

The wind was blowing past the tall tower of the Greenbrier town. Two men , each with a child in hands walked through the cramped streets.

The men looked completely different, one tall and bulky, the other skinny and well built,however they seemed somewhat alike.

Suddenly a thunder storm formed in the skies above them, the men seemed flustered as they fastened they're pace.The sky gradually turned red as an invisible pressure fell on the men. A roar that seemed to make the very heavens tremble came from the distance.

"It's coming close , take Ling-er ,I'll hold it back." The skinny man gave his child to the tall person."If you survive this disaster,I swear i will find you"Said the bulky man as he hesitantly took the child and started sprinting up the street.

The skinny man suddenly started floating as a briliant aura surrounded him.He moved slightly but he traveled for hundreds of meters.

Another roar sounded as the man trembled.Although he was scared , his eyes were full of unyielding resolve. A faint golden light seeped out of the mans hands as a gigantic hundreed foot tall sword apeared.it seemed to be able to sever the skies.

"I may die here but i wont leave you unscathed!"the man roared as he moved forward.

A gigantic dragon apeared in his field of vision, its bloddy red scales gave everyone who saw it a chill , the majestic wings seemed as if made by the hands of devil itself.The onlookers hid as fast as they could.

The beast approached the man with insane speed as the man slashed with his sword.

An insane burst of light erupted as the two colided.The man was flung into the air as he spat a mouthful of blood.

"You are definitely a strong opponent,I shall let you witness my whole power!"

An insane burst of energy consumed the mans body as the pores on his body opened and blood seeped through.The once briliant aura of his turned bloddy red as if he was a god of killing.

He slashed his sword with extreme force and even greater speed than before.

However before the almighty ancient beast he seemed as little as an ant.The dragon swiftly moved his tail as he clashed directly with the sword.

The man could not endure the massive force of the dragon as he was flung into the tower of Greenbrier.The sudden impact plus the forbidden technique he used before consumed almost all of his lifeforce.

Mustering every bit of strength the man roared "I shall perish today but i will make sure you can't hurt Ling-er!"

Said the man as an inconceivable array formed on the ground ten kilometers wide.The sudden sight of the array seemed to slow down the dragons movements and before he could react, thousands of blood black shackles appeared in the air and bind him down.The array closed on with every second as the dragon got surrounded by shackles.The array did not stop with just that ,after encircling the dragon it shrunk to the size of a little pebble as it flew into the dragons body that seemed unscathed.

The man coughed a mouthfull of purple blood as a shadow appeared behind him seemingly waiting to take him away.

"My time in this world comes to an end here,I did everything I could, its your turn now first brother"The man said as the shadow suddenly touched his head, his whole being seemed to be turning liquid.The shadow opened a gourd and absorbed it inside.It shadow seemed very pleased as he transformed into smoke and dispersed in the air.

The dragon seemed extremely pissed off by this turn of events,not only was he not able to capture the kid that he desired so much, he even got cursed by a measly human.