

There were all sorts of wild bushes around the house along with some fruit trees! A huge Indian plum tree and a sour-sap tree were visible from the side of the road! There leaves were quailing... they needed care but most importantly they needed some water! They were bone thirsty! And there complains weren't heard by a single soul! But it was very visible!

And Vanessa peeked and poked herself around the abandoned property; observing every detail of the yard and the rusted looking building! She had been envisioning what could be done to bring it back to life! What would make it shine again! She had various color scheme of pain in her head and where to put what colors! She thought it had great potential!

She had been observing the house for a very long time! As she marched back and forth wondered and imagining the outcome of its beauty; if it should be renovated! Vanessa was completely caught-up and mesmerized about the old dilapidated property that she had completely, lost track of time! She was definitely clueless of how long she had been there snooping around the property!

She was totally off guard and frighten when she realized that she was there for a while! She began to wonder if anyone had seen her and wondered what they might be thinking about her prying on the abandon property without the owner's permission!

She thought about hurrying back to Bill Spence house before the others were ready to leave! Although, she assume they wouldn't leave anytime soon; because from what she had recall; it wasn't until after nine p.m. that they usually pass by her bosses house when they were returning home.

Anyway, Vanessa started retracing her steps trying very hard to recall; that she hadn't turned off from any other road; because all of her attention was focus on the abandoned house! But it wasn't too hard to find, though; because she could hear some of the loud laughter and concerns being expressed by the small crowd that was gathered there!

And when Vanessa showed up at Bill Spence house she was surprise to know that they missed her presence! She didn't know that they would have realized that she was missing; since they were all yapping away about the drought and the government; and what they might have to do to make matters easier for them!

It wasn't long after approaching the gate that someone shouted out, Vanessa is back!

Vanessa was startled that they even remembered her name and notice that she was gone for a while! But they did!

Food was prepared and most of who was there had eaten already! They had left a plate for her; just in case she felt famish after her walk! They surely didn't believe she would leave without saying a word to them! After all, she stated she was unfamiliar with the community!

Not hungry though, Vanessa pick at the food until it was almost done! It was too tasty for her not to eat it! Furthermore, it was far better than what her boss had provided for her to eat! When she was through eating; she brought the utensils in which she was served inside the kitchen and placed them into the sink!

But, just as she g was about to squirt some dish washing liquid onto the plate; Bill Spence and a few others came up to her and said...

"We noticed you observing the Christians' house as if you intend on buying it and fixing it up!"

Vanessa began to laugh, softly! She had wondered if anyone was looking at her while she was checking out the abandoned property! But, there was no way she thought that Bill Spence or anyone in his house-hold could have seen her from there! And so Vanessa commented, gigglingly...

"Me!!!!!!! I wish I had the money to buy it and then fix it up! I would have to work a next five years or so; to ever do so! And that's if; for sure, no family emergency at all does not pop up and eat-up the funds! It would have to be a family effort too... I alone won't be able to manage it!"

"Well if you work and save your money you just might afford it... it need lots of work, though... a lot of tender loving care! Someone would really have to love this neighborhood and really love that property to invest in it! It has been sitting there for as long as I can remember; and no one as shown any interest in it up to now; except for you!"

Bill Spence expressed.

"The owners moved away very shortly after I had moved here; which is approximately twenty-five years ago! So you know that is pretty long time! They have migrated and they never looked back! No one knows how much taxes might be owed on it... I don't believe they have ever paid any of the taxes ever since they left here! Anyone who buys it has to pay, at lease twenty-five years; worth of back taxes; before they can even consider buying it! And then, new fencing has to be put in place! Not to mention, landscaping... that is going to be another hefty fee to bring it up to par! One might have to go to the tax office to find out how much is owed; and then try to get the contact number for the owner to see if he is interested in selling it!"

Bill Spence continued.

When Bill was through expressing all the expenses one would have to make before moving into this property, Vanessa almost lost interest! She didn't see how she could ever come up with this amount of money for this house, even if, she was making more money than she was making now or she had gotten her family members involved!

Nevertheless, Vanessa was obsess with the idea of how it would turn out if it was renovated, painted and some landscape work was put into it! It would be a little gem in the community! And all who were in the kitchen agreed, it would be so! But dismissed the idea from their thoughts! Well, except for Bill!

After washing the plate and the glass she had been given her meal on, Vanessa returned to the garage and joined the others in their conversation. She didn't have much to say now, she only wanted to hear what they were talking about and all the plans they had come up with to resolve this situation. So she just grab a stool, sat her behind on it as she listened to the various theories they would utter... some in anxiety, some with enthusiasm and some with a state of pessimism or doubt! While there were others who just had a wait and see attitude! If the rain falls then, oh-ray!!!!! We are back into business again - back to a state of normalcy again! And if it doesn't, then, everyone would have to come up with some form of alternative means of getting water into their homes!

And with all that had been said for almost four and a half hours; no one, had made a concrete decision or came up with a solution; to fix the problem of water shortage in their community... the influential community of Hope Meadows!

Nine o'clock was around the corner and everyone was gearing up to leave Bill Spence house now! No one had walk with much, so there were not too much bags-and-pan to travel back with! Some of the residence however, had stored some of the food prepared into plastic containers to take back home with them! Such would be their meal in the morning; before they left off for work and others had planned on taking it to work with them the following morning; so they could have it for lunch!

Everyone thank Bill Spence for accommodating them as usual and they thanked each other for their input in the discussion! Swearing they must come up with a solution for the problem at hand! If it was, even to fast and pray, ask God for, forgiving them of their sins; so He could have mercy on them and send them some rain like before! Because, the drought was making their yards look deserted - dry and crispy! And inside their homes smell stinky! Especially, the bath-rooms and the kitchens!

All hugs, kisses and hand-shakes were delivered! Everyone was ready to head on out, except, those who did not have to go to work or school the following morning! But, before everyone had left Bill Spence house, he gave them all, bottles of drinking water to take along with them! He had cases of bottles which he had bought at wholesale prices months ago; as if, he knew there was going to be water scarcity in that region of the island! But he said he was clueless, like everyone else was about the water epidemic they were all facing! He had only seen the bottles of water selling for a reasonable price and he had the money on him; so he bought them! It was around a dozen cases he had packed up in his kitchen and a section of his living room!

And so the long walk back home had begun for some! All who were going to Foresight Drive teamed up in one group and all who were going to Saint Devon Place; teamed up into another group and all those who were from the south side of the community teamed up in that group! So the large gathering disperse from Bill's house slowly, but surely; one group at a time until there were hardly anyone left there... around four or five persons were left back at Bill's house after the groups had been scattered.

Vanessa, and the other neighbors who lived on Foresight Drive, got stepping! She had to wake up early to attend to the needs of her boss before she left work! And she also needed to be in her bosses' house at an appropriate time also. And as the group of around eight journeyed back, they spoke very little!

It was Mrs. Huston who had broken the ice when she asked Vanessa how she liked the walk and if she was interesting in walking with them again! And if she was ever interested in doing so; they would stop by and get her whenever they were on their way! So Mrs. Huston exchange numbers with Vanessa just in case they were going for a walk and needed them to get her!

A smile was inevitable... Vanessa was glad for the exchange of telephone numbers and for the new found friends in the neighborhood where she works!

Now there was another person she could converse with if she ever needed to! And she secretly hoped they could have a lasting relationship as long as she was working in that community.

The Huston continued the rest of the way after saying good-bye to Vanessa! And all they could talk about was; how she was friendly and pleasant to be around! They began to also scheme her into her budget!

It was Mr. Huston idea; that she could come and do some work - light housekeeping around their house on some weekends if she wanted to. In doing so, she probable could accumulate enough funds to buy the abandoned building behind Bill Spence house that has been sitting there forever! He even suggested that she could board out part of the house to college students depending on whom she will settle down with. Because, he knew first hand that not everyone can tolerate other persons around them... in their personal space!

The Huston's children; were very excited to hear that their parents were considering using Vanessa to help them around the house on some weekends! They had assumed they could have her clean their rooms on the weekends when she would work for them!

But their parent out-right told them that was not going to be the case... they would still have to clean their rooms like they are doing now! Vanessa would only help them whenever their bedding needed to be washed! And she stressed the "help"! Because, she needed her children to be responsible for taking care of their own intimate space by themselves! She wanted Vanessa's attention to be focus on her side of the house and what she and her husband cared to have done and not so much on her kids!

They didn't want to jump the gun and make decisions based on their opinion! They needed to present the idea and the offer to Vanessa first and see what she says! It was possible, that she might reject their offer! But for right now... they were in a wait and see position until they post the offer to the new girl who had hurriedly walked her way into one of their walking session!

Mr. Huston stated to his wife that he will pose the offer to Vanessa, on their next walking session and see how she responded! He was a strong believer of making proposal in person instead of on the phone! He strongly believed, a person's reaction says a lot about them when they are being confronted with a proposal.

So the family of four; before going to bed spent most of the early night talking about Vanessa and how they believe she was an honest person to have around them even though, they had just met her and had only spent couple hours being around her! She was absolutely a delight to be around! And anyone could tell from her demeanor that she was a very intelligent right-spirited person to hang with!

Vanessa displayed qualities of being kind, loving, out-going, smart; and considerate to others.

Even though, she was coming from very humble beginnings! She didn't carry herself that way and neither did she speak that way either. Her tone of voice was always pleasant and one could tell she consider her words first before she uttered them to be heard! She was very benevolent or tactful about what she said to others, not wanting to embarrass them or let them have any feelings; as if they were being demeaned or look-down at! Because, she was coming from that place of servitude, beguilement and been taken advantage of! She had had her fair share of not being treated well! She had promised herself not to pass on such hurtful attitude to others, ever! She felt each person should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their financial status, social class and education!