

A story about a hostage situation in a mall and betrays

Said_Abdi_6556 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 1

In the country of Yuga , people were suffering due the government imposing high taxes , goods were expensive, cost of living was high . If you walk around the city, you'll find people demonstrating for their rights.

The world mall was the most popular mall in the city of Jitu with many famous shops inside, everyday, people crowded even in the morning. 

On a Sunday afternoon, everything was going as usual, with many people shopping, chilling, eating , children running around, parents yelling at their kids to be careful and many more, there was a van delivering goods to a shop parked in parking area, inside the van , there ware many wearing grey jumpsuit, eleven to be precise, all wearing mask, waiting for the order to be given.

Inside the mall , near the entry doors , there were security guards all checking the people coming in, near the shops in the mall , there were also men and women doing their own things but also checking their watches.

When the clock hit 12.30 p.m sharp , everybody moved , they took a earpiece activated it , a sound of a man was heard in the earpiece "Move! Move ! Move! "