
The Makeover Project

Ellie Reed is not just your average teenage girl. She is popular because of her twin brother, Elliot. Also, the fact that she is almost friends with the guys in the campus because she acts more of a guy than a girl, she loves to play different kind of sport same as his brother, prefers to hang out with guys rather than girls, but she still has a handful of gal friends, and she does not really like to use make up or even any girly things like skirt. It made guys feel comfortable with her that made it impossible to even treat her like a girl. It does not really bother her at first, because she was happy but what makes her upset about being herself was when she had a crush on Matt Cross. He is the captain of the basketball team, smart and any girl would wish to have. She wanted to change but sometimes, she let her positivity kick in that someday, she would be noticed by him, and they might go out on a date one day. Austin Prince, Elliot’s best friend and Ellie’s enemy is the most popular guy in their school. Every girl in the school is attracted by him and would want to get their hands on him. He’s the football captain, a ladies’ man and holds the reputation of being the bad boy because he always spends his time in detention. Austin and Ellie has always on the verge of ripping each other’s teeth off, they were enemies since they first met and it was because of Austin’s childish acts and bickers that made Ellie think that he was her number one enemy. It does not really bother Ellie of how Austin acts but one day, she had enough of what Austin thinks about her look that gave her the motivation to change. With the help of Ellie’s gal friends, they started the makeover project. A love story that if full of humor, fights, hormonal teenagers, love, teen drama that would make you laugh and cry in the same time.

krsdnlslta · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter 30 – We’re Definitely Screwed


“What’s wrong with you?” Elliot turns his direction at me while my eyes start to fixate on the window beside me.

We’re on our way home to Austin’s house and the confrontation that I had with Elena keeps on bothering me, especially that I lied. I know that I and Austin has feelings for each other but we’re not on the part where I could call him my boyfriend and I can’t believe that I manage to declare that we’re a thing to her when clearly, we’re not.

It looks like I’m some possessive girl which I am not. I just don’t know why I had to tell her that when I shouldn’t. Maybe because I just want to rub it on her face that she has to get over it and move on or there is a little part of me that is somehow afraid that Austin will finally recognize that he still has some unfinished feelings for her.

I don’t know what to do anymore.

First, I haven’t been honest with my best friends and Elliot.

And now, I have to lie about the relationship that I have with Austin.