
The Male Lead Wants To Kill Me

I was doing fine but now I'm in a book!? and the male lead wants to kill me!? Lee Minho was doing a great job at hacking, inside a famous institution. But being impatient as he is, he started reading the last chapter of his favourite novel. Which turned out to be a super bad ending... Due to his anger issues he couldn't keep the rage inside him and made an error leading him to enter that very favourite novel of his. But he is cross dressing as the villainess!? also the male lead's wife who the male lead tries to assasinate!? He needs to prepare himself to survive each and every attack and find out the real villain behind the curtain but what if all he is seeing is nothing but just a lie... A lie that leads to a mistake that he created with his own hands.. Cover generated from ai

clocktwise · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

"Strawberry duke" Ch 15

[No Chapter preview because this is the male lead's POV]

In a certain institution, Ceo Baek is taking his meeting time with multiple people circulating him, but the serious atmosphere gets ruined by a guard breaking in.

The meeting room glares at the guard as he goes up to Ceo.

"Someone is hacking our stats!" The guard whispers.

Ceo Baek gives a proffessional smile.

"Just wait a moment."

He gestures towards his female secretery and both of them along with the guard gets out of the room.


(Seriously how could someone get into our IT room so easily.)

I take big steps towards the IT room.

"Boss walk slowly!"

My secretery speaks in a worried tone. My face serious as I reach the IT room, The gate was open as I step inside.

Multiple CPU were beeping and at the middle a man was laying down.

"There he is!"

I rush towards the man followed by my secretary. I stop and observe the body.

(Is he dead?)

I look at the mini laptop resting on his lap and stare at the screen.

(A novel?)

I look at the unconscious man giving a look of concern.

(Who would read a novel while hacking?)

My eyes fall on his fingertips which were pressing on the update button.


I reach the button and touch it followed by a scream


My ears hear a beeping noise and my vision becomes black.

*Blink Blink*

[Oh you're awake!]

I wake up staring at a big bright room, my body all weak and my head stinging with pain.

"Where am I? who am I?"

I sit up slowly and see a floating box on top of my head.

[ My my it seems like you lost your memory as well.]

I look at the box with suspiscion.

"What's going on?"

[Ahem background music, I found a love for me~]

I glance around the room filled with antiques for a while then back at the box.

[Sooo, you're duke Leo von Louis, you just burnt you're forehead and became unconscious and now you have memory loss. And you're wife's name is Scarlet, who killed your mother though it wasn't proven. Now you have to complete some tasks.]

I stare my mouth open like a black hole.

"What the, then what will I do now!?"

[Don't worry I'll give you task, if you fullfill them you can regain your memory.]

I stare at the box with suspiscion as the box chills in front of me.

"OK, so I just have to do tasks, safe tasks."

[ Yeah, yeah definetly safe.]

(why am I getting a bad feeling?)

[He got used to the plot real quick, amnesia is the best.]


I sit by a big wide garden, looking at a random paper which I don't understand a word of.

"So you're telling me I have to rudely explain to Scarlet my wife that we are visiting the royal family?"


I nervously look at the paper and keep talking with the floating box.

"But you said I also have to make her fall in love with me, how can I do it if I'm being rude?"

[You can do it, here she comes!]

My body tenses up as I keep looking at the paper. Suddenly I feel someone coming up to my table and my view catches a little part of the gown.

(What should I do now?)

[Tell her to sit]


I gulp and speak in a heavy tone .


[Good Job!]

(I finally did it! was that rude?)

I wait for a moment then hear a cracky but rather sweet voice.

"Is this how you behave with your bottom half?" I freeze up.

(Umm system is this the right sentence?)

[I can't cay]

I finally look at my bottom then at Scarlet.

(What a beauty- no!)

I repeat it again and then shout in disbelief.

"How can you be my bottom half!? ew!"

(Shit I got out of my character.)

I relax my body a tiny bit and look at the paper again.

"Don't mind what I said but you look busy as always."

I flinch a little.

(Was I always this busy?)

I slam the paper and put it away.

(Time to get my act right)

I glare at the women in front of me, nervousness still walking in the site of my eyes.

"You're leaving the mansion."

[.... Dumb]

"What do you mean by leaving the mansion?"

Scarlet asks in a sweet and shocked tone.

(What do I say now!?)

I criss-cross my legs and shift my eyes towards mother nature out of nervousness and fear of messing up.

"You heard me." I reply in a deep tone.

(Seriously, she misunderstood what I meant)

[no money, no honey]

After a moment later Scarlet stood up and started walking .

(What the-)

My eyes fill in with anxiety .

"where are you going?"

"Going away"

Scarlet replies dryly and starts walking again.

(No! I messed up!)

I panick and run towards Scarlet, quickly grabbing her hands without thinking.

( Now what?! she froze!)

[I give up.]

I shift my eyes away and speak in a low tone.

"Don't go.."

Scarler doesn't answer as my anxiety increases.

"Just hear me Scarlet."

A moment later I watch her squeeze my hand back and I can't help but feel guilty.

(I was too rude with her.)

She turns back, her face flushed with crimson red and her eyes shocked by something.

(Ok, you can do this)

I take a deep breath and speak.

"So leaving the mansion, I meant is we should visit the main town for a while since the mansion is on the outskirts."

Scarlet pulls her hand out of my hold, and speaks in a beautiful manner.

"Why suddenly?"

[You gotta get your act right.]


I rub my hands on my face and put my act on.

"We are visiting the imperial family."

The expression on Scarlet's face eases up a little bit.

"So when are we going?"

I grit my teeth at the sudden asked question.

(System when!)

[ Umm about 5 days]


I step a bit towards the exit crossing Scarlet.

"5 days later, be prepared."

I was about to go inside but then I stopped again. My brain about to do something stupid. I look back at Scarlet and speak in a sarcastic manner.

"You have gotten clever but you can't beat me."

After that I quickly rush inside the mansion. My face flushed with embarrassment as I leave Scarlet there all alone.


"Ahh! my first task and I already messed up."

I grab my already scribbled up hair in frustration.

[You really made it a freaking love story.]

"Well I can't help it, you said the task would be safe!!"

[Did I?]


I groan in frustration and walk towards the wiggly hall way.

[oh! by the way your next task is to go to the pond.]

I look at the floating box dryly.

"Navigate the way."

[Sure will.]

I walk up to a giant forest surrounded by trees because the forest has trees and in front of me was a pond where a weird half dressed man was sitting.

(Who is he? and why is his dress torn like this?)

[He is important to the plot, now go be friends with him]

"What am I? a kid?" I speak in a bored manner.

[Shoo! or you'll die.]

I sigh and take my steps towards him, suddenly he turns his head back to me and his face gives me a disgusted look.

(He doesn't look friendly to me.)